Common core [60.0]
Module 1 : Methods for geographical and spatial analyses (10 credits)
Module 2: Physical geography and global change (10 credits)
q2 30h+30h 5 credits
> Veerle Vanacker
> Nathan Vandermaelen (compensates Kristof Van Oost)
Module 3 : Human-environment geography and sustainability (10 credits)
Module 4 : Integration (10 credits)
Philosophie (2 credits)
Choose one of the following teaching units:FR
q2 15h+15h 2 credits
> Alexandre Guay (compensates Charles Pence)
> Hervé Jeanmart
> René Rezsohazy
Research Focus [30.0]
Module 5: Climatology (22 credits)
Terrain en géographie (5 credits)
L'étudiant·e choisit au moins un terrain parmi :
List of elective courses
Elective courses specific to climatology orientation
Students choose a minimum of 22 credits from this list:
Other elective courses
Students complete their program by choosing teaching units from this list or from the list of elective courses specific to climatology. With the approval of the jury, students may integrate into their program 2nd or 3rd bachelor's degree courses not taken during the bachelor's degree, as well as courses taken at other universities.
q2 30h 3 credits
Optional courses
These credits are not counted within the 120 required credits.Content:
q2 30h+15h 3 credits
> Anne Bauwens (compensates Jean-François Rees)
> Myriam De Kesel
Preparatory Module (only for students who qualify for the course via complementary coursework)
To access this Master, students must have a good command of certain subjects. If this is not the case, in the first annual block of their Masters programme, students must take supplementary classes chosen by the faculty to satisfy course prerequisites.
Enseignements supplémentaires