
At Louvain-la-Neuve
120 credits - 2 years
Day schedule - In French
Programme acronym: SPOL2M
Francophone Certification Framework : 7
Dissertation/Graduation Project : YES
Internship : YES
Activities in English: YES
Activities in other languages : NO
Activities on other sites : NO
Organized by:

Main study domain :


The Master offers you

  • a theoretical and practical knowledge of political systems and actors in political decision-making;
  • two specializations that are unique in Europe: “Belgian and comparative politics” & “Democratic innovations and transformations”
  • an integrated approach through case studies and projects;
  • training in the methodological tools of political science research;
  • the opportunity to test your skills in the field during an internship in an institution, an association or a research team;
  • the opportunity to carry out part of your programme abroad.

Your profile


  • aim at developing a theoretical and practical expertise to analyse and act on contemporary socio-political phenomena;
  • have a Bachelor's degree and wish to complete your initial training with a Master's programme to strengthen your analytical skills, critical thinking and creativity;
  • hold a Master's degree in political science and intend to specialize, in one year, in Belgian and comparative politics or in democratic innovations and transformations;
  • are active in the public services, private companies or civil society and want to give an academic framework to your practices;
  • wish to develop the professional skills necessary to act in the socio-political context at the local, regional, national or international level;
  • would like to prepare yourself for the national, European and international civil service entrance exams.

Your future job

Our graduates are hired for:

  • their expertise in the analysis and diagnosis of concrete and complex problems/situations relating to public action in the broadest sense by critically mobilising specialised methodologies and analytical tools in different fields of application
  • advising "political" action in Belgian politics from a comparative perspective or in terms of democratic innovations and transformations.
  • drawing up scenarios of responses or actions to concrete questions relating to institutional and organisational design
  • positions with organisations or institutions in the public sphere, at local, regional, national, European or international level, but also in the private sphere (companies, non-governmental organisations, associations).

Your programme

The Master fosters the development of rigorous tools to understand the socio-political complexity and to engage in this context. It develops both fundamental and applied research skills in political science, more particularly in a comparative and multi-level perspective, and real-life expertise for engagement in politics, administration and associations.

All the graduates will have developed advanced analytical and project management skills as well as practical and reflective expertise in the fields of political action in the broadest sense of the term: more specifically in terms of analysis of Belgian politics in a comparative perspective for the graduates of the “Belgian and comparative politics” specialization and in terms of democratic innovations and transformations for the graduates of the “democratic innovations and transformations” specialization.