BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Spatial epidemiology meeting\, 2024 edition DTSTART:20240919 DTEND:20240919 DESCRIPTION:We are looking forward to host you in Louvain-la-Neuve on Septembre 19th and 20th! The meeting will take place in room Océan in the building de Serres at place Croix du Sud Program LOCATION:Ocean room B002\, (Building De Serres\, place Croix du Sud\, Louvain-la-Neuve)\, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eadad END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Les rencontres du Management Humain DTSTART:20240919 DTEND:20240919 DESCRIPTION: L’objectif de ces premières rencontres du Management Humain est de rassembler la communauté d’enseignant·es-chercheur·es et de praticien·nes du Management Humain afin d’organiser un partage d’expériences\, structurer cette communauté\, et nourrir la pratique\, l’enseignement et la recherche en Management Humain. La rencontre s’organise en deux temps distincts : une matinée réservée aux enseignants-chercheurs. Cette année\, l’ambition est de partager des bonnes pratiques en matière d’enseignement du Management Humain (partage de deux ou trois pratiques existantes\, co-construction d’un dispositif d’apprentissage du MH par public cible…) \; un après-midi pour les praticiens et praticiennes du Management Humain. Cette année\, l’ambition est de partager des bonnes pratiques de Management Humain (partage de deux ou trois pratiques ou projets \; échanges par thèmes (politique MH \; évaluation \; carrière \; …) et mise en commun de pratiques concrètes de mise en œuvre du MH) \; Bien entendu\, les communautés sont amenées à se croiser à l’occasion d’un lunch commun et d’une participation croisée aux événements\, ainsi qu’à l’occasion d’une conférence plénière. Cette journée de rencontres se tiendra le 19 septembre 2024 à Louvain-la-Neuve\, à l’Сư洫ý\, LouRIM\, Place des doyens\, 1 (gare de Louvain-la-Neuve (terminus\, à partir d’Ottignies)\, à proximité de Bruxelles (25 minutes).  \; La journée se tiendra à l’Aula Magna. Modalités d’accès - Hôtels proches et recommandés : Martin’s (sur le campus\, face à l’Aula Magna) et IBIS Styles (à 12 minutes à pieds).  \; Inscription gratuite mais obligatoire via ce formulaire\, avant le 20 juin.  \; Comité d’organisation \;: Caroline Ruiller (IGR-IAE Rennes)\, Anne Dietrich (IAE Lille University School of Management)\, Antoine Inglebert-Frydman (LouRIM\, UCLouvain)\, Laurent Taskin (LouRIM &\; LSM\, UCLouvain). LOCATION:Aula Magna\, \, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eadb7 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Exploration of uncertainty-aware energy transition pathways by Xavier RIXHON DTSTART:20240919 DTEND:20240919 DESCRIPTION:The global imperative to reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions necessitates adaptive energy transition strategies. This thesis examines uncertainty-aware energy transition pathways\, focusing on the Belgian energy system. The research aims to understand how varying degrees of foresight and uncertainties in technology\, resource\, and policy influence transition outcomes. The study employs a multi-faceted approach\, integrating advanced energy system modeling with uncertainty quantification. The EnergyScope Pathway model optimizes energy transition pathways\, analyzing how different energy sources\, including renewables and electrofuels\, can meet defossilization targets. Polynomial Chaos Expansion (PCE) is used to address uncertainties\, offering a computationally efficient method to explore how variations in key inputs impact the model's outputs. Additionally\, the research incorporates agent-based reinforcement learning (RL) to model decision-making with limited foresight. This approach explores realistic\, myopic strategies where actions are optimized based on short-term outcomes. The comparison between perfect foresight and myopic strategies reveals significant trade-offs between immediate costs and long-term sustainability. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is applied to reduce data complexity and highlight the most influential variables affecting energy transition outcomes. PCA enables a focused interpretation of how factors such as technology costs and energy demand contribute to overall uncertainty\, aiding in more informed decision-making. Key findings emphasize the critical role of renewable electrofuels in deep defossilization\, particularly when domestic renewable energy is insufficient. The results suggest that the success of RL-based myopic strategies depends on early emissions reductions and infrastructure development for energy imports. With PCA\, this work shows that massively integrating local renewables (solar and wind) thanks to a deeper electrification of the demand\, enhances the robustness of the technological roadmap. This thesis provides insights into the complexities of energy transition planning under uncertainty\, offering guidance for policymakers and researchers on the importance of adaptive strategies that can respond to evolving technological\, economic\, and environmental conditions.  \; Jury members : Prof. Francesco Contino (UCLouvain\, Belgium)\, supervisor Prof. Hervé Jeanmart (UCLouvain\, Belgium)\, supervisor Prof.  \;Paul Fisette (UCLouvain\, Belgium)\, chairperson Dr. Stefano Moret (ETH Zurich\, Switzerland) Prof. Sylvain Quoilin (ULiège\, Belgium) Prof. Stefan Pfenninger (TU Delft\, The Netherlands) Prof. Christophe De Vleeschouwer (UClouvain\, Belgium)  \; Visio conference link :  \; LOCATION:Place Sainte Barbe\, auditorium BARB 91\, \, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eadbe END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Time-scale dependent modeling and control of LVDC microgrids by Eduardo VASQUEZ MAYEN DTSTART:20240920 DTEND:20240920 DESCRIPTION:In the current evolving distribution grid\, microgrids are emerging as valuable tools that can facilitate the integration of renewable energies. In recent years\, DC microgrids have garnered interest due to several advantages. These advantages include fewer conversions\, the absence of reactive power and frequency\, and lower line losses. As a developing technology\, many aspects must be studied to facilitate their implementation. This thesis aims to contribute to a better understanding of DC microgrids. The following work provides an overview of the current state of DC microgrids. Their advantages over AC microgrids are discussed and illustrated. The different topologies and DC bus configurations are described. Potential power quality issues are examined. The current challenges of the technology are explored. Finally\, the current state of standardization and existing implementations are detailed.  \; This work presents three major contributions. First\, an overview and comparison of different control methods for converters in DC microgrids are provided. Both first-level controls and second-level controls are detailed and simulated. The second contribution of this work concerns a power flow algorithm tailored for DC microgrids. This power flow method is adapted for bipolar DC microgrids and further developed as a sequential power flow. This sequential power flow allows the study of the behavior of a DC microgrid over extended periods. The sequential power flow is then used to compare the performance of unipolar and bipolar DC microgrids. The final contribution of this work concerns the modeling of High-Frequency AC link three-port DC/DC/DC converters. The functioning of this type of converter is covered in detail. An averaged model and possible control schemes for this type of converter are proposed.  \; Jury members : Prof. Emmanuel De Jaeger (UCLouvain\, Belgium)\, supervisor Prof. Hervé Jeanmart (UCLouvain\, Belgium)\, chairperson Prof. Bruno Dehez (UCLouvain\, Belgium) Prof. Marc Bekemans (UCLouvain\, Belgium) Dr. Benoît Bidaine (CE+T Power\, Belgium) Prof. Jan Desmet (University of Ghent\, Belgium)  \; Visio conference link : LOCATION:Place Sainte Barbe\, auditorium BARB 91\, \, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eadc5 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:YRD : Young Researchers Day | September 20\, 2024 DTSTART:20240920 DTEND:20240920 DESCRIPTION:  \; Program: 09:00 – 09:05 : Opening Abstracts for YRD September 20\, 2024: 09:05 - 09:25 : Anas Mourahib Title: Statistics of Extremes Abstract: On September 7\, 2024\, a flood tragically claimed the lives of at least 18 people in southern Morocco. To prevent such disasters in the future\, we aim to construct a dike that is 1 meter higher than the ``once per 10000 year'' sea level. The challenge is that we have less than 100 years of data\, which is similar to estimating the likelihood of an event that has not yet occurred. This is where Extreme Value Theory (EVT)\, a branch of statistics developed since the 1970s\, comes into play. In this presentation\, we will introduce two well-established main methods in EVT: the Block Maxima approach and the Threshold Exceedances approach. A brief application will follow to demonstrate how these methods can help in designing the dike. 09:25 - 09:50 : Stephane Lhaut Title: Testing parametric models for the angular measure for bivariate extremes Abstract: The angular measure on the unit sphere characterizes the first-order dependence structure of the components of a random vector in extreme regions and is defined in terms of standardized margins. Its statistical recovery is an important step in learning problems involving observations far away from the center. In this paper\, we consider the goodness-of- fit problem which consists of testing the adequacy of the extremal dependence structure of a bivariate random sample to a given parametric model. The proposed test statistic consists of a weighted L1-Wasserstein distance between a purely non-parametric\, rank-based\, estimator of the true angular measure obtained by maximizing a Euclidean likelihood\, and an estimated version of the angular measure under the postulated parametric model. The asymptotic distribution of the test statistic is derived and used to obtain critical values for the proposed testing procedure via a parametric bootstrap. Consistency of the bootstrap algorithm is proved. A simulation study illustrates the finite-sample performance of the test for two popular models: the logistic and the Hüsler-Reiss models. 09:50 - 10:15 : Benjamin Deketelaere Title: Quantile Regression with a Censored Covariate Abstract: In the last few years\, there has been growing interest in regression with censored covariates. This is of interest e.g. when studying the symptom trajectory of a neurodegenerative disease. We are interested in studying quantile regression models with covariates that are either left\, right or interval censored. \; Quantile regression offers many advantages over more classical mean regression\, like e.g. its ability to study the whole distribution as opposed to the center of the distribution. For instance\, in a study on the factors that influence high blood pressure\, quantile regression allows to focus on the factors that are important for individuals in the upper tail of the blood pressure distribution. We propose a linear quantile regression model\, and propose a two-stage estimation procedure of the regression coefficients\, in which both steps are based on maximum likelihood estimation. The first step consists in modeling the distribution of the censored covariate given the other covariates\, whereas in the second step the quantile regression coefficients are estimated. To do this\, we propose to use families of enriched exponential and enriched Laplace distributions\, respectively\, both of which use Laguerre polynomial expansions to make the families sufficiently rich and flexible. We investigate the finite sample performance of the proposed method by means of extensive simulations. \; The developed methodology is also used to study the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data on the factors influencing high blood pressure. 10:15 - 10:40 : Coffee break \; 10:40 - 11:15 : Patricia Ortega-Jiménez Title: Comparisons of VaR and CoVaR in terms of the value of the conditional variable. Abstract: Let us consider a random vector (X\, Y ). Given a risk level v ∈ [0\, 1]\, the most extended risk measure is the Value at Risk\, V aRv(Y ) = F−1(v)\, which represents the maximum expected loss. However\, the V aRv (Y ) measures the risk of the single institution without accounting for interactions with other risks. A dependence-adjusted version of the Value at Risk is the Co- Value at risk\, CoV aRv\,u(Y |X)\, which stands for V aRv(Y |X = V aRu(X)) for the risk levels v ∈ [0\,1] and u ∈ [0\,1]. Our goal is to find the values of the institution X that lead to the CoV aR being greater than the V aR of Y \, as relying solely on the V aR may not be sufficient to face financial losses. We compare these two measures in terms of the risk-level of the conditional variable\, u. For v ∈ (0\, 1)\, under regularity conditions and a positive dependence structure\, there exists a unique cut point uv such that CoV aRv\,uv (Y |X) ≥ V aRv(Y ) if and only if u ≥ uv. We will see that this value uv only depends on the dependence structure of the vector. In addition we will discuss sufficient conditions and implications of the existence of an upper bound u∗ ∈ (0\, 1) such that. \; uv ≤u∗ forall v∈(0\,1). Several examples of copulas with bounded and unbounded cut points are analyzed and a non-parametric estimator is provided. The presented results are mainly based on the recent paper: Ortega-Jiménez\, P.