Pierre Defourny
Head of the Geomatics research lab focusing on land monitoring by satellite remote sensing from local to global scale and land use modelling using geographical information systems to support agriculture, forestry and land use planning. He was the science leader of the ESA projects Sen2Agri, Sen4CAP, Sen4STAT and the Land Cover component in the Climate Change Initiative launched in 2010 by the European Space Agency to improve the simulation provided by the global climate models. He has also conducted several research projects on remotely sensed time series analysis by the Belgian Science Policy in the past ten years (BELCAM project). His research develops operational methods to extract statistical information from global time series and to link those times series with various applications including crop monitoring, carbon cycle and climate models.
Research group
PhD student : 1
IT technician : 1
Post-Doc: 1 (J. Radoux)
An expert on geodata analysis with machine learning approaches. His experience in the lab of geomatics from UCLouvain brought him to develop integrated tools for biodiversity monitoring using remote sensing and GIS techniques.
Yannick Agnan
Yannick Agnan's research focuses on the dynamics of contaminants, such as trace elements and pesticides, as well as organic matter at the interfaces of terrestrial compartments: atmosphere, pedosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, and biosphere. He is interested in contrasting environments, whether natural (temperate forests and polar ecosystems) or anthropogenic (agroecosystems and urban environments). For a better understanding of transfer processes, he uses several geochemical tracers, such as stable isotopes and rare earth elements.
Research group
PhD student: 1Â
Technicians: 2
Anne-Laure Jacquemart
Graduated with a degree in botanical sciences in 1987, ALJ completed a doctoral thesis on a new field for UCLouvain, the ecology of pollination and reproduction of plant species. As a qualified FNRS researcher, lecturer and then professor, she developed this theme with multiple collaborations at different levels (from local to international). Interested in all aspects of plant ecology, she became a generalist teacher and researcher in plant ecology, from systematics to environmental management.
Research group
PhD student : 1
Technician : 1