
Blocked account

Proof of sufficient funds - blocked account

A third-country national who wishes to follow a full-time higher education course in Belgium, or a preparatory year for such a course, must prove to have sufficient personal means of subsistence.


The minimum amount of the means of subsistence is fixed by Royal Decree and indexed every year.
For the academic year 2023/2024, the amount is EUR 789 per month + EUR 150 of administration fees.

For the academic year 2024/2025, the amount is € 803 net per month + 150€ handling fees.

Regarding the amount for family reunification, you should inquire at your embassy or consulate if you are abroad or at your municipality if you live in Belgium.

However, please note that his theoretical sum is not sufficient to cover the real costs of living and studying.
These are estimated at a minimum of €1,100 per month + €300 per additional family member.

The amount of€ 803 does not include the registration fees.

The proof

Proof of sufficient means of subsistence is provided by producing one or more of the following documents:

  • a scholarship or loan certificate
  • to take charge in accordance with Annex 32
  • a certificate established by UCLouvain specifying that the student has deposited in a blocked account a sum covering the costs of their stay in Belgium.

For more information, please read our “”.

As proof of means of subsistence, UCLouvain offers the possibility of a bank deposit (via a blocked account), which will be paid monthly to the student.

How to request a blocked account?

Any request (new enrollment or re-enrollment or seeking for a job) must be done via our form: .
You will receive a confirmation email from the UCLouvain with payment instructions.

Please do not make any payment without our agreement and confirmation email.

If you have a problem with the form, you can contact us at international@uclouvain.be

Frequently asked questions

Do you have questions about bank deposit?

Our is the ideal place to find answers to your questions.

How to contact us ?

You can contact us via international@uclouvain.be.

Students are always welcome in our office. However, as we have meetings and sometimes work from home, it would be better with us.