\, Pellerey\, F.\, Sordo\, M. A.\, and Suárez-Llorens\, A. (2024). Probability equivalent level for CoVaR and VaR. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics\, 115\, 22-35. 11:15 - 11:40 : Oussama Belhouari Title: The Three-step method in a dynamic setting Abstract: A crucial issue in a dynamic framework\, is how risk valuations at different times are interrelated. In this regard\, the notion of time consistency was widely introduced and discussed in the literature. A time-consistent dynamic valuation is a pricing method according to which a product that will be\, in almost all states of nature\, cheaper than another one at a future date should already be cheaper today. Common actuarial premium principles are not time consistent. To this end\, we link the latter with an iterated property. This paper aims at constructing a time-consistent\, dynamic version of the Three-step method introduced in [Deelstra and Hieber\, 2020]\, employing a backward iteration scheme. The backward scheme is exemplified in a dual-iteration approach using a classical application\, specifically a Pure Endowment. Furthermore\, we explore the continuous-time limit of the backward scheme\, incorporating profit-sharing into the Pure Endowment to investigate a hybrid life payoff. Our analysis reveals that\, due to time consistency\, the price of the actuarial component in the Three-step method undergoes a substantial increase. To address this\, and in accordance with [Devolder and Lebègue\, 2016]\, we present a reduced time-consistent variant by decreasing the safety loads in each iterative step of the backward scheme. 11:40 - 12:15 : Luc Boone Title: Application of inverse probability of censoring weighting (IPCW) in open-label cancer clinical trials with centrally reviewed endpoints: Illustrating and extending the methodology Abstract: Blinding of investigators (and patients) in randomized controlled trials is not always feasible. For subjective endpoints or outcome measures\, this is especially problematic considering that assessment bias cannot be ruled out. In oncology\, the endpoint progression-free survival (PFS) is commonly used and is defined as the time from randomization until tumor progression or death\, whichever occurs first.  \; Tumor progression assessment is mostly done through radiographic images\, which is prone to assessment bias in open-label (non-blinded) clinical trials. Blinded independent central review (BICR) of endpoints such as progression-free survival is carried out in open-label cancer trials to mitigate assessment bias of unblinded local investigators. In many cases\, BICR takes places retrospectively. Patients for whom progressive disease was not confirmed by BICR are commonly censored at the last time of (local investigator) assessment\, in the absence of follow-up radiographic assessment. The censoring for such unconfirmed progressions is generally assumed to be independent when estimating survival curves and hazard ratios\, which is questionable. Rather\, the censoring in this case might be dependent and violate the assumption of independent censoring\, and bias the commonly used estimators. The goals of the research project are to: First\, illustrate and study the application of inverse probability of censoring weighting (IPCW) to adjust for dependent censoring (Robins\, 1993) in the context of open-label cancer clinical trials with centrally reviewed subjective endpoints\; Second\, propose and study the extension of the methodology of IPCW in the described setting through the use of joint models for longitudinal and time-to-event data\; And lastly\, offer recommendations to applied clinical trial statisticians on when and how to implement the illustrated and proposed methods. - \; \; \; Robins JM. Information recovery and bias adjustment in proportional hazards regression analysis of randomized trials using surrogate markers. Proceedings of the Biopharmaceutical Section\, American Statistical Association 1993\; 24–33.  \;  \; DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eadcc END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Biological Possibility: Can Chance Show Us the Way? DTSTART:20240920 DTEND:20240920 DESCRIPTION:Cefises seminar\, with Marco Casali (UCLouvain) DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eadd3 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Prof An GHYSELS - UGent DTSTART:20240923 DTEND:20240923 DESCRIPTION:Monday\, September 23\, 2024 - 1pm - Auditoire Maisin Prof An GHYSELS - PhD\, IBiTech - research group Biophysical Modeling for Biomedical Applications (BioMMedA)\, UGent Modeling permeation of membranes: atomic-scale resolution with molecular dynamics simulations Related publications: An Ghysels\, Andreas Krämer\, Richard M. Venable\, Walter E. Teague Jr\, Edward Lyman\, Klaus Gawrisch &\; Richard W. Pastor. Permeability of membranes in the liquid ordered and liquid disordered phases. Nature Communications\, volume 10\, Article number: 5616 (2019). Samaneh Davoudi\, Koen Raemdonck\, Kevin Braeckmans\, An Ghysels. Capric Acid and Myristic Acid Permeability Enhancers in Curved Liposome Membranes. J Chem Inf Model 2023 Nov 13\;63(21):6789-6806. Info: DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eadd8 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:GRICE Q1 DTSTART:20240923 DTEND:20240923 DESCRIPTION:Seminar organised by the "Groupe de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur la Crise Ecologique" (GRICE). DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eadde END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:PhD workshop: Writing a paper for Journal Publication DTSTART:20240924 DTEND:20240924 DESCRIPTION: One of the primary missions of universities is the creation and dissemination of knowledge. Consequently\, doctoral programs globally focus on how to train students to do quality research that could be published in reputable and high-quality journals. However\, the high-quality and leading journals in all areas of business have low acceptance rates. This has led to an interest in how to increase the quality of papers that are submitted for publication in high-quality journals in business. This workshop will focus on presenting a set of guidelines for writing one part of the paper – the introduction. This is because the introduction is one of the most important parts of the paper. It also helps to position the paper in such a way that the contribution is clearly articulated.  \;  \; Moses Acquaah Bio Dr. Moses Acquaah is a Professor and Director of the PhD program in Business Administration and former Head of the Department of Management in the Bryan School of Business and Economics\, University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG)\, and a Carnegie African Diaspora Fellow. Dr. Acquaah received his PhD in Organizations and Strategic Management from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee\, USA. He has an MA in Economics and an MBA from Simon Fraser University\, Canada\, a Post-Graduate Diploma in Development Studies from the University of Cambridge\, UK\, and a BA in Social Sciences (Economics and Geography) from the University of Science and Technology\, Ghana. His current research focuses on strategic management\, international management\, sustainability\, entrepreneurship\, and family businesses in emerging economies. \; \; Dr. Acquaah has published over 80 articles in several internationally recognized journals\, conference proceedings and book chapters. Some of the journals include the Strategic Management Journal\, Human Relations\, Journal of Business Research\, Strategic Organization\, Journal of International Management\, International Journal of Production Economics\, International Journal of Production Research\, Journal of Cleaner Production\, International Business Review\, Journal of Managerial Psychology\, Africa Journal of Management and Journal of Family Business Strategy. \; \; He is the President of the Africa Academy of Management (AFAM)\, the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of African Business\, Associate Editor at the Journal of Business Research\, and a Consulting Editor at the Journal of Comparative International Management. \; Dr. Acquaah is the Editor of the one of the foremost books on family business in Africa entitled\, Family Businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa: Behavioral and Strategic Perspectives published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2016. He serves on the Editorial Review Boards of several journals. \; \; Dr. Acquaah’s work has won competitive research grants from organizations such as the Marion Ewing Kauffman Foundation\, USA\; the Family Owned Business Institute (FOBI)\, USA\; Emerald Publishing Group\, U.K.\; and the Network for Business Sustainability\, South Africa. Dr. Acquaah also served as the Vice-President for Membership\, Academy of African Business and Development (AABD)\, from 2011-2016\, and the Vice President and Treasurer of the Africa Academy of Management (AFAM). He was the Academy of Management’s Strategic Management (formerly Business Policy and Strategy) Division’s Global Representative for Africa from 2011-2013. \; \;  \; LOCATION:Vaes room\, Place des Doyens\, 1\, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eade4 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:IRES Lunch Seminar - Andualem Assefa Welde\, University of Macerata DTSTART:20240924 DTEND:20240924 DESCRIPTION: Andualem Assefa Welde (University of Macerata) will give a presentation on Social Division and Preferences for Redistribution Abstract: \;Why is income redistribution almost nonexistent in Sub-Saharan Africa\, despite it being one of the most unequal regions? Rising inequality does not automatically lead to redistributive taxation. The main aim of this study is to identify the key factors that shape individual preference for redistribution policies\, with an emphasis on issues related to social stratification\, such as ethnic favoritism and discrimination. The study relies on data from the 8th round Afrobarometer survey (2019-2022) \, which introduced a range of questions on redistribution. LOCATION:LECL 61\, Place Montesquieu 1\, \, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eadec END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Research seminar: Family Business Research in Africa DTSTART:20240925 DTEND:20240925 DESCRIPTION: Family businesses are very important to every economy in the world. \; Research has shown that most micro\, small and medium-sized enterprises in the world are family businesses. \; Consequently\, the last twenty-five years has seen a tremendous surge in interest in family business research in the management field. Despite this burst in family business research globally\, the quantity of research focusing on Africa is insignificant. Thus\, there is a dearth of knowledge on family businesses in Africa\, despite their prevalence in the economies of the countries on the continent. This presentation reviews and assesses the literature on family businesses in Africa with special emphasis on what has been studied and what the studies tell us about the state of family businesses. I conduct a content analysis of family business studies in Africa that were published in peer-reviewed journals. The findings will enable us to take stock of the quality and quantity of family business research in Africa which are critical in encouraging knowledge creation and generation on the continent. ACCESS ON TEAMS  \; Moses Acquaah Bio Dr. Moses Acquaah is a Professor and Director of the PhD program in Business Administration and former Head of the Department of Management in the Bryan School of Business and Economics\, University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG)\, and a Carnegie African Diaspora Fellow. Dr. Acquaah received his PhD in Organizations and Strategic Management from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee\, USA. He has an MA in Economics and an MBA from Simon Fraser University\, Canada\, a Post-Graduate Diploma in Development Studies from the University of Cambridge\, UK\, and a BA in Social Sciences (Economics and Geography) from the University of Science and Technology\, Ghana. His current research focuses on strategic management\, international management\, sustainability\, entrepreneurship\, and family businesses in emerging economies. \; \; Dr. Acquaah has published over 80 articles in several internationally recognized journals\, conference proceedings and book chapters. Some of the journals include the Strategic Management Journal\, Human Relations\, Journal of Business Research\, Strategic Organization\, Journal of International Management\, International Journal of Production Economics\, International Journal of Production Research\, Journal of Cleaner Production\, International Business Review\, Journal of Managerial Psychology\, Africa Journal of Management and Journal of Family Business Strategy. \; \; He is the President of the Africa Academy of Management (AFAM)\, the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of African Business\, Associate Editor at the Journal of Business Research\, and a Consulting Editor at the Journal of Comparative International Management. \; Dr. Acquaah is the Editor of the one of the foremost books on family business in Africa entitled\, Family Businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa: Behavioral and Strategic Perspectives published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2016. He serves on the Editorial Review Boards of several journals. \; \; Dr. Acquaah’s work has won competitive research grants from organizations such as the Marion Ewing Kauffman Foundation\, USA\; the Family Owned Business Institute (FOBI)\, USA\; Emerald Publishing Group\, U.K.