
A Bruxelles Saint-Louis
Horaire adapté - En anglais
Sigle du programme: EUPB7FC
Mémoire/Travail de fin d'é³Ù³Ü»å±ð²õ : NON
Stage : NON
Activités en anglais: OUI
Activités en d'autres langues : NON
Activités sur d'autres sites : NON
Organisé par:

Domaine d'é³Ù³Ü»å±ð²õ principal :


The POLLEN Module is organized by the Institute for European Studies (IES) in partnership with the at UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles, Belgium.


The POLLEN Module aims to promote excellence in teaching EU Environmental studies and consists of a two-week intensive and interdisciplinary course of over 40 staggered teaching hours delivered by renowned scholars and practitioners who expose participants to a range of theoretical and methodological perspectives.

It aims to equip students and professionals with a rigorous understanding of relevant and pressing environmental challenges, with an overarching emphasis on:

  • EU Environmental Law
  • EU in Multilateral Negotiations
  • Air Pollution in Court
  • EU Climate Change and Energy Governance
  • EU Waste Management, Chemicals, and Nanotechnologies
  • Biodiversity, Agriculture, Food, and Trade

The program is part of Amandine Orsini's .

Votre programme