> Pierre Delmelle (coord.)
> Charles-André Fustin
> Michel Ghislain (coord.)

> Yann Bartosiewicz
> Quentin Goor (compensates Mathieu Javaux)
> Marnik Vanclooster

> Christine Dupont (coord.)
> Yann Garcia
> Yann Garcia (compensates Christine Dupont)


> Charline Coduti (compensates Anne-Julie Toubeau)
> Ariane Halleux
> Sandrine Meirlaen (coord.)
> Yannick Paquin (compensates Anne-Julie Toubeau)
> Marine Volpe (compensates Amandine Dumont)
Charline Coduti
(compensates Anne-Julie Toubeau)
Ariane Halleux
Sandrine Meirlaen
Yannick Paquin
(compensates Anne-Julie Toubeau)
Marine Volpe
(compensates Amandine Dumont)

> Amandine Dumont
> Ariane Halleux (coord.)
> Sandrine Meirlaen (coord.)
> Marine Volpe (compensates Anne-Julie Toubeau)
Amandine Dumont
Ariane Halleux
Sandrine Meirlaen
Marine Volpe
(compensates Anne-Julie Toubeau)

> Ahmed Adrioueche
> Ariane Halleux
> Lucille Meyers
> Philippe Neyt
> Charlotte Peters (coord.)
> Adrien Pham
> Anne-Julie Toubeau (coord.)
Ahmed Adrioueche
Ariane Halleux
Lucille Meyers
Philippe Neyt
Charlotte Peters
Adrien Pham
Anne-Julie Toubeau

> David Alsteens
> Charles Bielders
> Stephan Declerck
> Eric Gaigneaux (coord.)
> Michel Ghislain
> Caroline Louis
David Alsteens
Charles Bielders
Stephan Declerck
Eric Gaigneaux
Michel Ghislain
Caroline Louis


> Christine Dupont (coord.)
> Michel Ghislain
> Thibaut Huybrechts (compensates Christine Dupont)

> Yannick Agnan
> Anne-Laure Jacquemart (coord.)

> Patrick Bogaert
> Emmanuel Hanert (coord.)
> Marnik Vanclooster


> Alice Alonso (compensates Charles Bielders)
> Alice Alonso (compensates Marnik Vanclooster)
> Hugues Goosse
Alice Alonso
(compensates Charles Bielders)
Alice Alonso
(compensates Marnik Vanclooster)
Hugues Goosse

> Yannick Agnan
> Richard Lambert
> Caroline Vincke

Le cours magistral étant commun, les partims M et P ne peuvent être cumulés.

The students have a free choice of courses of 10 credits.It's advisable to choose 3 credits within the other options in order to reach 32 credits of the option.
Minimum 10 credit(s)
Minimum 10 credit(s)


> Arnaud Detaille (compensates Christine Dupont)
> Christine Dupont (coord.)
> Thibaut Huybrechts (compensates Christine Dupont)
Arnaud Detaille
(compensates Christine Dupont)
Christine Dupont
Thibaut Huybrechts
(compensates Christine Dupont)

> Christine Dupont
> Aurélien vander Straeten (compensates Christine Dupont)


> Yann Bartosiewicz
> Quentin Goor (compensates Mathieu Javaux)
> Marnik Vanclooster

Le cours magistral étant commun, les partims M et P du cours LBIR1352 ne peuvent être cumulés.

The students have a free choice of courses of 10 credits.It's advisable to choose 3 credits within the other options in order to reach 32 credits of the option.
Minimum 10 credit(s)
Minimum 10 credit(s)


> Yann Bartosiewicz
> Quentin Goor (compensates Mathieu Javaux)
> Marnik Vanclooster

> Alice Alonso (coord.)
> Charles Bielders (coord.)
> Hugues Goosse

> Quentin Ponette (coord.)
> Caroline Vincke

> Yannick Agnan (coord.)
> Richard Lambert
> Caroline Vincke

The students have a free choice of courses of 10 credits.It's advisable to choose 3 credits within the other options in order to reach 32 credits of the option.
Minimum 10 credit(s)
Minimum 10 credit(s)