\; and the Network for Business Sustainability\, South Africa. Dr. Acquaah also served as the Vice-President for Membership\, Academy of African Business and Development (AABD)\, from 2011-2016\, and the Vice President and Treasurer of the Africa Academy of Management (AFAM). He was the Academy of Management’s Strategic Management (formerly Business Policy and Strategy) Division’s Global Representative for Africa from 2011-2013. \; \;  \;  \; LOCATION:DOYE21\, Place des Doyens\, 1\, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eadf2 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CORE Brown Bag Seminar - Leïla Van Keirsbilck  DTSTART:20240925 DTEND:20240925 DESCRIPTION:  \; Leïla Van Keirsbilck \;(LIDAM. CORE) The transmission of shocks across sectors and the dynamics of sectoral prices This paper explores the dynamics of U.S. sectoral producer prices in a large Bayesian vector autoregressive (BVAR) model that uses the Input-Output matrix and the Investment Flow matrix to inform the prior. We first validate our model by comparing its performance in terms of forecasting headline inflation. We then analyze the effects of sectoral and aggregate shocks\, identified via external instruments\, on different sectoral prices and on aggregate variables. Our contribute to a deeper understanding of sectoral price dynamics\, offering insights for monetary and fiscal policy decisions in the face of inflationary pressures.  \; \;Leïla Van Keirsbilck  \;  \; DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eadfa END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:UCLouvain Economic Seminar - Michael McMahon\, Oxford University DTSTART:20240926 DTEND:20240926 DESCRIPTION: Michael McMahon (University of Oxford) Will give a presentation on Tough Talk: The Fed and the Risk Premium Abstract: We study how monetary policy affects financial risk premia. Unlike existing studies\, we focus on the Federal Open Market Committee’s (FOMC’s) forward-looking policy stance\, beyond the current announcement and macroeconomic forecasts\, which we derive from the policymakers’private deliberations. A more hawkish policymakers’ stance in the FOMC meeting predicts lower risk premia during the intermeeting period. This effect is not explained by the content of the FOMC statement and unfolds gradually after the announcement. We document the importance of intermeeting communication via speeches and minutes to show how communicating forward-looking stance is vital in managing policy-induced risk perceptions. LOCATION:Doyen 22\, Place des Doyens 1\, \, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eae00 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:UCLouvain Economic Seminar - Michael McMahon DTSTART:20240926 DTEND:20240926 DESCRIPTION:  \; Michael McMahon (University of Oxford) will give a presentation on Tough Talk: The Fed and the Risk Premium  \; Abstract: We study how monetary policy affects financial risk premia. Unlike existing studies\, we focus on the Federal Open Market Committee’s (FOMC’s) forward-looking policy stance\, beyond the current announcement and macroeconomic forecasts\, which we derive from the policymakers’private deliberations. A more hawkish policymakers’ stance in the FOMC meeting predicts lower risk premia during the intermeeting period. This effect is not explained by the content of the FOMC statement and unfolds gradually after the announcement. We document the importance of intermeeting communication via speeches and minutes to show how communicating forward-looking stance is vital in managing policy-induced risk perceptions. Joint with Anna Cieslak.  \; LOCATION:Doyen 22\, Place des doyens 1\, \, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eae07 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Integrable Frame Fields for Quadrilateral and Hexahedral Meshing by Mattéo COUPLET DTSTART:20240926 DTEND:20240926 DESCRIPTION:Mesh generation is the cornerstone of numerical simulation. Block-structured meshes\, made of large quadrilateral or hexahedral blocks\, are bound to dominate the scene as they allow to leverage hyper-efficient numerical methods (high-order finite elements\, or GPU-ready finite differences). Yet\, these block decompositions are still often manually created by engineers\, as automatic meshers do not meet industrial requirements in terms of quality and robustness. This thesis proposes significant contributions that bring us closer to fully automatic\, industrial-grade structured meshing. A first contribution is a method to transform a quadrilateral quasi-structured mesh to a block-structured one\, by expanding on ideas from the computer graphics works on quad layout optimization. This provides an end-to-end robust block-structured mesher\, soon to be integrated in the open-source software Gmsh. A popular approach to structured meshing is to rely on cross and frame fields\, which give a local orientation and sizing of the quad/hex elements. Yet\, most existing methods do not guarantee that a mesh exists exactly following the frame field\; in some cases even the topology of the field is wrong. Turning to hexahedral meshing\, efforts have been made to extend frame field methods to 3D\, but it turns out they suffer even more from topological issues. This is due to the frame field not being integrable. We have constructed an integrability measure for both 2D and 3D frame fields based on odeco tensors\, a versatile frame representation that implicitly encodes the necessary frame symmetries. This result unlocks an optimization scheme that produces meshable frame fields in 2D and 3D\, and guarantees that a corresponding structured quad and hex mesh can be subsequently computed. These contributions solve a long-standing and difficult problem\, and pave the way to a fully automatic all-hexahedral mesher which is the holy grail of numerical simulation. Jury members : Prof. Jean-François Remacle (UCLouvain\, Belgium)\, supervisor Prof. Renaud Ronsse (UCLouvain\, Belgium)\, chairperson Dr. Alexandre Chemin (UCLouvain\, Belgium) Prof. David Bommes (University of Bern\, Switzerland) Prof. Edward Chien (Boston University\, USA) Dr. Etienne Corman (LORIA\, France) Prof. Christophe Geuzaine (ULiège\, Belgium) Visio conference Teams :  \; LOCATION:Place Sainte Barbe\, auditorium BARB 91\, \, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eae0e END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Child-centred childrearing DTSTART:20240927 DTEND:20240927 DESCRIPTION: DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eae15 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Jean-Michel KARKAN - Directeur du département Gestion des dépenses et des achats\, Administration des finances\, UCLouvain DTSTART:20240930 DTEND:20240930 DESCRIPTION:Monday\, September 30\, 2024 - 1pm - Auditoire Maisin Jean-Michel KARKAN - \;Directeur du département Gestion des dépenses et des achats\, Administration des finances\, UCLouvain Intérêt\, obligations &\; procédures à suivre pour les achats de consommables et équipements Cette séance d’information se déroulera en français. This information session will be held in French. DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eae1b END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Operational flexibility of micro gas turbine towards integration in sustainable systems - Operation roadmap for high performance humidified 2-spool mGT by Angelos GAITANIS DTSTART:20240930 DTEND:20240930 DESCRIPTION:The global energy landscape is evolving towards decentralization and reliance on renewable sources. This rapid adoption underscores the need for energy storage and security of supply to ensure stability amid rising demand. Thermal power plants can provide this flexibility within the future energy mix. Micro Gas Turbines (mGTs) are emerging as a potential technology for small-scale Combined Heat and Power (CHP) applications due to their compact design\, high power-to-weight ratio\, and ability to use various fuels. While mGTs have historically lagged behind reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (ICEs) in small-scale CHP\, their potential in decentralized and hybrid power systems offers significant benefits\, including improved efficiency and reduced emissions. Despite higher costs and lower transient response compared to ICEs\, mGTs' advantages in flexibility and modularity make them suitable for future energy systems. However\, more research is needed to ensure that mGTs are suitable for small-scale CHP and can effectively compete with ICEs. The objective of this work is to answer the following question: “Can mGTs increase their performance and contribute to future energy” This thesis aims to enhance mGT performance through advanced humidification techniques and operational optimization. The research involves developing and validating modelling methods for both conventional and 2-spool intercooled mGTs. Specific focus is given on optimizing water injection strategies to boost efficiency and waste heat recovery. Various fuel mixtures and operational strategies are evaluated. Advanced humidified cycle concepts are tested and various conditions are considered to adopt a humidified configuration for the two-stage mGT. The results indicate that the micro Humid Air Turbine (mHAT) cycle achieves the highest electrical efficiency and notable fuel consumption reduction considering the adoption of three heat exchangers for the system\, making it suitable for scenarios with low heat demand. A techno-economic analysis further highlights the potential of mGT configurations in hybrid renewable energy systems\, demonstrating their cost-effectiveness and efficiency across different applications. In conclusion\, this thesis provides insights into optimizing mGT configurations\, emphasizing their role in sustainable and efficient power generation. The findings support the integration of mGT technology into decentralized energy systems\, aiding the transition towards a more sustainable energy landscape. Jury members : Prof. Francesco Contino (UCLouvain\, Belgium)\, supervisor Prof. Ward De Paepe (UMons\, Belgium)\, supervisor Prof. Renaud Ronsse (UCLouvain\, Belgium)\, chairperson Prof. François Vallée (UMons\, Belgium) Prof. Mario Luigi Ferrari (University of Genoa\, Italy) Prof. Sven Bram (VUB\, Belgium) Prof. Anestis Kalfas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki\, Greece) Visio conference link :  \; LOCATION:Place Croix du Sud\, SUD 09\, \, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eae22 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Bumuntu ou l'humain dans la relationnalité DTSTART:20240930 DTEND:20240930 DESCRIPTION:Prof. Joseph Mbayo Mbayo (Université catholique du Congo / \;visiting professor at Europè)\, will give a talk entitled: "Bumuntu ou l'humain dans la relationnalité" LOCATION:Salle Ladrière (A126) - Collège Mercier\, Place Cardinal Mercier\, 14\, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eae29 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Ethics of voting DTSTART:20241001 DTEND:20241001 DESCRIPTION:Chaire Hoover | Mardi intime by Amael Maskens DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eae30 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Doctoral Course - Theories of Organizations in Management DTSTART:20241001 DTEND:20241001 DESCRIPTION: LLSMA2006 - \;Theories of Organizations in Management – 5 ECTS Prof. Régis \;Coeurderoy  \;  \; Description See the full course description here Why do firms exist? And why markets and other arrangements among individual or collective actors exist? How can we explain the causes and consequences of interactions and collaborations between actors? How can we assess (and give sense to) performance evaluations (profit\, efficiency\, legitimacy...) at individual or organizational levels? Here are some of the core questions supporting a sizeable chunk of research works in management. To tackle seriously such issues\, researchers need to develop intellectual frameworks that we call theories. Theories provide lens to analyse people actions and behaviors and to draw causal relations. Furthermore\, theories create the common grammar that a community of researchers shares. Albeit considered as a "practice matters at first" discipline\, management also needs theories\, not only to be accepted as an academic discipline\, but also to create sound\, replicative and cumulative knowledge. So far\, theoretical approaches of organizations developed in management studies have been widely inspired by more old and established disciplines in social sciences – economics\, psychology and sociology. More recently\, researchers in management have developed efforts to create a more specific approach. This course is an introduction to these theories of organizations widely used in the research field of management &\; organizations. We will review the main theoretical approaches through their disciplinary origin: economics (day 2)\, sociology (day 4) and psychology (day 5). We will also review the theories more “management based”: the competence approach (day 3) and the stakeholders approach (day 6). We will start by a brief introduction and an analysis of behavioural assumptions adopted in these social science theories. The learning objectives are twofold. The very first learning objective will be focused on the basic features of each theoretical approach. We will help students (a) to acquire a helicopter’s view and a synthetic perspective on the different theories - useful knowledge to position your research on sound foundations (internal consistency)\; (b) to sort out concepts and frameworks and to be able to identify specific features of each theory and overlaps/contradictions between theories - other useful knowledge to position your research on sound foundations (external consistency). The second learning objective will be more oriented towards the development of a researcher’s skills. We will help students (a) to develop analytical reading skills – useful to manage huge volumes of articles\; (b) to develop synthetic writing skills – useful to orchestrate discussion between papers and develop your own way. The course is a PhD level course.  \;Introduction to the theories of the firm Firms\, markets and other organizations: theoretical foundations for a puzzle Behavioural assumptions: rationality and motivation Theoretical foundations 1: the coordination issue Theoretical foundations 2: the competence issue Theoretical foundations 3: the institutional issue Theoretical foundations 4: the network issue  \; Temporary Schedule \; Please note that this is a temporary schedule and it might be subject to changes. \;Do not forget to check it later if you register to the course Tuesday\, October 1\, \;2024 2.00 - 6.00 pm LLN Monday\, October 7\, 2024 9.30 am - 12.45 pm &\; 2.00 - 5.00 pm LLN Monday\, October 14\, 2024 \; 9.30 am - 12.45 pm &\; 2.00 - 5.00 pm LLN Monday\, October 21\, 2024 9.30 am - 12.45 pm &\; 2.00 - 5.00 pm LLN Monday\, November 4\, 2024 \; 6 hours\, schedule TBC LLN  \;  \;  \;  \; Additional 6 hours: pre-recorded video capsules for independent viewing  \; Registration  \;  \;  \;  \; LOCATION:\, \, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eae36 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Metric-based mesh adaptation with curvilinear triangles by Arthur BAWIN DTSTART:20241003 DTEND:20241003 DESCRIPTION:Les maillages courbes\, ou d’ordre élevé\, sont utilisés depuis longtemps comme support pour simulations par éléments ou volumes finis. Leur flexibilité a traditionnellement été mise à profit pour fournir une meilleure résolution des frontières CAD que celle offerte par des discrétisations linéaires par morceaux. Les maillages courbes ont gagné en intérêt ces dernières années\, puisqu’il a été montré que les schémas numériques d’ordre élevé\, bénéficiant d’une convergence accélérée par rapport aux schémas classiques d’ordre deux\, pouvaient nécessiter des discrétisations géométriques également d’ordre élevé pour ne pas perdre leurs propriétés d’approximation. Ces maillages sont courbés a posteriori\, en plaçant les sommets additionnels sur la géométrie CAD. Courber uniquement les éléments aux frontières peut les rendre invalides : ils sont alors "démêlés"\, propageant ainsi de la courbure dans les éléments intérieurs. La courbure des éléments intérieurs n’est donc jamais activement recherchée\, mais est la conséquence de la procédure de démêlage. Récemment\, l’idée est apparue de mettre à profit ces degrés de liberté supplémentaires pour réduire l’erreur d’approximation dans le domaine de calcul\, donnant lieu à l’adaptation de maillages curvilignes. Bien que des éléments courbés arbitrairement impactent négativement la convergence des méthodes d’interpolation\, il a été montré que des maillages courbes optimisés apportaient une réduction d’erreur substantielle\, motivant leur utilisation pour l’adaptation de maillages. Cette thèse est la continuité de travaux récents dans cette direction et aborde le problème de l’adaptation de maillages curvilignes en deux dimensions à l’aide de métriques. Le problème qui nous occupe est de générer\, à l’aide de métriques riemanniennes\, des maillages de triangles quadratiques minimisant l’erreur d’interpolation sur un champ scalaire. Cela requiert d’étendre les questions usuelles de l’adaptivité : quantifier l’erreur commise en interpolant sur des éléments courbes\, obtenir la métrique minimisant cette estimé d’erreur\, décrire les propriétés des simplexes idéaux pour cette métrique\, et enfin générer des triangulations courbes composées uniquement d’éléments idéaux. Chacune de ces questions est abordée de manière plus ou moins approfondie. Un récent estimateur d’erreur d’interpolation linéaire est d’abord étendu pour traiter des interpolants d’ordre arbitraire. De là\, le problème à résoudre pour la métrique optimale est formulé\, et un schéma numérique rudimentaire est proposé. La question des simplexes idéaux est traitée en proposant une nouvelle définition d’éléments unités\, basée sur des isométries riemanniennes. Cette définition englobe les précédentes. Finalement\, un algorithme de génération de maillage fournissant des triangulations courbes et quasi-idéales pour une métrique donnée est présenté.  \; Jury members : Prof. Jean-François Remacle (UCLouvain\, Belgium)\, supervisor Prof. André Garon (Polytechnique Montréal\, Canada)\, supervisor Prof. Sandra Soares-Frazao (UCLouvain\, Belgium)\, chairperson Prof. Vincent Legat (UCLouvain\, Belgium) Prof. Ricardo Camarero (Polytechnique Montréal\, Canada) Prof. André Fortin (Université Laval\, Canada) Dr. Adrien Loseille (INRIA\, France / Luminary Cloud) Viso conference : \; \; \; Meeting ID: 817 9334 9757 LOCATION:Place Sainte Barbe\, auditorium BARB 91\, \, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eae3e END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Andreas Hefti\, Zurich University DTSTART:20241003 DTEND:20241003 DESCRIPTION: Andreas Hefti (Zurich University) will give a presentation on \; TBA Abstract: \; LOCATION:Doyen 22\, Place des Doyens 1\, \, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eae45 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:The practice of a ‘psychology of peoples’. A corpus-based analysis of the ‘Journal of Völkerpsychologie and Linguistics' DTSTART:20241004 DTEND:20241004 DESCRIPTION:Sefises seminar\, with Stefan Reiners-Selbach (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf) DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eae4c END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:he practice of a ‘psychology of peoples’. A corpus-based analysis of the ‘Journal of Völkerpsychologie and Linguistics' DTSTART:20241004 DTEND:20241004 DESCRIPTION:Cefises seminar wit Stefan Reiners-Selbach (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf) DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eae53 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Public defense of doctoral thesis\, Gilles Baudoin DTSTART:20241004 DTEND:20241004 DESCRIPTION:Thermal energy storage within a building can contribute to improving the building’s energy performance. Thermal energy can be directly stored in the building envelope. This phenomenon is commonly known as thermal mass and thermal inertia. Recently\, researchers have shown an increased interest in phase-change materials (PCMs) to optimise thermal mass in the building sector. These materials provide another lever for action to modify buildings’ storage capacity. They give indeed the possibility to increase effective thermal mass on a given temperature range. Concerning this research\, the objectives are multiple and coupled with those of the STOCC project. Its main objective is to develop composite wall prototypes in order to store and reuse free energy gains\, i.e.\, internal and solar gains\, in Belgium. The goal is to limit overheating\, to potentially avoid active cooling and heating equipment\, and to reduce power needs. For this thesis\, studies have mainly focused on room scale using building simulation software such as EnergyPlus for the parameter selection of phase-change materials. An experimental campaign has also been conducted in order to evaluate the impact of the optimisationof heat transfer of PCM-wall prototypes. This research contributes : to define the boundaries of the potential benefits of modifying thermal mass\, e ven considering innovative approaches such as one or more PCMs and heat transfer enhancement\, and (ii) to define the building conditions for which it would be the more beneficial to use PCMs. Future work could focus on the extension of the results to other climates\, the extension of the results from the room scale to the building scale\, or even the consideration of intermittent energy sources. Gilles Baudoin joined Architecture and Climate (LAB\, UCLouvain) to work on the STOCC project. A 2013 graduate in Materials Engineering\, he grew increasingly interested in low-impact constructions. Since the end of his studies\, he has been working as a self-employed engineer in building energy efficiency. His field experience and his background in material science led him naturally to the STOCC project\, which aims to design phase-change wall prototypes to modify the thermal mass of buildings. He highly values the purpose of his professional activity. Probably influenced by his scout experience\, he tries to leave this world a little better than he found it. This is why he uses his skills to help people to lower their environmental impact in the building sector. If he is not to be found in his office\, he is probably spending time with his family or friends\, enjoying an occasional Belgian sunny day. Supervisor Geoffrey van Moeseke\, Architecture et Climat\, LAB\, UCLouvain Supervisory panel Sergio Altomonte Architecture et Climat\, LAB\, UCLouvain Stijn Verbeke\, Energy and Materials in Infrastructure and Buildings\, Faculty of Applied Engineering\, Universiteit Antwerpen Will you attend the PhD public presentation ?  \; DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eae59 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Applied Statistics Workshop DTSTART:20241004 DTEND:20241004 DESCRIPTION:Upcoming news DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eae5f END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Freedom and security DTSTART:20241008 DTEND:20241008 DESCRIPTION:Chaire Hoover | Mardi intime by \;Josette Daemen DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eae65 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:IRES Lunch Seminar - Sébastien Fontenay\, Universitat Pompeu Fabra DTSTART:20241008 DTEND:20241008 DESCRIPTION:  \; Sébastien Fontenay (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) will give a presentation on \; TBA Abstract: \; LOCATION:Agora 03\, Place Agora 19\, \, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eae6c END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CORE Brown Bag Seminar - Mathieu Van Vyve DTSTART:20241009 DTEND:20241009 DESCRIPTION:  \; Mathieu Van Vyve \;(LIDAM. CORE) Identifying when thresholds from the Paris Agreement are breached: the minmax average\, a novel smoothing approach Identifying when a given threshold has been breached in the global temperature record has become of crucial importance since the Paris Agreement. However there is no formally agreed methodology for this. In this work we show why local smoothing methodologies like the moving average and other climate modeling based approaches are fundamentally ill-suited for this specific purpose\, and propose a better one\, that we call the minmax average. It has strong links with the isotonic regression\, is conceptually simple and is arguably closer to the intuitive meaning of “breaching the threshold” in the climate discourse\, all favorable features for acceptability. When applied to the global mean surface temperature anomaly (GMSTA) record from Berkeley Earth\, we obtain the following conclusions. First\, the rate of increase has been ∼+0.25°C per decade since 1995. Second\, based on this new estimate alone\, we should plausibly expect the GMSTA to reach 1.49°C in 2023 and not go below that on average in the medium-term future. When taking into account the record temperatures of the second half of 2023\, not having breached the 1.5°C threshold already in July 2023 is only possible with record long and/or deep La Niña in the following years.  \; \;Mathieu Van Vyve​​​​  \;  \; DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eae72 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Subsistence vs. luxury emissions: the latest debate #1 DTSTART:20241010 DTEND:20241010 DESCRIPTION:Lukas Tank [University of Kiel] (2022). “Against the budget view in climate ethics”. