BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:International Colloquium "Signals and Circuits for Motivation and Movement” DTSTART:20240919 DTEND:20240919 DESCRIPTION:We are pleased to invite you to the International Colloquium "Signals and Circuits for Motivation and Movement” September 19\, 2024 | International Conference Center\, Sorbonne University\, Paris The 2024 IFM Colloquium is organized in honor of the career of Jean-Antoine Girault and will feature 12 keynote speakers. They will address different aspects of neurotransmission and signaling in striatal circuits underlying motivation and movement\, both in physiological conditions and in disorders\, for example those affecting dopaminergic signaling (including Parkinson's disease\, obsessive-compulsive disorder\, and drug addiction). The colloquium will cover many aspects of basal ganglia involvement in action selection and procedural learning (i.e.\, habit formation)\, as well as related disorders\, to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date view of this dynamic field. Space and time will be allocated for poster presentations. For information on the venue\, program\, registration and poster abstract submission\, please visit our website: Attendance is free\, but registration is mandatory! We look forward to seeing you there. Best regards\, The Organizing Committee DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66ec59e1b6a63 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FRIA Training Session DTSTART:20241002 DTEND:20241002 DESCRIPTION:The FRIA Rehearsal Team is pleased to invite you to the upcoming FRIA Rehearsal Sessions that will take place on \; Wednesday\, October 2nd\, 2024 from 12:30 AM to 4:30 PM Thursday\, October 3rd\, 2024 from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM  \; LOCATION:Maisin Auditorium\, Avenue Mounier\, 51\, Woluwé-St-Lambert 1200\, BE DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66ec59e1b6a6e END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Semaine de la santé mentale DTSTART:20241007 DTEND:20241007 DESCRIPTION:À l’UCLouvain\, une semaine pour parler de santé mentale \; Le 10 octobre est la journée internationale de la santé mentale. À cette occasion\, le Crésam (Centre de Référence en Santé Mentale) organise la semaine de la santé mentale en Wallonie du 7 \;au 13 \;octobre 2024. L’UCLouvain se joint au mouvement pour sensibiliser sa communauté et le grand public en organisant une \;semaine d’activités pour se (re)connecter à soi et aux autres\, oser parler de santé mentale\, défaire les préjugés et les tabous. Cette édition est intitulée "Vivre dans un monde connecté" et a pour focus notre (sur)exposition aux médias numériques et son impact \;sur notre santé mentale. Mais vivre dans un monde connecté\, c'est aussi surtout être connecté à soi et aux autres. \; Programme des activités \;- du 7 au 12 octobre 2024 Сư洫ý et ses \;partenaires proposent \;des activités diversifiées à Bruxelles\, Louvain-la-Neuve et Mons. \; DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66ec59e1b6a77 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:IoNS Newcomers Welcome Session 2024 DTSTART:20241011 DTEND:20241011 DESCRIPTION:Dear IoNS members\, We are happy to invite you to the Newcomers Welcome Session that will take place on October 11\, 2024 (from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm). This welcome session is specially organised for newly admitted PhD students or postdoctoral fellows\, however all IoNS members are welcome! The purpose of this session is to welcome newcomers and to facilitate their integration by providing them an overview of the Institute and the doctoral school and by giving them all practical information they need for a smooth start. This is also a great networking opportunity! Registration is mandatory Programme 10:00-10:30 a.m.: Presentation of the institute and the institution 10:30-11:00 a.m.: Presentation of the administrative team and practical onboarding information 11:00-11:30 a.m.: Presentation of the doctoral journey 11:30-11:45 a.m.: Presentation of the technology platforms 11:45-12:00 a.m.: Presentation of the IoNS PhDs Association (IPA) &\; EURON Lunch (sandwiches) DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66ec59e1b6a82 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Bordeaux Neurocampus international conference Neurofood DTSTART:20241016 DTEND:20241016 DESCRIPTION:Brainconf NeuroFood: Registrations are open Registrations are open for the 10th edition of the Bordeaux Neurocampus international conference\, Neurofood\, about Brain-Nutrition interactions: From metabolic to psychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases. It will take place on October 16th to 18th\, 2024\, at the Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Abstract submission for poster is possible. The gala dinner will take place at the château Labottière About the conference Eating hypercaloric food\, rich in saturated fats and sugars and lacking essential nutrients\, vitamins\, and fibers\, is associated with brain non-communicable diseases\, including depression\, anxiety\, Alzheimer’s\, and Parkinson’s\, often co-morbid with obesity and type-2 diabetes. Complex intertwining exists between these different pathologies and our diet. An appropriate energy supply in quantity and quality is crucial for healthy brain functioning. Consequently\, the brain is the main victim of changes in diet-induced energy disposal and metabolism\, ultimately leading to pathology. On the other hand\, nutrients and micronutrients represent potential tools to protect/correct brain diseases\, and can be used to design new nutritional strategies for personalized medicine. This conference will gather recognized French and International experts\, who will provide overviews on advances made in understanding the impact of nutrition on psychiatric\, neurodegenerative\, and metabolic disorders\, from molecular to behavioral neuroscience\, up to human clinical trials and interventions. Presentations from established scientists will be combined with short talks and posters from younger researchers. The speakers’ list includes young and more experienced scientists\, respecting diversity and gender balance. Speakers Richard Bazinet\, University of Toronto\, Canada Nicholas Betley\, University of Pennsylvania\, USA Frédéric Calon\, Université de Laval\, Québec Lucile Capuron\, INRAE NutriNeuro Bordeaux\, France John Cryan\, University College Cork\, Ireland Marcelo Dietrich\, Yale