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Bruxelles Woluwe


PREAT Véronique

Bausart M, Vanvarenberg K, Ucakar B, Lopes A, Vandermeulen G, Malfanti A, Préat V.

, Pharmaceutics (2022) 14 1025

Malfanti A, Catania G, Degros Q, Wang M, Bausart M, Préat V.

Design of Bio-Responsive Hyaluronic Acid–Doxorubicin Conjugates for the Local Treatment of Glioblastoma, Pharmaceutics (2022) 14 124.

  1. Bausart M, Préat V, Malfanti A, Immunotherapy for glioblastoma: the promise of combination strategies, J Exp Clin Cancer Res (2022) 41 35.
  2. Lopes A, Bastiancich C, Bausart M, Ligot S, Lambricht L, Vanvarenberg K, Ucakar B, Gallez B, Préat V, Vandermeulen G. New generation of DNA-based immunotherapy induces a potent immune response and increases the survival in different tumor models, J Immunother (2021) 9 e001243
  3. Bastiancich C, Malfanti A, Préat V, Rahman R. Rationally designed drug delivery systems for the local treatment of resected glioblastoma, Adv Drug Deliv Rev (2021) 113951.


  1. Rondon A, Mahri S., Morales-Yanez F., Dumoulin M., Vanbever R..
    Protein engineering strategies for improved pharmacokinetics,
    Adv Funct Mater (2021) 2101633.
  2. Loira-Pastoriza C., Vanvarenberg K., Ucakar B, Machado Franco M, Staub A, Lemaire M, Renauld J C, Vanbever R.
    Encapsulation of a CpG oligonucleotide in cationic liposomes enhances its local antitumor activity following pulmonary delivery in a murine model of metastatic lung cancer.
    Int J Pharm (2021) 600: 120504.
  3. Mahri S, Rondon A, Wilms T, Bosquillon C, Vanbever R.
    Biodistribution and elimination pathways of PEGylated recombinant human deoxyribonuclease I after pulmonary delivery in mice.
    J Control Release (2021), 329: 1054-1065.
  4. Guichard M-J, Wilms T, Mahri S, Patil H P, Hoton D, Ucakar B, Vanvarenberg K, Cheou P, Beka M, Marbaix E Leal T, Vanbever R.
    PEGylation of recombinant human deoxyribonuclease I provides a long-acting version of the mucolytic for patients with cystic fribrosis.
    Adv Ther (2021) 2000146 (1-17)
  5. Patil H P, Freches D, Karmani L, Duncan G, Ucakar B, Suk J S, Hanes J, Gallez B, Vanbever R.
    Fate of PEGylated antibody fragments following delivery to the lungs: Influence of delivery site, PEG size and lung inflammation.
    J Control Release (2018) 272: 62-71.

LELOUP Gaetane - LEPRINCE Julian

  1. Leprince JG, Van Nieuwenhuysen J.-P.
    The missed root canal story: aren’t we missing the point? Int Endod J. 2020 53, 1162–1166.
  2. Leroy R, Bourgeois J, Verleye L, Declerck D, Depuydt P, Eloot A, Carvalho JC, Teughels W, Cauwels R, Leprince J, Toma S, Michiels K, Aryanpour S, Vanden Abbeele A, De Bruyne M.
    Guideline on the prudent prescription of antibiotics in the dental office – Supplement. Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Brussels: Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE).
    2020. KCE Reports 332S. D/2020/10.273/24.
  3. Hardy CMF, Bebelman S, Leloup G, Hadis MA, Palin WM, Leprince JG.
    Investigating the limits of resin-based luting composite photopolymerization through various thicknesses of indirect restorative materials.
    Dent Mater. 2018 May 29. pii: S0109-5641(17)31368-4. doi: 10.1016/j.dental.2018.05.009.
  4. Randolph L D, Palin W M, Bebelman S, Devaux J, Gallez B, Leloup G, Leprince J G.
    Photopolymerization of highly filled dimethacrylate-based composites using Type I or Type II photoinitiators and varying co-monomer ratios.
    Dent Mater. (2016) 32: 136-48.
  5. Randolph LD, Palin WM, Leloup G, Leprince J G.
    Filler characteristics of modern dental resin composites and their influence on physico-mechanical properties.
    Dent Mater. (2016) 32:1586-1599.
  6. Leprince J G, Palin W M, Hadis M A, Devaux J, Leloup G.
    Progress in dimethacrylate-based dental composite technology and curing efficiency.
    Dent Mater. (2013) 29: 139-156.


  1. Gratpain, V., A. Mwema, Y. Labrak, G. G. Muccioli, V. van Pesch and A. des Rieux (2021).
    Extracellular vesicles for the treatment of central nervous system diseases."
    Adv Drug Deliv Rev 174: 535-552.
  2. Carradori, D., Y. Labrak, V. E. Miron, P. Saulnier, J. Eyer, V. Preat and A. des Rieux (2020).
    Retinoic acid-loaded NFL-lipid nanocapsules promote oligodendrogenesis in focal white matter lesion.
    Biomaterials 230: 119653.
  3. Kandalam, S., P. De Berdt, B. Ucakar, K. Vanvarenberg, C. Bouzin, V. Gratpain, A. Diogenes, C. N. Montero-Menei and A. des Rieux (2020).
    Human dental stem cells of the apical papilla associated to BDNF-loaded pharmacologically active microcarriers (PAMs) enhance locomotor function after spinal cord injury.
    Int J Pharm 587: 119685.
  4. Beloqui A, Brayden DJ, Artursson P, Préat V, des Rieux A.
    A human intestinal M-cell-like model for investigating particle, antigen and microorganism translocation.
    Nat Protoc (2017) 12:1387-1399.
  5. De Berdt P, Vanacker J, Ucakar B, Elens L, Diogenes A, Leprince JG, Deumens R, des Rieux A.
    Dental Apical Papilla as Therapy for Spinal Cord Injury.
    J Dent Res (2015) 94:1575-1581.


  1. Xu Y, van Hul M, Suriano F, Préat V, Cani PD, Beloqui A.
    Novel strategy for oral peptide delivery in incretin-based diabetes treatment.
    Gut (2020) 69:911-919.
  2. Xu Y, De Keersmaecker H, Braeckmans K, De Smedt S, Cani PD, Préat V, Beloqui A.
    Targeted nanoparticles towards increased L cell stimulation as a strategy to improve oral peptide delivery in incretin-based diabetes treatment.
    Biomaterials (2020) 120209.
  3. Shrestha N, Bouttefeux O, Vanvarenberg K, Lunquist P, Cunarro J, Tovar S, Khodus G, Andersson E, Keita ÅV, González Dieguez C, Artursson P, Préat V, Beloqui A.
    The stimulation of GLP-1 secretion and delivery of GLP-1 agonists via nanostructured lipid carriers.
    Nanoscale (2018) 10:603-613
  4. Beloqui A, des Rieux A, Préat V.
    Mechanisms of transport of polymeric and lepidic nanoparticles across the intestinal barrier.
    Adv Drug Deliv Rev. (2016) 106:242-255.
  5. Beloqui A, Solinís MA, Gascón AR, del Pozo-Rodríguez A, des Rieux A, Préat V.
    Mechanism of transport of saquinavir-loaded nanostructured lipid carriers across the intestinal barrier,
    J Control Release (2013) 166:115-123.