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy\, online first\, 1–14. \; Commentator: Aida Martínez Suárez [University of Oviedo] • Duus-Otterström\, Goran [University of Gothenburg &\; Institute for Futures Studies (Stockholm)]. (2023) \;“Subsistence Emissions and Climate Justice.”British Journal of Political Science 53\, no. 3 (2023): 919–33. \; Commentator: Daniel Petz [Universitas Gadjah Mada]  \; DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eae79 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Sophocles Mavroeidis\, Oxford University DTSTART:20241010 DTEND:20241010 DESCRIPTION: Sophocles Mavroeidis (Oxford University) will give a presentation on \; TBA Abstract: \; LOCATION:Doyen 22\, Place des Doyens 1\, \, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eae80 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Belgian Conference on Food Microbiology DTSTART:20241010 DTEND:20241010 DESCRIPTION:We are very pleased to invite you to \;the Twenty-eight edition of the Conference on Food Microbiology\, \;organized by the Belgian Society for Food Microbiology vzw/aslb (BSFM). This conference brings international speakers together with food microbiology laboratories\, government representatives\, participants from the food-processing industry and scientists from various Belgian research centers for a total of approximately 350 attendees. There are also foreign attendees. This conference addresses food agencies\, laboratories\, primary producers\, processing industries\, food-related organizations and retail trade\, as well as politicians and consumers who are interested in the quality and news about the food sector\, food microbiology and particularly the food industry Programme LOCATION:Finance Tower complex in the Pacheco -conference room\, Pachécolaan 13\, \, Bruxelles 1000\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eae87 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Statistics Seminar by Hernando Ombao DTSTART:20241011 DTEND:20241011 DESCRIPTION: Hernando Ombao  \;  \; Upcoming news DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eae8e END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fluid dynamics to serve planetary space missions DTSTART:20241011 DTEND:20241011 DESCRIPTION:The increasing accessibility of space\, fueled by the rise of commercial players\, is unlocking new frontiers for technological innovation and scientific discovery. These advancements are providing unparalleled insights into the solar system and beyond\, with planetary science emerging as a key field for the application of fluid dynamics and applied mathematics. In this two-part presentation\, Véronique Dehant will highlight the exciting scientific opportunities from space missions involving researchers from UCLouvain and the Royal Observatory of Belgium. Jérémy Rekier will delve into current research on astrophysical and planetary interiors\, with a special focus on internal fluid dynamics.  \; \; \; \;  \; The first part of the seminar will introduce the Hera mission to the double asteroid Didymos\, an ESA planetary defense mission set to launch on October 7\, 2024 (see Figure 1). We will \; also provide an overview of the GENESIS mission\, in which UCLouvain plays also a significant role. This Earth-centered mission aims to improve the accuracy of terrestrial and celestial reference frames to the millimeter level\, addressing societal challenges such as determining mean sea level with a precision of millimeters and ensuring long-term stability of better than 0.1 mm/year (see Figure 2 for other challenges). The second part of the presentation will cover missions to planets and moons and detail the crucial role of applied fluid dynamics in unveiling the deep internal structure and dynamics of terrestrial planets like the Earth and Mercury\, the latter being the target of the ongoing BEPI Colombo mission slated to insert in orbit in late 2026\, as well as the mysterious icy moons of Jupiter and their presumed deep subglacial oceans\, the target of the ongoing JUICE mission\, currently on its way to the Jovian system. Discussions of the booming interest in the rotating fluid modes of stars following the recent discovery of inertial modes in the Sun’s convecting envelope will also be discussed. The presentation will highlight the key role of fluid dynamics in uncovering the internal structures of planets such as Earth and Mercury\, the latter being the target of the BEPI Colombo mission\, set to enter orbit in 2026\, as well as the mysterious deep subglacial oceans on Jupiter’s icy moons\, the focus of the ongoing JUICE mission (see figure 3). The recent discovery of inertial modes in the Sun’s convective envelope will also be discussed\, along with the revolutionary impact it has had on the field of astroseismology.  \; LOCATION:Place Sainte Barbe\, auditorium BARB 94\, \, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eae95 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Statistics Seminar by Philippe Naveau DTSTART:20241011 DTEND:20241011 DESCRIPTION: Philippe Naveau Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE) Invited by \;Eugene PIRCALABELU will give a presentation on : Statistical modelling of records in a changing climate Abstract: The increase of \; recent climate record frequencies raises many statistical and climatological questions. Statistically\, \; the literature on modelling \; record changes in a non-stationary context is sparse and\, in this context\, \; I will present different case studies that blind multivariate extreme value theory and counterfactual theory. \; Another aspect will be to determine how this non-stationary allows to improve the forecasting of record frequencies. If time allowed\, the choice of climatological explanatory variables (co-variates) to understand unprecedented heatwaves will be touched upon. All statistical techniques will be illustrated by cases studies based either on climate model outputs or weather stations recordings. Concerning the temporal periods\, these examples will treat past\, present and future yearly time scales. DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eae9c END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Table ronde Louise Vanneste DTSTART:20241014 DTEND:20241014 DESCRIPTION: \; Table ronde Louise VANNESTE\, artiste en résidence  \; En tant que marraine de l’artiste danseuse Louise VANNESTE\, Sophie OPFERGELT \;(Earth &\; Life Institute) vous invite à participer à une table ronde sur le thème du travail de recherche sur le terrain en compagnie de 7 danseuses et de \;volontaires de l’Institut ELI actifs·ves sur le terrain. La finalité de cette rencontre est de contribuer à un projet de recherche et création qui conduira à une chorégraphie pour traduire par les mouvements les mots et les émotions communiqués par les chercheurs·euses et techniciens·iennes de terrain.  \;Si cette expérience hors du commun vous intéresse\, Venez partager votre expérience de terrain \;!  \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; il suffit de remplir \;ce formulaire d’inscription. \; Un accueil sandwichs est prévu dès 12h45 à la cafétéria de Serres.  \; L’univers de Louise VANNESTE LOCATION:Salle Ocean ( de Serres)\, (Building De Serres\, place Croix du Sud\, Louvain-la-Neuve)\, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaea4 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:GRANTED - The Research Grant Game DTSTART:20241014 DTEND:20241014 DESCRIPTION: As autumn passes\, new calls for grant proposals are usually also released. Are you interested in getting into grant-writing mode using an entrepreneurial approach to grant-writing with strangers (that could become your collaborators)? Then maybe this workshop is something that you should participate in. We will be running a grant-writing board game (yes you read that correctly) as a half-day workshop called GRANTED – Research Grant edition. ESHIP:NavigatingUncertainty is a game developed by Dr. Rajiv Vaid Basaiawmoit and his game studio BioSymfonix EduGames that publishes learning games. The Entrepreneurship game is already a highly successful and award-winning game that teaches Entrepreneurship and handling uncertainty to students interested in starting a venture. This game is already in use by 70+ institutions across 20+ countries. The GRANTED game uses some of the same award-winning mechanics of the original game but with the focus of a Research Grant proposal instead. The aim of this workshop is simple. Come with an open mind. Find someone you have not interacted with earlier and form a team together (min. 3 people per team and max of 5). Maybe you have interacted with someone already or discussed a project proposal theoretically – and would like to now form a real team – this is also OK. You will then have just under 4 hours to identify your research question\, and structure an interdisciplinary grant proposal in a fictive and uncertain setting facilitated by the board game. We say “fictive” as there is “roleplaying element” in the fictive board game that will help you break the ice but also be more imaginative and creative. There will be some uncertainty thrown in as well – as it is uncertainty that makes things interesting and maybe even opens up new opportunities. While playing the game you will be documenting your process either using a physical paper based template or a companion digital tool – and towards the end of the workshop you will present your project proposal to your peer teams. Key Takeaways: What will you take away from the session – We hope that at the end of the session you would have built new bridges\, identified new collaborators\, come up with interesting research proposals\, become better equipped to deal with inevitable uncertainties\, have fun and most importantly have a skeletal grant proposal that you can use to build towards future grant calls or other interdisciplinary grant calls. All seasoned grant writers as well as novice writers are invited to participate. If you are a PhD student and curious about the world of grant-writing – this could also be relevant for you.  \; Schedule 10.00 am – 1.00 pm: Granted – The Research Grant Game \; 1.00 – 1.30 pm: Lunch with the participants \; 1.30 – 3.00 pm: Post-game debrief and feedback \;  \;  \;  \;  \;  \;  \;  \;  \;  \;  \;  \;  \;  \;  \;  \;  \; Rajiv Vaid Basaiawmoit Bio Dr. Rajiv Vaid Basaiawmoit\, Ph.D.\, MBA\, is currently the Head of Sci-Tech Innovation &\; Entrepreneurship at Aarhus University\, Denmark. He is a polymath of sorts having a PhD in Biophysics (2007)\, a double Masters in Biotechnology (2001) and in Business Administration (MBA - 2011). Rajiv has since straddled various disciplines and spent various amounts of time in various fields such as Nanoscience\, Molecular Biology\, Organizational Psychology\, Environmental Sustainability\, Marketing\, Social Entrepreneurship\, Gamification\, &\; Ludology. In parallel\, he also launched a Game studio – Biosymfonix Edu Games under his consulting business Biosymfonix. One of it's flagship products is a multi-award-winning board game called ESHIP:NavigatingUncertainty which is currently in use in over 60 different institutions across 22 different countries. During COVID Rajiv used the down-time to create even more games and one is spin-off to the aforementioned flagship\, now called GRANTED: The Research Grant Game – which helps interdisciplinary teams come together and create a skeletal grant proposal in under 3 hours. \; \; Owing to his multi-disciplinary background and ability to innovate as well as coach on how to innovate\, he is an invited speaker and thought leader at many conferences\, events and institutions around the world from TedX to NATO \;and many others. Rajiv’s multi-specialty achievements and interests have spawned various inter-disciplinary collaborations with disparate entities and individuals that range from artists to scientists\, to philosophers to entrepreneurs as well as Museums\, Communication agencies\, Game studios and of course universities and schools. \; \;  \; LOCATION:Salle VAES\, \, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaeab END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Public Thesis Defense of Louis DELVAL DTSTART:20241014 DTEND:20241014 DESCRIPTION: Public thesis defense of Louis DELVAL "Quantifying soil-grapevine hydraulics from plant \;to field scale." Teams link Abstract TBA Jury Members Prof. Mathieu JAVAUX (promoteur - UCLouvain) Prof. François JONARD (co-promoteur - UCLouvain) Prof. Marnik VANCLOOSTER (président du jury - UCLouvain) Prof. Xavier DRAYE (Secrétaire du jury - UCLouvain) Prof. Bruno DELVAUX (UCLouvain) Prof. Cornélis VAN LEEUWEN (Bordeaux Sciences Agro) Prof. Jan VANDERBORGHT (Forschungszentrum Jülich et KULeuven)  \;  \; LOCATION:Croix du Sud 2\, Bâtiment de Serres - Salle Océan\, LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaeb5 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Negotiation game around Sustainable development DTSTART:20241015 DTEND:20241015 DESCRIPTION: Join us for an \;exclusive \;negotiations workshop \;featuring our brand-new \;serious board-game \;Pactopolis: Where Victory Meets \;Sustainability The workshop will be facilitated \;by experts on gamification and \;negotiation.  \; About the workshop A customized hands-on GAMIFIED experience \;at NEGOTIATIONS where 4 industry sectors \;seek to grow\, develop a land and maximize \;profits - but the winner will be the one who \;can negotiate and balance in-game \;stakeholder needs and sustainability. Will you \;just win\, or will you win smart? Different from standard case-based \;negotiation simulations – much shorter \;reading\, more action and interaction. Integration with latest\, evidence-based \;negotiations theory in the post-game debrief \;unpacks the in-game experience.  \; Rajiv Vaid Basaiawmoit Bio Dr. Rajiv Vaid Basaiawmoit\, Ph.D.