BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Workshop on Electricity Markets Design DTSTART:20250127 DTEND:20250127 DESCRIPTION:Join Us for an Academic Workshop on Electricity Market Design As the energy transition continues\, the electricity system will look fundamentally different in the years to come. With increasing generation from renewable energy sources and greater consumer participation\, significant challenges arise for the design and operation of liberalized electricity systems. This workshop aims to bring together researchers in economics and operations research to discuss these challenges and explore innovative solutions. Highlights: 10 Talks by International Guest Speakers Date: 27 January 2025 Venue: Building Ommegang\, Rue de l'Ommegang 6\, 1000 Bruxelles. Directions and access instructions. Organizers: Quentin Lété\, Bert Willems Confirmed Speakers: Lesia Mitridati (DTU\, Denmark) Anthony Papavasiliou (NTUA\, Greece) Pär Holmberg (IFN Stockholm\, Sweden) Silvester van Kooten (UJEP\, Czech Republic) Marion Ott (ZEW\, Germany) Estelle Cantillon (ULB\, Belgium) David Wozabal (VU Amsterdam\, Netherlands) Han La Poutré (CWI/TU Delft\, Netherlands) Nicolas Astier (PSE\, France) Register for Attendance: Click here Also\, don't miss our Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop on Energy Systems on January 28\, 2025! LOCATION:Building Ommegang\, Rue de l'Ommegang 6\, Bruxelles 1000\, BE DTSTAMP:20241222 UID:6768133f5f0c6 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:PhD Workshop on Energy Systems DTSTART:20250128 DTEND:20250128 DESCRIPTION: Join Us for an Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop on Energy Systems Date: January 28\, 2025 Location: Campus Saint Louis\, Brussels\, Belgium The Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE) at UCLouvain and the Benelux Association for Energy Economics (BAEE) are hosting a PhD workshop on energy systems. This event is a great opportunity for junior researchers in economics\, operations research\, and engineering to connect\, share ideas\, and expand their networks. Highlights: Doctoral Lectures PhD Presentations in Parallel Sessions Venue: Building Ommegang\, Rue de l'Ommegang 6\, 1000 Bruxelles. Directions and access instructions. Local Organizers: Quentin Lété\, Bert Willems Submit an Abstract by January 10\, 2025: Click here Register for Attendance: Fill the form here Also\, don't miss our Interdisciplinary Workshop on Electricity Market Design on January 27\, 2025!  \; \; \; \; \;  \;  \;  \;  \;  \; LOCATION:Campus Saint Louis\, Rue de l'Ommegang 6\, Bruxelles. 1000\, BE DTSTAMP:20241222 UID:6768133f5f0d2 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR