
At Louvain-la-Neuve
120 credits - 2 years
Day schedule - In French
Programme acronym: HORI2M
Francophone Certification Framework : 7
Dissertation/Graduation Project : YES
Internship : optional
Activities in English: optional
Activities in other languages : optional
Activities on other sites : optional
Organized by:

Main study domain :


The Master [120] in Ancient Languages and Literatures: Oriental Studies focuses on the ability to analyse and analyse Oriental texts in a critical way in the original language. It provides the tools necessary for a contextual reading of texts and gives an introduction to the most up to date research techniques in the fields being studied. The courses on advanced issues, personal assignments and seminars offer direct contact with the most recent research in these areas.

Your profile


  • have demonstrated your liking for Oriental literary and linguistic subjects;
  • have a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Letters or Philosophy or Theology and you have discovered a strong interest in the ancient Orient;
  • are looking for a training course which will allow you to make up your programme according to your areas of interest;
  • wish to gain knowledge of the ancient Orient through reading original sources.
Your future job

Our graduates work in the private and public sectors as well as research. They have various jobs and roles; their training has given them the necessary flexibility, the rigour and the ability to learn.

The intellectual rigour and open-mindedness which they acquire during the training enables them to make their mark rapidly in their work environment, even if they do not necessarily already have all the specific technical skills.

Your programme

The Master’s degree offers you

  • methodological training which is both demanding and applied;
  • an à la carte programme of specialisation linked to the latest progress in research;
  • learning based on the acquisition of recent tools in oriental philology;
  • wide interdisciplinary range : history, archaeology, philosophy, etc.;
  • the possibility of a study visit abroad and taking part in the work of research teams.