\, MBA\, is currently the Head of Sci-Tech Innovation &\; Entrepreneurship at Aarhus University\, Denmark. He is a polymath of sorts having a PhD in Biophysics (2007)\, a double Masters in Biotechnology (2001) and in Business Administration (MBA - 2011). Rajiv has since straddled various disciplines and spent various amounts of time in various fields such as Nanoscience\, Molecular Biology\, Organizational Psychology\, Environmental Sustainability\, Marketing\, Social Entrepreneurship\, Gamification\, &\; Ludology. In parallel\, he also launched a Game studio – Biosymfonix Edu Games under his consulting business Biosymfonix. One of it's flagship products is a multi-award-winning board game called ESHIP:NavigatingUncertainty which is currently in use in over 60 different institutions across 22 different countries. During COVID Rajiv used the down-time to create even more games and one is spin-off to the aforementioned flagship\, now called GRANTED: The Research Grant Game – which helps interdisciplinary teams come together and create a skeletal grant proposal in under 3 hours. \; \; Owing to his multi-disciplinary background and ability to innovate as well as coach on how to innovate\, he is an invited speaker and thought leader at many conferences\, events and institutions around the world from TedX to NATO \;and many others. Rajiv’s multi-specialty achievements and interests have spawned various inter-disciplinary collaborations with disparate entities and individuals that range from artists to scientists\, to philosophers to entrepreneurs as well as Museums\, Communication agencies\, Game studios and of course universities and schools. \; \;  \; LOCATION:Salle VAES\, \, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaebd END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Game design workshop DTSTART:20241015 DTEND:20241015 DESCRIPTION: Are Game and Play the same thing or different things? If this question intrigues you – this will be the first thing that we will tackle in this unique serious game design workshop. Games are an increasingly important part of popular culture today but they have been part of human history for a long time. Games are an interesting way to learn and also allow for different aspects to be explored. However\, have you ever thought of using a game as a research tool or as a method in your research. We will delve a little into the world of citizen science games and learn how this has been made possible and then we will try and do the same using your own research themes or education themes? Does one have to be a game designer to create a game? This is a yes and no question as it depends on what you want to do. But what we will try and do in this workshop is to think like a game designer without being one and see how far we can get in trying to address some of our own problems – whether it be in teaching or in research. The aim of this short workshop is to be a hands-on interactive workshop where you will try and create some game concepts and learn some basic game design principles while doing so. Designing a game from scratch is a long process – but at least we can get you started in that direction with this inspirational process. Come with an open and playful mind.  \; Rajiv Vaid Basaiawmoit Bio Dr. Rajiv Vaid Basaiawmoit\, Ph.D.\, MBA\, is currently the Head of Sci-Tech Innovation &\; Entrepreneurship at Aarhus University\, Denmark. He is a polymath of sorts having a PhD in Biophysics (2007)\, a double Masters in Biotechnology (2001) and in Business Administration (MBA - 2011). Rajiv has since straddled various disciplines and spent various amounts of time in various fields such as Nanoscience\, Molecular Biology\, Organizational Psychology\, Environmental Sustainability\, Marketing\, Social Entrepreneurship\, Gamification\, &\; Ludology. In parallel\, he also launched a Game studio – Biosymfonix Edu Games under his consulting business Biosymfonix. One of it's flagship products is a multi-award-winning board game called ESHIP:NavigatingUncertainty which is currently in use in over 60 different institutions across 22 different countries. During COVID Rajiv used the down-time to create even more games and one is spin-off to the aforementioned flagship\, now called GRANTED: The Research Grant Game – which helps interdisciplinary teams come together and create a skeletal grant proposal in under 3 hours. \; \; Owing to his multi-disciplinary background and ability to innovate as well as coach on how to innovate\, he is an invited speaker and thought leader at many conferences\, events and institutions around the world from TedX to NATO \;and many others. Rajiv’s multi-specialty achievements and interests have spawned various inter-disciplinary collaborations with disparate entities and individuals that range from artists to scientists\, to philosophers to entrepreneurs as well as Museums\, Communication agencies\, Game studios and of course universities and schools. \; \;  \; LOCATION:Salle VAES\, \, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaec9 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:IRES Lunch Seminar - Pablo Álvarez-Aragón\, UNamur DTSTART:20241015 DTEND:20241015 DESCRIPTION:Pablo Álvarez Aragon (UNamur) \; will give a presentation on \; TBA Abstract: \; LOCATION:Agora 03\, Place Agora 19\, \, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaed5 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Bordeaux Neurocampus international conference Neurofood DTSTART:20241016 DTEND:20241016 DESCRIPTION:Brainconf NeuroFood: Registrations are open Registrations are open for the 10th edition of the Bordeaux Neurocampus international conference\, Neurofood\, about Brain-Nutrition interactions: From metabolic to psychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases. It will take place on October 16th to 18th\, 2024\, at the Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Abstract submission for poster is possible. The gala dinner will take place at the château Labottière About the conference Eating hypercaloric food\, rich in saturated fats and sugars and lacking essential nutrients\, vitamins\, and fibers\, is associated with brain non-communicable diseases\, including depression\, anxiety\, Alzheimer’s\, and Parkinson’s\, often co-morbid with obesity and type-2 diabetes. Complex intertwining exists between these different pathologies and our diet. An appropriate energy supply in quantity and quality is crucial for healthy brain functioning. Consequently\, the brain is the main victim of changes in diet-induced energy disposal and metabolism\, ultimately leading to pathology. On the other hand\, nutrients and micronutrients represent potential tools to protect/correct brain diseases\, and can be used to design new nutritional strategies for personalized medicine. This conference will gather recognized French and International experts\, who will provide overviews on advances made in understanding the impact of nutrition on psychiatric\, neurodegenerative\, and metabolic disorders\, from molecular to behavioral neuroscience\, up to human clinical trials and interventions. Presentations from established scientists will be combined with short talks and posters from younger researchers. The speakers’ list includes young and more experienced scientists\, respecting diversity and gender balance. Speakers Richard Bazinet\, University of Toronto\, Canada Nicholas Betley\, University of Pennsylvania\, USA Frédéric Calon\, Université de Laval\, Québec Lucile Capuron\, INRAE NutriNeuro Bordeaux\, France John Cryan\, University College Cork\, Ireland Marcelo Dietrich\, Yale University\, USA Joel Doré\, University of Paris-Saclay\, INRAE\, France Sadaf Farooqi\, University of Cambridge\, UK Cristina Garcia-Caceres\, Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen\, Institute for Diabetes and Metabolism\, Germany Tatiana Korotkova\, University of Köln\, Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research\, Germany Sophie Leclercq\, Сư洫ý\, Belgium Serge Luquet\, CNRS\, University of Paris\, France Michel Neunlist\, TENS – UMR INSERM 1235\, Nantes\, France Sophie Nicklaus\, INRAE Dijon\, France Soyoung Park\, DIFE\, Germany Vincent Prevot\, INSERM U1172\, Lille\, France David Rubinsztein\, University of Cambridge\, UK Cécilia Samieri\, ISPED\, Bordeaux\, France Sandrine Thuret\, King’s College London\, UK Matthias Tschöp\, Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen\, Germany Scientific committee Daniela Cota\, Inserm\, Neurocentre Magendie Benjamin Dehay\, Inserm\, Institut des Maladies Neurodégénératives Xavier Fioramonti\, Inrae\, NutriNeuro Sophie Layé\, Inrae\, NutriNeuro Carmelo Quarta\, Inserm\, Neurocentre Magendie More details / registration LOCATION:Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine\, \, Bordeaux \, FR DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaee0 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:[MOBILLE 2024] international conference DTSTART:20241016 DTEND:20241016 DESCRIPTION: DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaeed END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Negotiation game around Sustainable development DTSTART:20241016 DTEND:20241016 DESCRIPTION: Join us for an \;exclusive \;negotiations workshop \;featuring our brand-new \;serious board-game \;Pactopolis: Where Victory Meets \;Sustainability The workshop will be facilitated \;by experts on gamification and \;negotiation.  \; About the workshop A customized hands-on GAMIFIED experience \;at NEGOTIATIONS where 4 industry sectors \;seek to grow\, develop a land and maximize \;profits - but the winner will be the one who \;can negotiate and balance in-game \;stakeholder needs and sustainability. Will you \;just win\, or will you win smart? Different from standard case-based \;negotiation simulations – much shorter \;reading\, more action and interaction. Integration with latest\, evidence-based \;negotiations theory in the post-game debrief \;unpacks the in-game experience.  \; Rajiv Vaid Basaiawmoit Bio Dr. Rajiv Vaid Basaiawmoit\, Ph.D.\, MBA\, is currently the Head of Sci-Tech Innovation &\; Entrepreneurship at Aarhus University\, Denmark. He is a polymath of sorts having a PhD in Biophysics (2007)\, a double Masters in Biotechnology (2001) and in Business Administration (MBA - 2011). Rajiv has since straddled various disciplines and spent various amounts of time in various fields such as Nanoscience\, Molecular Biology\, Organizational Psychology\, Environmental Sustainability\, Marketing\, Social Entrepreneurship\, Gamification\, &\; Ludology. In parallel\, he also launched a Game studio – Biosymfonix Edu Games under his consulting business Biosymfonix. One of it's flagship products is a multi-award-winning board game called ESHIP:NavigatingUncertainty which is currently in use in over 60 different institutions across 22 different countries. During COVID Rajiv used the down-time to create even more games and one is spin-off to the aforementioned flagship\, now called GRANTED: The Research Grant Game – which helps interdisciplinary teams come together and create a skeletal grant proposal in under 3 hours. \; \; Owing to his multi-disciplinary background and ability to innovate as well as coach on how to innovate\, he is an invited speaker and thought leader at many conferences\, events and institutions around the world from TedX to NATO \;and many others. Rajiv’s multi-specialty achievements and interests have spawned various inter-disciplinary collaborations with disparate entities and individuals that range from artists to scientists\, to philosophers to entrepreneurs as well as Museums\, Communication agencies\, Game studios and of course universities and schools. \; \;  \; LOCATION:B218\, \, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaef9 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Research Seminar: Gamification in Education: Opportunities & Challenges DTSTART:20241016 DTEND:20241016 DESCRIPTION: Games are increasingly being used to deliver educational content in a more engaging manner. However\, educational games\, as opposed to say entertainment games\, have an added imperative to infuse learning content along with game and engagement content. This brings forth an interesting challenge as to “how much” content should one load onto a game without the game losing its meaning and its efficacy as a game. Related to the how much question is the “how complex” element. I often use games and gamification (gamification being separate from games) as a tool to overcome tough pedagogical challenges or to scale complexity of tough-to-teach topics – i.e. use games a vehicle to onboard students to topics that are presumed complex or boring). Using cases from games that I have designed (includes board games\, digital games\, escape room games and process gamification examples)\, I will share the challenges and travails of content scaling in the game design process.  \; Rajiv Vaid Basaiawmoit Bio Dr. Rajiv Vaid Basaiawmoit\, Ph.D.\, MBA\, is currently the Head of Sci-Tech Innovation &\; Entrepreneurship at Aarhus University\, Denmark. He is a polymath of sorts having a PhD in Biophysics (2007)\, a double Masters in Biotechnology (2001) and in Business Administration (MBA - 2011). Rajiv has since straddled various disciplines and spent various amounts of time in various fields such as Nanoscience\, Molecular Biology\, Organizational Psychology\, Environmental Sustainability\, Marketing\, Social Entrepreneurship\, Gamification\, &\; Ludology. In parallel\, he also launched a Game studio – Biosymfonix Edu Games under his consulting business Biosymfonix. One of it's flagship products is a multi-award-winning board game called ESHIP:NavigatingUncertainty which is currently in use in over 60 different institutions across 22 different countries. During COVID Rajiv used the down-time to create even more games and one is spin-off to the aforementioned flagship\, now called GRANTED: The Research Grant Game – which helps interdisciplinary teams come together and create a skeletal grant proposal in under 3 hours. \; \; Owing to his multi-disciplinary background and ability to innovate as well as coach on how to innovate\, he is an invited speaker and thought leader at many conferences\, events and institutions around the world from TedX to NATO \;and many others. Rajiv’s multi-specialty achievements and interests have spawned various inter-disciplinary collaborations with disparate entities and individuals that range from artists to scientists\, to philosophers to entrepreneurs as well as Museums\, Communication agencies\, Game studios and of course universities and schools. \; \;  \; LOCATION:DOYEN 21\, Place des Doyens\, 1\, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaf01 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Rustamdjan Hakimov\, University of Lausanne DTSTART:20241017 DTEND:20241017 DESCRIPTION: Rustamdjan Hakimov (University of Lausanne) will give a presentation on \; TBA Abstract: \; LOCATION:Doyen 22\, Place des Doyens 1\, \, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaf09 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Chaire International Francqui Professor - From Social Analysis to Political Influence: Reinventing Statistical Modeling DTSTART:20241017 DTEND:20241017 DESCRIPTION:  \; Chaire International \;Francqui Professor From Social Analysis to Political Influence: Reinventing Statistical Modeling  \; Ernesto San Martin  \; Program \;: 16:15: Welcoming 16:30: Introduction of the IF professor by Sébastien Van Bellegem (LIDAM/CORE) 16:45: Inaugural lecture : From Social Analysis to Political Influence: \;Reinventing Statistical Modeling 17:45: \;Q&\;A 18:00: Medal presentation 18:15: Cocktail reception  \; Registration  \;  \; DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaf11 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:OLOFOS\, TBA DTSTART:20241018 DTEND:20241018 DESCRIPTION:Séminaire du Cefises. Confériencier : TBA DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaf18 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Nudging and EU Law DTSTART:20241022 DTEND:20241022 DESCRIPTION:Chaire Hoover | Mardi intime by Anne-Lise Sibony DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaf1f END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Relire Henri Maldiney. De l’anthropologie à la poétique DTSTART:20241023 DTEND:20241023 DESCRIPTION:Study day organised by the Center for Phenoménological Studies DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaf26 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Shape Programmable Three-Dimensional Mesostructures and Functional Devices by Prof. Yonggang HUANG DTSTART:20241024 DTEND:20241024 DESCRIPTION:A rapidly expanding research area involves the development of routes to shape programmable three-dimensional (3D) structures with feature sizes in the mesoscopic range (that is\, between tens of nanometres and hundreds of micrometres). A goal is to establish methods to control the properties of materials systems and the function of devices\, through not only static architectures\, but also morphable structures and shape-shifting processes. Soft matter equipped with responsive components can switch between designed shapes\, but cannot support the types of dynamic morphing capabilities needed to reproduce continuous shape-shifting processes of interest for many applications. Challenges lie in the establishment of 3D assembly/fabrication techniques compatible with wide classes of materials and 3D geometries\, and schemes to program target shapes after fabrication. In this talk\, I will introduce a mechanics-guided assembly approach that exploits controlled buckling for constructing complex 3D micro/nanostructures from patterned two-dimensional (2D) micro/nanoscale precursors that can be easily formed using established semiconductor technologies. This approach applies to a very broad set of materials (e.g.\, semiconductors\, polymers\, metals\, and ceramics) and even their heterogeneous integration\, over a wide range of length scales (e.g.\, from 100 nm to 10 cm). To allow realization of 3D mesostructures that are capable of qualitative shape reconfiguration\, we devise a loading-path controlled strategy that relies on elastomer platforms deformed in different time sequences to elastically alter the 3D geometries of supported mesostructures via nonlinear buckling. I will also introduce a recent work on shape programmable soft surface\, constructed from a matrix of filamentary metal traces\, driven by programmable\, distributed electromagnetic forces that follow from the passage of electrical currents in the presence of a static magnetic field. Under the guidance of a mechanics model-based strategy to solve the inverse problem\, the surface can morph into a wide range of 3D target shapes and shape-shifting processes. The compatibility of our approaches with the state-of-the-art fabrication/processing techniques\, along with the versatile capabilities\, allow transformation of diverse existing 2D microsystems into complex configurations\, providing unusual design options in the development of novel functional devices. Speaker: Prof. Yonggang Huang (Northwestern University\, McCormick School of Engineering)  \; LOCATION:Place Sainte Barbe\, auditorium BARB 91\, \, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaf2e END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Short course EDT DTSTART:20241024 DTEND:20241024 DESCRIPTION: Short course EDT  \; Upcoming news DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaf39 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Metametaphysics\, TBA DTSTART:20241025 DTEND:20241025 DESCRIPTION:Cefises seminar. Speaker: TBA DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaf41 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:05/11/2024 - Circle U. Climate Hub 3rd Happy Hour Event DTSTART:20241105 DTEND:20241105 DESCRIPTION:Climate related challenges and pathways for building climate resilience on islands Date: 05 November 2024\, 10:00 - 12:30 Location: Hybrid format: Virtual (via ZOOM) and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (main building\, room 2249a) Target Audience: Circle U. researchers (PhD students\, others\, …) interested in climate science and water management. Organisers: Circle U.\, Climate Hub UClouvain\, Louvain4Water Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Background of Circle U.\, Climate Hub\, Happy Hour Event (HHE) The overall objective of the HHE is to strengthen the partnership between Circle U. units within the “Climate Change Knowledge Hub”. We believe that this needs a better understanding of the partners’ different thematic research fields and available specific expertise. The Circle U.\, Climate Knowledge Hub\, Happy Hour Events (HHE) are organized to reach this objective. An HHE is a short scientific event (typically lasting no more than 3 hours)\, consisting in two keynote lectures (one from the natural sciences and one from the human science domain)\, followed by a debate\, a set of small pitch presentations and a final debate. The HHE is targeted to young researchers and doctoral students of the different partners. The participation in an HHE is certified by the organisers and can be included in the participants’ portfolio of research training. Scope and objectives of the Circle U. \; Climate Knowledge Hub Happy Hour Event Islands face a unique set of climate-related challenges due to their geographical and environmental characteristics. Specific challenges associated with projected sea level rise include enhanced coastal erosion\, increased flooding risk\, and saltwater intrusion. Additionally\, other climate-related issues may significantly impact the various ecological and economic functions and services of small islands. Small islands also contend with the tyranny of distance and a lack of alternative resources\, making the design of resilient adaptation and mitigation strategies a cumbersome task. In this context\, the HHE aims to improve the understanding of climate-specific constraints and to help consolidate the scientific basis for designing climate-resilient adaptation programs for islands. Format of the Happy Hour Event Two keynote lectures will allow to present specific cases dealing with climate constraints and climate resilience for islands. A call is made for PhD students and researchers of Circle U. to present a pitch presentation of scientific studies related to the assessment of climate and climate-related constraints for islands\, as well as to the adaptation to climate change on islands. Contributions are solicited on the following topics:  \;Extreme Hydroclimatic Observations on Islands: Including studies on sea level rise and extreme weather events. Impacts of Climate Change on Essential Physical Island Ecosystem Functions: Such as food production and water resources. Impacts on Island Sectorial Functions and Services: Including habitat\, transport\, tourism\, and other critical services. Effects on Island Economy\, Society\, and Culture: Assessing the impacts on economic activities\, societal structures\, and cultural heritage\, for past\, present\, and future events.  \;Submission format and deadline PhD students and researchers of Circle U. are invited to submit their pitch proposals in the following format Name Affilitiation Abstract Pitch proposals should be submitted before 25/10/24\, 24h00. Selected pitch proposals will be invited for a pitch presentation of 3 minutes + 2 minutes of discussion. Publications and certifications The oral and pitch presentations will be registered and will be made available on the web site of the event A book of abstracts will be made available on the web site of the event A certificate of participation will be delivered to participants Preliminary programme 10:00 - 10:05 - Welcome 10:05-10:30 - Keynote 1 by Veerle Vanackere (UCLouvain) "Evaluation of nature-based climate solutions for agricultural landscapes in the Galapagos Islands" 10:30-10:40 - Q&\;A 10:40-11:05 - Keynote 2 by Dr. Hillary Briffa (King's College London) - title to be announcedto be announced 11:05-11:15 - Q&\;A 11:15-12h:15 - An ensemble of PhD pitch presentations (3 min presentation per pitch\, 2 min questions – discussion per pitch). To be announced. 12:15-12:30 - Final discussion Registration form  \; This project has received funding from the European Union’s ERASMUS+ Programme under grant agreement No 101124639  \;  \;  \;  \; DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaf48 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Statistics Seminar by Sebastien Laurent DTSTART:20241115 DTEND:20241115 DESCRIPTION: Sebastien Laurent IAE Aix-Marseille Asymptotics for penalized QMLEs of time series regressions We examine a linear regression model applied to the components of a time series\, aiming to identify time-varying\, constant as well as zero conditional beta coefficients. To address the non-identifiability of parameters when a conditional beta is constant\, we employ a lasso-type estimator. This penalized estimator simplifies the model by shrinking the estimates when the beta is constant. Given that the model accommodates conditional heteroskedasticity and the relevant regressors are unknown\, the total number of parameters to estimate can be quite large. To manage this complexity\, we propose a multistep estimator that first captures the dynamics of the regressors before estimating the dynamics of the betas. This strategy breaks down a high-dimensional optimization problem into several lower-dimensional ones. Since we avoid making strict parametric assumptions about the innovation distributions\, we use Quasi-Maximum Likelihood (QML) estimators. The non-Markovian nature of the global model means that standard convex optimization results cannot be applied. Nevertheless\, we analyze the asymptotic distribution of the multistep lasso estimator and its adaptive version\, deriving bounds on the maximum value of the penalty term. We also propose a nonlinear coordinate-wise descent algorithm\, which is demonstrated to find stationary points of the objective function. The finite-sample properties of these estimators are further explored through a Monte Carlo simulation and illustrated with an application to financial data. DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaf50 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:IRES Lunch Seminar - Diego Malo Rico\, IRES DTSTART:20241119 DTEND:20241119 DESCRIPTION: Diego Malo Rico (IRES/LIDAM\, UCLouvain) will give a presentation on TBA Abstract: LOCATION:Agora03\, Place Agora 19\, \, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaf58 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY: Applied Statistics Workshop DTSTART:20241122 DTEND:20241122 DESCRIPTION:Upcoming news DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaf60 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:From self-knowledge to knowing others - 4th edition DTSTART:20241127 DTEND:20241127 DESCRIPTION:From self-knowledge to knowing others (4th edition): New Advances in Unlocking the Plasticity of Social Cognition in General and Clinical Populations Save the date for this two-day workshop to be held in Brussels on Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th of November 2024. The workshop aims to gather senior and junior researchers from all fields\, from fundamental neuroscience to clinical research\, sharing an interest in social cognition and interpersonal behaviour. This year\, we have invited experts to cover two main topics: Towards better Interventions: What are the initiatives\, methods\, results\, and strategies for enhancing or modulating social cognitive processes? Understanding and tracking changes: How to unlock the plasticity of social cognition? Further\, the invited talks will inform about which theoretical models and empirical tools are available to capture the many facets of social cognition across change. The overarching goal is to bridge the gap between understanding plasticity and applying practical interventions. Registration is free but mandatory\, and seats are limited. You can already register here. We encourage junior researchers to present their work via a poster or a short talk\, even if your work is loosely related to this year’s topics. Several awards will be granted for the best posters. Keynote speakers are Isabel Dziobek (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin\, Germany)\, Heather Ferguson (University of Ken\, the UK)\, Pavla Linhartová (Masaryk University\, Czech Republic)\, Arthur Pabst (UCLouvain\, Belgium)\, Ekaterina Pronizius (University of Vienna\, Austria)\, Leonhard Schilbach (LVR-Klinikum Düsseldorf\, Germany)\, Dirk Scheele (Ruhr-University Bochum\, Germany)\, Maude Schneider (Université de Genève\, Suisse)\, Jan Van den Stock (KU Leuven\, Belgium). The workshop program will be sent to you soon\, meanwhile\, you can browse the previous editions’ program here. Henryk Bukowski\, on behalf of the organizing committee: Ekaterina Pronizius\, Alix Bigot\, Henryk Bukowski. DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaf68 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Statistics Seminar by Thomas Nagler DTSTART:20241129 DTEND:20241129 DESCRIPTION: Thomas Nagler LMU Munich An new bootstrap for time series Abstract : Resampling methods such as the bootstrap have proven invaluable in statistics and machine learning. However\, the applicability of traditional bootstrap methods is limited when dealing with large streams of dependent data\, such as time series or spatially correlated observations. In this paper\, we propose a novel bootstrap method that is designed to account for data dependencies and can be executed online\, making it particularly suitable for real-time applications. This method is based on an autoregressive sequence of increasingly dependent resampling weights. We prove the theoretical validity of the proposed bootstrap scheme under general conditions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through extensive simulations and show that it provides reliable uncertainty quantification even in the presence of complex data dependencies. Further extensions to nonstationary time series will be discussed. DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaf70 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Doctoral course - Justice climatique : Application de la règle de solidarité des avaries communes au changement climatique ? DTSTART:20241203 DTEND:20241203 DESCRIPTION:  \;  \; Blanche Ségrestin Bio (from \;MINES Paris) Blanche Segrestin est enseignant-chercheur au sein du Centre de Gestion Scientifique (CGS) de MINES ParisTech. Avec Kevin Levillain\, elle coordonne les travaux de la Chaire Théorie de l’Entreprise – Modèles de gouvernance &\; création collective. Blanche Segrestin s’est vue décerner fin 2019 le prix du livre RH 2019 pour son ouvrage co-écrit avec Kevin Levillain\, « \;La mission de l’entreprise responsable – Principes et normes de gestion \;».  \;  \;  \; LOCATION:Auditoire DOYEN 21\, Place des Doyens\, 1\, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaf78 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Research Seminar by Caroline Ruiller DTSTART:20241205 DTEND:20241205 DESCRIPTION: Title and abstract TBA  \; Caroline Ruiller Bio (from \;IGR-IAE Rennes) "Mes recherches portent sur les comportements en organisation et la qualité de vie au travail \;: télé-management\, télétravail et conciliation vie professionnelle / vie familiale\, engagement\, rôles professionnels. Mes terrains de recherches sont les institutions du champ sanitaire et social ainsi les TPE/PME/GE. \;Les méthodes que je mobilise sont qualitatives et quantitatives."  \;  \;  \;  \;  \;  \; LOCATION:Auditoire DOYEN 21\, Place des Doyens\, 1\, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaf82 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Statistics Seminar by Vlad Stefan Barbu DTSTART:20241206 DTEND:20241206 DESCRIPTION: Vlad Stefan Barbu Université de Rouen  \; Upcoming news DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaf8a END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY: Applied Statistics Workshop DTSTART:20241213 DTEND:20241213 DESCRIPTION: Upcoming news DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaf92 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Doctoral Course - Epistemology of Management DTSTART:20250203 DTEND:20250203 DESCRIPTION: LLSMA2001 - \;Epistemology of Management – 5 ECTS Prof. Matthieu de Nanteuil  \;  \; Description See the full course description here This course \;should allow the students to access to a critical theory of knowledge applied to management and\, in a wider sense\, to all disciplines that belong to management studies. Such a goal is at the same time theoretical and practical: firstly\, it should help students understand how a "management science" has been progressively invented\, what are the challenges and limitations of \;such a project\; secondly\, it will introduce the participants to the main debates in the epistemological field\, mixing fundamental and applied epistemologies\; thirdly\, it will give them reflexive roots to fulfill their research in management studies.  \; Schedule \; Exact schedule will be added soon  \; Registration  \;  \;  \; LOCATION:\, \, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eaf99 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Doctoral Course - Communication and Writing Skills DTSTART:20250204 DTEND:20250204 DESCRIPTION: LLSMA2007 - \;Communication and Writing Skills – 5 ECTS Prof. Valérie SWAEN &\; Manuel KOLP  \; Description See the full course description here COURSE OBJECTIVES \; The objective of the course is to help young researchers in management get a better understanding of the peer reviewed publication process and develop their academic writing skills. This course provides transversal competences to doctoral students and future researchers – i.e. competences that are useful regardless of their specific topic and discipline. During this seminar\, students will learn how to write a literature review\, an academic paper\; how to get published and how to present a research paper. \; At the end of the course\, students should be able to: \; prepare a research plan and an academic paper\; \; write a paper following the academic standards\; \; review an academic paper\; \; pitch his/her research\; \; present a research seminar \; \; build online profiles and web presence \; COURSE CONTENT \; The different topics that will be covered in this course are the following ones: \; Defining what makes a good research idea? \; Designing your literature review (Searching for literature\; Quality of journals\; Writing the literature review…) \; Developing your research design (Conceptual model\, hypotheses\, methodology…) \; Writing your paper: what and how? (Structure of an academic paper\; Writing an abstract\; Writing the basic sections: data collection\, findings\, discussion\, conclusion\, limitations and future research\; Positioning a research and defining contributions\; Common mistakes of novice writers…) \; Publishing process (Soliciting for feedback\; Developing research papers\; Selecting an appropriate journal\; Order of authors\; Making the paper ready for submission\; …) \; Reviewing your paper \; Presenting your research in a research seminar \; Pitching your research to a non-expert audience \; Becoming an impactful academic \; Using Web Tools and establishing web presence and visibility \; COURSE ORGANIZATION \; Students are expected to prepare the writing/reading assignment and think about the topics before each session. They are also expected to contribute in an informed\, critical and innovative manner during the sessions. \; EVALUATION METHODS \; Different assignments will be asked from students: \; writing a working paper following the academic standards (see specific guidelines posted on Moodle)\; \; presenting this working paper (see specific guidelines given in class)\; \; reviewing a paper written by another student and discussing it after the oral presentation/poster. \; The assessment of your performance will be composed of the following elements: \; Quality of the written working paper (65%) \; Quality of the oral presentation of your working paper (20%) \; Quality of your review and discussion of a classmate paper (15%) \;  \; Schedule \; Date Time Location  \;  \; Tuesday\, February 04\, 2025 8.30 - 11.45 am DOYEN 21  \;  \; Wednesday\, February 05\, 2025 8.30 - 11.45 am DOYEN 21  \;  \; Tuesday\, February 11\, 2025 8.30 - 11.45 am DOYEN 21  \;  \; Wednesday\, February 12\, 2025 8.30 - 11.45 am DOYEN 21  \;  \; Tuesday\, February 18\, 2025 8.30 - 11.45 am DOYEN 21  \;  \; Wednesday\, February 19\, 2025 8.30 - 11.45 am DOYEN 21  \;  \; Tuesday\, February 25\, 2025 8.30 - 11.45 am DOYEN 21  \;  \; Wednesday\, February 26\, \;2025 8.30 - 11.45 am DOYEN 21  \;  \; Tuesday\, March 4\, 2025 8.30 - 11.45 am DOYEN 21  \;  \; Wednesday\, March 5\, 2025 8.30 - 11.45 am DOYEN 21  \;  \; Tuesday\, March 11\, 2025 8.30 - 11.45 am DOYEN 21  \;  \; Wednesday\, March 12\, 2025 8.30 - 11.45 am DOYEN 21  \;  \;  \;  \; A \;presentation day \;is organized in June \; Schedule to be confirmed. \;  \; Registration  \;  \;  \; LOCATION:Auditoire DOYEN 21\, Place des Doyens\, 1\, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eafa1 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Doctoral Course - Research Methods (Part 2): Qualitative Research Methods 2024 DTSTART:20250205 DTEND:20250205 DESCRIPTION: LLSMA 2002 - Research Methods (3 parts) – 10 ECTS If you register and pass for the block of 3 courses =>\; 10 credits If you choose and pass the courses separately =>\; 3 credits each  \; Part 1 : Advanced Discrete Optimization (Daniele Catanzaro) \; Part 2: Qualitative Research Methods (Laurent Taskin) Part 3: Quantitative Research Methods (Vincenzo Verardi)  \; Description See the full course description here Qualitative Research Methods General characteristics of qualitative approaches Research design and data collection Interview Guide and questioning Analyzing and making sense of data Data Quality Control Reflexivity and heterodox approaches Ethnographic and Visual Approaches  \; Schedule \; Wednesday\, \;February 5\, 2025 2.00 pm - 5.30 pm \; LECL 83 \; Wednesday\, \;February 12\, 2025 2.00 pm - 5.30 pm LECL 83 \; Wednesday\, \;February 19\, 2025 2.00 pm - 5.30 pm LECL 83 Wednesday\, \;February 26\, 2025 2.00 pm - 5.30 pm \; LECL 83 Wednesday\, \;March 5\, 2025 2.00 pm - 5.30 pm \; LECL 83 Wednesday\, \;March 12\, 2025 2.00 pm - 5.30 pm \; LECL 83  \; Registration  \;  \;  \; LOCATION:LECL 83\, \, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eafaa END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Research seminar: Industry Collaborations for Disruptive Sustainability: Exploring a Dialogue on Fossil Fuel Collaborations DTSTART:20250317 DTEND:20250317 DESCRIPTION: University-industry collaborations are widely acknowledged as a way for universities achieve their impact and sustainability goals. In achieving these goals universities can support a sustainable energy transition and related disruptions. However\, divergent views on how universities can and should act as disruptors in the sustainable energy transition have recently emerged. This study examines the University of Amsterdam’s formally organized 6-month long dialogue on whether it should collaborate with the fossil fuel industry. Based on an in-depth qualitative study\, we identify three forms of perceived responsibilities – moral\, academic\, and impact – that led to six key tensions. We outline six conditions where universities need to make decisions on how to address very polarized views. Our study offers novel insights to scholars of university-industry relations as well as disruptive sustainability.  \; Arno Kourula Bio (from University of Amsterdam Business School) Kourula \;obtained his PhD from the Aalto University School of Business in Finland in 2009. The title of his dissertation was \;Company Engagement with Nongovernmental Organizations from a Corporate Responsibility Perspective. Between 2010 and 2015\, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Stanford University and Fellow at the Copenhagen Business School. He joined the Amsterdam Business School in 2012. As a lecturer\, he has been active in the development of new courses and programmes. In 2020 he co-founded the \;Sustainability Honours Programme \;for students enrolled in the MSc Business Administration. Since 2017 he has been the director and later co-director of the ABS Sustainability Initiative.  \;  \; LOCATION:Auditoire DOYEN 21\, Place des Doyens\, 1\, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66eb8039eafb3 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR