> Dominique Chariot (compensates Bertrand Hamaide)
Dominique Chariot
(compensates Bertrand Hamaide)


> Oscar Bernal Diaz (compensates Alexandre Girard)
Oscar Bernal Diaz
(compensates Alexandre Girard)


> Thierry Kochuyt (compensates Benedikte Zitouni)
> Benedikte Zitouni


> Thibaut Slingeneyer de Goeswin (compensates Diane Bernard)
Thibaut Slingeneyer de Goeswin
(compensates Diane Bernard)

> Gabriela de Pierpont (compensates Pierre Jadoul)
> Yannick Ninane
> Yannick Ninane (compensates Pierre Jadoul)
Gabriela de Pierpont
(compensates Pierre Jadoul)
Yannick Ninane
Yannick Ninane
(compensates Pierre Jadoul)


> Nathan Uyttendaele (compensates Cédric Heuchenne)
Nathan Uyttendaele
(compensates Cédric Heuchenne)

This unit can be replaced - without guarantee of time compatibility - by one of the following courses: ICT Management in English (EKULB1328) or ICT Management (EKULB1329) in Dutch.


> Gerlanda Cipolla
> Marleen Cré
> Sebastiano Ferrari
> Milena Fontana
> Julie George Garkov
> Priscilla Hemeleers
> David Leisterh
> Françoise Longrée (coord.)
> Isabelle Lukau
> Erwin Ochsenmeier (coord.)
> Melissa Uzumcuoglu
Gerlanda Cipolla
Marleen Cré
Sebastiano Ferrari
Milena Fontana
Julie George Garkov
Priscilla Hemeleers
David Leisterh
Françoise Longrée
Isabelle Lukau
Erwin Ochsenmeier
Melissa Uzumcuoglu

> Julie George Garkov
> Priscilla Hemeleers
> Françoise Longrée (coord.)
> Isabelle Lukau
> Erwin Ochsenmeier (coord.)
> Madeline Riordan
Julie George Garkov
Priscilla Hemeleers
Françoise Longrée
Isabelle Lukau
Erwin Ochsenmeier
Madeline Riordan

> Isolde Boutsen (coord.)
> Astrid De Munter (coord.)
> Guy Sirjacobs

> Gerlanda Cipolla
> Marleen Cré
> Sebastiano Ferrari
> Julie George Garkov
> Priscilla Hemeleers
> Françoise Longrée (coord.)
> Isabelle Lukau
> Erwin Ochsenmeier (coord.)
> Madeline Riordan
Gerlanda Cipolla
Marleen Cré
Sebastiano Ferrari
Julie George Garkov
Priscilla Hemeleers
Françoise Longrée
Isabelle Lukau
Erwin Ochsenmeier
Madeline Riordan

> Isolde Boutsen (coord.)
> Astrid De Munter (coord.)
> Barbara Fraipont
> Pauline Heyvaert

Students must choose optional course totalling 5 credits.

If the student has registered the ICT Management course (EKULB1329) in their program, the optional teaching unit can also be chosen from:

> Caroline Buts (compensates Jean-Christophe Defraigne)
Caroline Buts
(compensates Jean-Christophe Defraigne)