For more information please contact:
Jean-Christophe Defraigne - Academic Director
Questions about: admissions, enrollment, programme and courses contents, career prospects, teaching methods, ...
Jean-Christophe Defraigne holds a MSc in Economic History at the London School of Economics and a PhD in Economics at the University of Brussels. He is currently professor in International and European Economics at the Institute for European Studies of Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles and at the Louvain School of Management UCLouvain. He is also a research fellow at the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies of the KULeuven University. He has been visiting scholar and professor at UIBE Beijng (Jing Mao Da Xue) and Zhejiang Da Xue. As an academic expert, he has participated to numerous international research projects for various international institutions such as the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Japan External Trade Organization or the Jacques Delors Institute.
Among recent publications: « The Belt and Road Initiative and Global Governance », Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2020; « Introduction à l’Economie Européenne, 2ème édition », Ouvertures Economiques De Boeck, Brussels, 2017 ; “The Economic Security Dimension in EU-Japan Relations” in E.Kirchner and H.Dorussen (eds) “EU-Japan Security Cooperation: Challenges and Opportunities”, Routledge, London, 2018, “Sustainable growth in China and the EU: Competition or Cooperation? An analysis stemming from the globalization of the value chain” in Telo, Mario, Chun Ding, & Zhan Xiaotong (Eds) Deepening the EU-China partnership”, Routledge, London, 2017. "Chinese Outward Direct Investment in Europe and the control of the global value chain”, in the Asia Europe Journal, Springer, April 2017, « China, the EU and the Developing World”, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2015.
Alice Baugniet - Administrative Officer
+32 (0)10 47 83 14
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Questions about admissions of (future) holders of a non-Belgian's degree >>
Questions about: courses registration, exams registration, grades encoding, deliberations >>