

Seismic performance and residual displacements of reinforced concrete walls detailed with iron-based shape memory alloys

The project will investigate the effectiveness of novel and cost-effective reinforcement in concrete walls - based on the use of shape-memory alloys - to reduce residual displacements and improve the overall seismic performance.

In fact, the current seismic design philosophy of reinforced concrete structures typically implies large inelastic strains and accumulation of damage in plastic hinge regions, which can result in permanent building displacements after an earthquake event.

Often, the residual displacements will be in such excess that the entire building needs to be demolished.

The project is aligned with ongoing research that Dr. Ryan Hoult has been doing with Prof. João Almeida, and will include testing on large-scale specimens in the LEMSC laboratory.

The outcomes of this proposed research have the potential to achieve a more robust building stock internationally, increase community resilience, and promote research and technology development for natural disaster impact reduction.


This project has received funding under the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme