
News for ions


SAFIR, a brand new Funding Platform

UCLouvain is happy to announce the launch of SAFIR, ADRE's brand new Funding Platform. The tool has been specially designed to facilitate access to the funding opportunities that best suit you as a researcher. What is SAFIR? It’s an innovative, dynamic and interactive platform that...
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Could the gut give rise to alcohol addiction?

Research on the role of the gut microbiome in alcohol addiction, led by Prof. Sophie Leclercq (IONS/CEMO/NUPS) and Prof. Philippe de Timary (IONS/NEUR) has been highlighted in Nature Outlook. Check it out here: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-00667-8 Illustration: Sam Falconer
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Brain Awareness Week 2024

The 2024 edition of the Brain Awareness Week (BAW) took place on UCLouvain’s campus in Woluwe (Brussels), where exciting activities were organized throughout the week (see full programme) for UCLouvain’s community and the general public under the theme "the creative brain". The BAW was...
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10 km Alma 2024

  This year again, several members of the Institute participated in the "10 km d'Alma" race. IoNS finished 3rd in the teams' ranking and Amélie Van Caekenberghe 2nd in the women's ranking. Congratulations to our runners!
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EURON PhD Days 2024

On February 22nd and 23rd, a delegation of around twenty members from the Institute of Neuroscience (IoNS) had the privilege to participate in the EURON PhD Days held in Lille. Organized by the European Graduate School of Neuroscience, this event brought together researchers from seven...
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