
Teaching approach and certification


Teaching approach

All sessions are in English

The course offers a blended methodology adapted to the needs of the participants. This means that two modules will be online and one module will be on-site to put into practice what has been learnt so far. Every module will be tutored by the lecturers of the course.

The evaluation comprises different parts: quizzes, tests and task-oriented activities, a final team work (develop a project in a specific context) and an individual exam (on the basis of the team work, develop a specific aspect of the project individually).


Participants who have actively taken part in the whole program and passed the required evaluations will be issued a University certificate in Cash Based Interventions, worth 10 ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System). This certificate is in itself a valuable addition to the participant’s academic records.

Furthermore, the associated credits, if validated by the examination board of a subsequent academic program elsewhere in Europe, can be applied in that program.