


Monday April 15

2.00 – 4.00 pm – «ÌýBecome effective changemakersÌý» by Prof. Julie BattilanaÌý

As part of the course "Social & Sustainable Entrepreneurship", in English

Julie Battilana's research and teaching work with social entrepreneurs, and more broadly with those bringing about social and environmental change, has shown that one of the reasons why they fail in their projects, when this is the case, is linked to a poor understanding of the power and political strategies for implementing change. This is why she has developed a 90-minute interactive course on the subject, which she will present during this session.

Venue:ÌýAGORA13, Place Agora 19


5.00 – 6.00 pm – Debate with Prof. Julie Battilana and Prof. Jean-Paul Larçon – « Former les dirigeant.e.s, transformer les entreprises »

This debate will be held in French.

This debate will question the role and impact of academics within society. It will provide an opportunity to reflect on the ability of our awardees to change the behaviour of the stakeholders they want to reach through the academic approach.

Moderators: Prof. Valérie Swaen and Prof. Matthieu de Nanteuil

This debate will be followed by a drink at 6.00 pm.

Venue:ÌýAGORA14, Place Agora 19


Tuesday April 16

10.00 am – 12.00 pm – Research seminar by Prof. Julie Battilana

This seminar will be an opportunity for Prof. Julie Battilana to summarise her research.

Venue: DOYE21 – Entrance by Place Rabelais, 1


3.00 – 4.00 pm – DHC academic session

This session will be held in French

Venue: Sénat académique – Place de l’Université, 1


4.00 – 5.00 pm – Reception

Venue: Salle de la Tapisserie – Place de l’Université, 1