
English II

bhdpo1290  2023-2024  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

English II
5.00 credits
45.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Fontana Milena; Longrée Françoise (coordinator); Ochsenmeier Erwin (coordinator);

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

The aim of Bloc 2 is to develop the students' language competence from a pre-intermediate level (B1 - independent user) to an upper intermediate level (B2). Interactive classes, combined with homework, will help improve the students' vocabulary and grammar while developing the other skills. Emphasis will be put on speaking, listening and reading comprehension (top priority), and writing (press file and writing exercises).
- Presentation and debates on current news topics and on socio-professional aspects ; press articles, news from the web, TV news.
-Press File.
- Basic Grammar revision (self-study) and Advanced Grammar: connectives, advanced tenses, reported speech, modals and semi-auxiliaries.

The following topics will be covered:
- Junk food vs. Slow food
- Rethinking the European Union
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Humanitarian aid
Teaching methods
Communicative and interactive teaching Approach.
Evaluation methods
N.B. This course is based on continuous assessment, both oral and written. Your active participation and involvement are of the utmost importance. There is no exam in June. The final grade is determined by the oral, written tests as well as continuous assessment throughout the year.

- Oral expression: 10 points
It is based on continuous assessment throughout the year and two tests in December and in April.
Students are required to participate in class activities. Participation, knowledge of the vocabulary, mastering oral exercises, etc. will be evaluated all year long.

- Written expression: 10 points
Basic Grammar (self-study) and Advanced Grammar, listening comprehension, vocabulary and writing skills.
It is based on regular tests and two exams, one in December, the other one in May.

- Q1 (1st Term) and Q2 (2nd Term):
Q1 : The exams in December (written + oral) and the presentation in class of articles 1 and 2 of the press file account for 40% of the points (mark for Q1). A mark equivalent to or above 10/20 exempts students from this subject matter for the year. The result will be noted in the January report.

Q2 : The exams in May (written + oral), as well as continuous evaluation all year long based on assignments, press file (articles 3 and 4, introduction and conclusion) and debates are part of the grade for Q2. This mark accounts for 60% of the points.
10/20 is the pass mark that will exempt you from this subject matter for the year.
Other information
Attendance is compulsory! You may not exceed 3 absences during the whole year unless you have a medical certificate.
If you are absent 4 times or more in total without a medical certificate, your continuous assessment grade will be affected.
If you are absent the day of an oral or written test, you must have a medical certificate; otherwise you score 0 for that test (0A).
Syllabus English II - Social, Economic & Political Matters, Espo Bloc 2 - 2018-2019.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Political Sciences (shift schedule)