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Tom Delreux publie avec Johan Adriaensen dans European...

'Twenty years of principal-agent research in EU politics: how to cope with complexity?', inEuropean Political Science Tom Delreux et Johan Adriaensen (Maastricht University) In the 20 years after its introduction, the principal-agent model has seen increasing use to study political...
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ISPOLE a co-organisé l'ECPR Summer School à Bruxelles...

La 'ECPR Summer School on Democratic Innovations in Europe and the European Union' a eu lieu en la semaine du 21 au 25 août dernier à Bruxelles. 24 étudiants de maitrise ou de doctorat venant de plus de 20 différents pays de l'Union européenne, d'Amérique du Nord et d'Asie y ont assisté....
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Which Factors Can Affect e-Public Procurement Adoption...

Which Factors Can Affect e-Public Procurement Adoption by Private Firms? The Case of Belgium Mohamad Amin Alomar and Christian de Visscher  in The Electronic Journal of e-Government , Volume 15 Issue 2 2017 Firms are the main users of e-public procurement applications...
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E-public procurement: A. Alomar et C. de Visscher...

E-public procurement: Which factors determine its acceptance by small- to medium-sized enterprises and large companies in Belgium? Mohamad Amin Alomar et Christian de Visscher The dematerialisation of public procurement (hereinafter, e-procurement) is one of the most innovative public...
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Negotiating Reconciliation in Peacemaking: un livre de...

Negotiating Reconciliation in Peacemaking. Quandaries of Relationship Building Valerie Rosoux · Mark Anstey Editors This book offers a unique approach to reconciliation as a matter for negotiation, bringing together two bodies of theory in order to offer insights into resolving...
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