Equipment & services
- 2 surgery rooms and post-operative care
- Possibility of hosting for big mammals (pig, calf)
- 6 operating microscopes for microsurgery
- Beta and gamma counter
- Centrifuges
- 3 rooms of cellular culture with laminar flow and incubators
- Equipment for molecular basic biology (PCR, Northern, Western blots ...)
- Irradiator for cells and animals
Trainings and services
- Surgical Training for new surgical technologies: microsurgery, implantation of artificial heart, cardiac valves repair, laparoscopic surgery.
- Training on surgical robotic (Intuitive Surgical, American Motion, Lapman ...)
- Test of new surgical devices (OPUS MEDICAL)
- Use of the technique ICE* (St-Jude Medical)
- Partnership Workshop of techniques of sutures (Ethicon)
- Training VENTRACOR
- Organ Recovery System (ORS)
- New techniques in laparoscopy ((Ethicon + Coviden: Johnson et Johnson), Single Access Laparoscopy (Olympus))
- Repair of porcine cardiac valves (Medtronic)
- Testing new surgical glues (Omrix Biopharmaceutical)