
English I

bhdpo1190  2023-2024  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

English I
5.00 credits
45.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Leisterh David; Longrée Françoise (coordinator); Ochsenmeier Erwin (coordinator);
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

The objective of the English team in Bloc 1 is to facilitate you progress from a lower intermediate (A2) level of English to an intermediate level (B1).Interactive classes in combination with home preparations will help you improve both your lexical competence and grammar knowledge as well as your other skills: speaking (top-priority), listening i.e. understanding spoken and written English (press file).
- How to ‘Communicate in English’
- Press File.
- Basic Grammar revision (self-study). A Grammar coaching of ⁄ hour is organized every week!

The following topics will be covered :
- Socializing
- Social Media (Facebook,…)
- Telephoning
- Phonetics
- How to write an e-mail
- The British Press
- How to find a job (Introduction to the Language of Companies)
Teaching methods
HDPO1190A - English I - Q1 [1 Q. • 18 Th. • Pond. : 25%]
HDPO1190B - English I - Q2 [2 Q. • 18 Th. • Pond. : 75%]
* Interactive Teaching Approach
Evaluation methods
N.B.: this course is based on continuous assessment, both oral and written. Your active participation and involvement are of the utmost importance. There is no exam in June. The final grade is determined by the oral, written tests as well as continuous assessment throughout the year.

- Oral expression: 10 points
It is based on continuous assessment throughout the year and the Oral Exam in April.
Students are required to participate in class activities. Participation, knowledge of the vocabulary, mastering oral exercises, etc. will be evaluated all year long.

- Written expression: 10 points
Basic Grammar (self-study) , listening comprehension, vocabulary.
It is based on regular tests and two exams, one in December, the other one in May.

- Q1 and Q2:
Q1 : The exams in December (written + oral) account for 25% of the points (mark for Q1). A mark, equivalent to or above 10/20 exempts students from this subject matter for the year. The result will be noted in the January report.

Q2 : The exams in April (written + oral), as well as continuous evaluation all year long (participation, assignments, press file, debates,…) are part of the grade for Q2. This mark accounts for 75% of the points.
10/20 is the pass mark that will exempt you from this subject matter for the year.

It is very important for the students to be as active as possible in class. Their involvement, their knowledge of vocabulary, their mastery of oral exercises etc., will indeed be assessed throughout the whole year.

-) Written part: 20 points

This part is based on an ongoing evaluation during the lessons through regular testing (4 points) and on 2 summary tests organised in December and in April (8 points each).

These written examinations cover grammatical questions (12 points) as well as the listening comprehensions and the vocabulary studied in class (8 points).

-) Exemptions from the June exam:

Students will be exempted if the four following conditions are fulfilled:
1. they have attended the course according to the attendance rules (see below);
2. their level is satisfactory (at least B1);
3. they spared no effort to complete all exercises and course preparations;
4. they obtained a mark of at least 10/20 for the whole course (oral and written part), regardless of the results they got for each part. The final mark will be indicated on the notice boards at the beginning of May.

A student, who is not satisfied with his/her final mark, can try to improve it by taking the June examination (oral and written). In this case only the final examination mark will be taken into account.

Attendance to the interactive courses is compulsory.
Only 3 unjustified absences are allowed throughout the year. However, if the student is absent for one of the tests, his/her mark will be 0/20 for this test.
Beyond these three absences, every additional absence will have to be justified and explained by a medical certificate or a written excuse duly-substantiated. In case of an absence justified with a medical certificate, the student is excused for any test made that day.
Beyond 3 absences, the student will not be exemptible anymore (except if he/she has a legitimate reason).

If the student is absent 10 times or more during the whole year without any legitimate reason, his final mark will automatically be 0/20.
Other information
Syllabus ANGL 1191 / HDPO1190 2017-2018
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Political Sciences (shift schedule)