BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CORE Brown Bag Seminar - Leïla Van Keirsbilck  DTSTART:20240925 DTEND:20240925 DESCRIPTION:  \; Leïla Van Keirsbilck \;(LIDAM. CORE) The transmission of shocks across sectors and the dynamics of sectoral prices This paper explores the dynamics of U.S. sectoral producer prices in a large Bayesian vector autoregressive (BVAR) model that uses the Input-Output matrix and the Investment Flow matrix to inform the prior. We first validate our model by comparing its performance in terms of forecasting headline inflation. We then analyze the effects of sectoral and aggregate shocks\, identified via external instruments\, on different sectoral prices and on aggregate variables. Our contribute to a deeper understanding of sectoral price dynamics\, offering insights for monetary and fiscal policy decisions in the face of inflationary pressures.  \; \;Leïla Van Keirsbilck  \;  \; DTSTAMP:20240920 UID:66ecbd44794ec END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:UCLouvain Economic Seminar - Michael McMahon DTSTART:20240926 DTEND:20240926 DESCRIPTION:  \; Michael McMahon (University of Oxford) will give a presentation on Tough Talk: The Fed and the Risk Premium  \; Abstract: We study how monetary policy affects financial risk premia. Unlike existing studies\, we focus on the Federal Open Market Committee’s (FOMC’s) forward-looking policy stance\, beyond the current announcement and macroeconomic forecasts\, which we derive from the policymakers’private deliberations. A more hawkish policymakers’ stance in the FOMC meeting predicts lower risk premia during the intermeeting period. This effect is not explained by the content of the FOMC statement and unfolds gradually after the announcement. We document the importance of intermeeting communication via speeches and minutes to show how communicating forward-looking stance is vital in managing policy-induced risk perceptions. Joint with Anna Cieslak.  \; LOCATION:Doyen 22\, Place des doyens 1\, \, Louvain-la-Neuve 1348\, BE DTSTAMP:20240920 UID:66ecbd44794f6 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CORE Brown Bag Seminar - Mathieu Van Vyve DTSTART:20241009 DTEND:20241009 DESCRIPTION:  \; Mathieu Van Vyve \;(LIDAM. CORE) Identifying when thresholds from the Paris Agreement are breached: the minmax average\, a novel smoothing approach Identifying when a given threshold has been breached in the global temperature record has become of crucial importance since the Paris Agreement. However there is no formally agreed methodology for this. In this work we show why local smoothing methodologies like the moving average and other climate modeling based approaches are fundamentally ill-suited for this specific purpose\, and propose a better one\, that we call the minmax average. It has strong links with the isotonic regression\, is conceptually simple and is arguably closer to the intuitive meaning of “breaching the threshold” in the climate discourse\, all favorable features for acceptability. When applied to the global mean surface temperature anomaly (GMSTA) record from Berkeley Earth\, we obtain the following conclusions. First\, the rate of increase has been ∼+0.25°C per decade since 1995. Second\, based on this new estimate alone\, we should plausibly expect the GMSTA to reach 1.49°C in 2023 and not go below that on average in the medium-term future. When taking into account the record temperatures of the second half of 2023\, not having breached the 1.5°C threshold already in July 2023 is only possible with record long and/or deep La Niña in the following years.  \; \;Mathieu Van Vyve​​​​  \;  \; DTSTAMP:20240920 UID:66ecbd44794ff END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CORE Brown Bag Seminar - Laureen de Barsy DTSTART:20241016 DTEND:20241016 DESCRIPTION:  \; Laureen de Barsy \;(Université de Liège) The Role of Talent Acquisition in Technology Leadership and Diversification Abstract : ...  \;  \; DTSTAMP:20240920 UID:66ecbd4479506 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Chaire International Francqui Professor - From Social Analysis to Political Influence: Reinventing Statistical Modeling DTSTART:20241017 DTEND:20241017 DESCRIPTION:  \; Chaire International \;Francqui Professor From Social Analysis to Political Influence: Reinventing Statistical Modeling  \; Ernesto San Martin  \; Program \;: 16:15: Welcoming 16:30: Introduction of the Invited Faculty \;professor by Sébastien Van Bellegem (LIDAM/CORE) 16:45: Inaugural lecture : From Social Analysis to Political Influence: \;Reinventing Statistical Modeling 17:45: \;Q&\;A 18:00: Medal presentation 18:15: Cocktail reception  \; Registration  \;  \; DTSTAMP:20240920 UID:66ecbd447950c END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR