
Improvement of the understanding of sepsis

Bruxelles Woluwe

SEPSIS is characterized by the inflammatory response of the organism following a microbial attack. This very complex reaction has adverse effects on the function of many organs, and leads to mortality in 30 to 60% of cases. Sepsis in its severe form is therefore a major concern for any intensive care unit. Our service develops a field of clinical and fundamental research aiming at the improvement of the understanding of sepsis as well as its treatment by various approaches:

  • Fighting bacterial resistance in Europe by developing new methods for designing effective clinical trials with new antibiotics.

  • Finding innovative pathways for the treatment of sepsis by providing fundamental scientific knowledge about stem cells and their mode of action as alternatives to standard antibiotic treatments.

  • Investigating new vasopressor agents to reduce cardiovascular involvement in sepsis

  • Improving the quality of care provided to patients by optimizing compliance with international recommendations for the management of septic shock

  • Restoring early muscle activity to reduce adverse muscular and neurological impact after prolonged ICU stay following sepsis