University\, USA Joel Doré\, University of Paris-Saclay\, INRAE\, France Sadaf Farooqi\, University of Cambridge\, UK Cristina Garcia-Caceres\, Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen\, Institute for Diabetes and Metabolism\, Germany Tatiana Korotkova\, University of Köln\, Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research\, Germany Sophie Leclercq\, Сư洫ý\, Belgium Serge Luquet\, CNRS\, University of Paris\, France Michel Neunlist\, TENS – UMR INSERM 1235\, Nantes\, France Sophie Nicklaus\, INRAE Dijon\, France Soyoung Park\, DIFE\, Germany Vincent Prevot\, INSERM U1172\, Lille\, France David Rubinsztein\, University of Cambridge\, UK Cécilia Samieri\, ISPED\, Bordeaux\, France Sandrine Thuret\, King’s College London\, UK Matthias Tschöp\, Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen\, Germany Scientific committee Daniela Cota\, Inserm\, Neurocentre Magendie Benjamin Dehay\, Inserm\, Institut des Maladies Neurodégénératives Xavier Fioramonti\, Inrae\, NutriNeuro Sophie Layé\, Inrae\, NutriNeuro Carmelo Quarta\, Inserm\, Neurocentre Magendie More details / registration LOCATION:Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine\, \, Bordeaux \, FR DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66ec59e1b6a90 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:New course on electrophysiological techniques in neuroscience DTSTART:20241104 DTEND:20241104 DESCRIPTION:Dear PhD students\, EURON has launched a new course on electrophysiological techniques in neuroscience. This course will be held on the Alma campus from November 4th to 8th. The cost is 195 euros for the 5 days for EURON partner universities. Places are limited\, but a few spots are still available\, so if you are interested\, please do not hesitate to register via this link: Marion &\; Yasmine More info about the course : Electrophysiology is a cornerstone of neuroscience\, providing crucial insights into the electrical activities underpinning neural function. This course will explore the techniques and applications of electrophysiology at cellular\, animal\, and human levels\, emphasizing its role in understanding neural circuits and brain function. Through cellular electrophysiology\, students will learn about ion channel behaviour and neuron signalling. Animal studies will illustrate how these principles translate to complex systems and behaviours. Finally\, human electrophysiology\, including EEG\, will demonstrate how these methods are applied in clinical and research settings to unravel the complexities of the human brain. The EURON course on electrophysiological techniques in neuroscience will extend over 8 half-days\, starting on Monday afternoon and ending on Friday morning. The aim is to provide PhD students with a translational overview of how electrophysiology can be used in various fields of neuroscience research. The course will prioritize hands-on experiments. To understand the fundamentals of the electrical properties of a cell membrane and ion transports\, a novel setup using a lipid bilayer model will be used. Cellular electrophysiology will be explored using voltage and current-clamp recordings. Long-term potentiation measurements in hippocampal slices will be used to explore the potential of extracellular recordings. Electrophysiological techniques in humans will combine live recordings of the electroencephalogram (EEG) and sensory-evoked brain potentials\, clinical neurophysiology case studies\, and the use of intracerebral EEG for research. Multi-channel electromyography combined with gait analysis will also be explored. A specific practical session will be devoted to the post-processing techniques used to analyse electrophysiological signals. The theoretical courses will be concise and delivered alongside each practical. The number of students is limited to 18 participants to allow quality hands-on experience and improve the learning experience. The teachers will be available throughout the course to answer questions\, but also to discuss the potential use of electrophysiology for their research questions. Contact : (UCL representative for EURON) (UCL representative for EURON) DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66ec59e1b6a9a END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:From self-knowledge to knowing others - 4th edition DTSTART:20241127 DTEND:20241127 DESCRIPTION:From self-knowledge to knowing others (4th edition): New Advances in Unlocking the Plasticity of Social Cognition in General and Clinical Populations Save the date for this two-day workshop to be held in Brussels on Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th of November 2024. The workshop aims to gather senior and junior researchers from all fields\, from fundamental neuroscience to clinical research\, sharing an interest in social cognition and interpersonal behaviour. This year\, we have invited experts to cover two main topics: Towards better Interventions: What are the initiatives\, methods\, results\, and strategies for enhancing or modulating social cognitive processes? Understanding and tracking changes: How to unlock the plasticity of social cognition? Further\, the invited talks will inform about which theoretical models and empirical tools are available to capture the many facets of social cognition across change. The overarching goal is to bridge the gap between understanding plasticity and applying practical interventions. Registration is free but mandatory\, and seats are limited. You can already register here. We encourage junior researchers to present their work via a poster or a short talk\, even if your work is loosely related to this year’s topics. Several awards will be granted for the best posters. Keynote speakers are Isabel Dziobek (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin\, Germany)\, Heather Ferguson (University of Ken\, the UK)\, Pavla Linhartová (Masaryk University\, Czech Republic)\, Arthur Pabst (UCLouvain\, Belgium)\, Ekaterina Pronizius (University of Vienna\, Austria)\, Leonhard Schilbach (LVR-Klinikum Düsseldorf\, Germany)\, Dirk Scheele (Ruhr-University Bochum\, Germany)\, Maude Schneider (Université de Genève\, Suisse)\, Jan Van den Stock (KU Leuven\, Belgium). The workshop program will be sent to you soon\, meanwhile\, you can browse the previous editions’ program here. Henryk Bukowski\, on behalf of the organizing committee: Ekaterina Pronizius\, Alix Bigot\, Henryk Bukowski. DTSTAMP:20240919 UID:66ec59e1b6aa0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR