

LOURIM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

All the past PhD thesesare included in the electronic catalogue of the.

Ongoing theses

More info about the ongoing theses

Improving Information Security through Model Driven IT Governance

Researcher: Ghazaleh Aghakhani

Supervisors: Manuel Kolp, Yves Wautelet (KULeuven)

Integrating sustainability into entrepreneurship programs? The use of new teaching models in higher education institutions for sustainable entrepreneurship education and its value fororganizations

Researcher: Selenia Anastasia

Supervisor: Amélie Jacquemin

Online Sensory Activation: The Role of Crossmodal Interaction in the Customer experience

Researcher: Alix Baert

Supervisor:Ingrid Poncin

The value of visual displays in financial disclosures − the case of initial coin offerings

Researcher: DiegoBarrio Herrezuelo

Supervisor:James Thewissen

How organizations from large European citiesbenefit from Big-C culture: the particular ripple effectsof the movie and music industries for organizations

Researcher: Valentine Brognion

Supervisor: Guilhem Bascle

Thesis inrecommendationsystems

Researcher:Camille Charles

Supervisor: Corentin Vande Kerchove

Hybrid work and the re-regulation of performance: A university’s perspective

Researcher: Amine Chihi

Supervisor: Laurent Taskin

Workplace friendships through the lens of psychological capital: Insights from minoritized employees

Researcher: Antoine Cordier

Supervisor:Edina Doci

From Individual to Organizational Learning of CSR: Relations between Knowledge, CSRand Stakeholders in the Learning Journey

Researcher: Sabrina Courtois

Supervisor: Valérie Swaen

Institutional Entrepreneurship and Grand Challenges: the Enabling Role of Institutional Logics in the Emergence of Change Agents and their Strategies

Researcher: Marco Daprà

Supervisor: Frank Janssen

Sensory Webdesign:Cross-Modal Correspondences to Convey Sensory Perceptions Through Web Interfaces

Researcher: Manuel Da Silva

Supervisors:Gordy Pleyers, Jean Vanderdonckt

Disability in the new ways of working

Researcher: Ive David Klinksiek

Supervisors:Laurent Taskin, Eline Jammaers

Can tax policies prompt corporate behaviors with diminished environmental impact?

Researcher: Gregory De Boe

Supervisors:Marie Lamensch, Valérie Swaen

Corporate entrepreneurial ecosystem, an incumbent’s perspective on engagement with startups

Researcher: Lionel Delatte

Supervisor:Benoit Gailly

How do individuals develop knowledge about Corporate Social Responsibility? Role of conceptual change and socio-cognitive conflicts in the learning process of a contested concept

Researcher: Pauline de Montpellier d’Annevoie

Supervisors: Valérie Swaen, Mariane Frenay

Smart retail technologies: influence of consumers’ experience on consumer engagement

Researcher:Diane Detry

Supervisors:Ingrid Poncin, Marion Garnier

Essays on Food Consumption Confusion in the age of sustainability: Study of underlying processes and reduction mechanisms


Supervisors:Karine Charry,Béatrice Parguel

Strategies and omnichannel retail cues to influence customer experience

Researcher:Ophélie Duquesne

Supervisors:Caroline Ducarroz, Simon Hazée

A Comparison of Machine Learning-based Approaches for Adapting Graphical User Interfaces to their Context of Use: Application to Information Visualization

Researcher: Diego Eloi

Supervisor:Manuel Kolp

Can stories transform reality? A study of the performative effect of narratives and their potential for the impact scaling of sustainable ventures

Researcher: Chloé Faton

Supervisor: Julie Hermans

Thesis inentrepreneurship

Researcher: Alex Ferritto

Supervisor: Frank Janssen

Destination anthropomorphism: How does it shape tourists’ behavior?

Researcher: Nicolas Gerardy

Supervisor: Nicolas Kervyn

Thesis inNew ways of working

Researcher:Nicolas Gervesse

Supervisor: Laurent Taskin

Humaniser la gestion de l’entreprise: une approche par la théorie des pratiques

Researcher: Antoine Inglebert

Supervisor: Laurent Taskin

Advancing Circular Business Models: Innovation Patterns, Categories, and Their Impact on Firm Value

Researcher: Josep Oriol Izquierdo Montfort

Supervisor: Yves De Rongé

Customer experience in interaction with artificial intelligence

Researcher:Antoine Juquelier

Supervisors:Ingrid Poncin,Simon Hazée

Towards an integrative model for open social innovation capabilities and entrepreneurial metaorganizations' performance

Researcher: Sana Larif

Supervisor: Frank Janssen

Sport Environmental Sustainability (SES): An Investigation into Non-Profit Sport Organisations from a Stakeholders Perspective

Researcher: Pierre Leonard

Supervisors: Jeroen Scheerder,Géraldine Zeimers

Sustainability Implementation in the Informal Sector: Processes, Challenges and Outcomes

Researcher: Anne Thérèse Meno Tamno

Supervisor: Valérie Swaen

3D Gesture Recognition of Human Body based on Computational Algebra

Researcher: Mehdi Ousmer

Supervisor: Jean Vanderdonckt


Researcher:Amaury Paradis

Supervisor:Alain Vas

The Extra-User Interface as a User Interface for Controlling other User Interfaces: Concept, Method, and Application in Information Visualization


Supervisor: Jean Vanderdonckt

Towards a More Sustainable and Responsible Consumption Using Recommender Systems

Researcher: Chloé Satinet

Supervisor: François Fouss

Responsible post-crowdsourcing management

Researcher: Min Shuai

Supervisor: Valérie Swaen


Researcher: Eddy Sorby

Supervisor: Laurent Taskin

Thesis in information systems

Researcher:Colin Timmers

Supervisor:Corentin Vande Kerckhove

From Data to Responsible Decisions - Improving Diversity, Fairness and Explainability in Algorithmic Decision-Making

Researcher:Flore Vancompernolle Vromman

Supervisors:François Fouss, Marco Saerens

Economic growth sustainability of “21st Century Socialism” governments in South America: public policy analysis in the light of the development experience of East Asian new industrialised countries”

Researcher: Rodolfo David Villalobos Pozo

Supervisors: Jean-Christophe Defraigne, Régis Coeurderoy

Thesis in accounting

Researcher: Sébastien Wilmet

Supervisor:Yves De Rongé