> Oscar Bernal Diaz (compensates Alexandre Girard)
Oscar Bernal Diaz
(compensates Alexandre Girard)


> Thibaut Slingeneyer de Goeswin (compensates Diane Bernard)
Thibaut Slingeneyer de Goeswin
(compensates Diane Bernard)

> Gabriela de Pierpont (compensates Pierre Jadoul)
> Yannick Ninane
> Yannick Ninane (compensates Pierre Jadoul)
Gabriela de Pierpont
(compensates Pierre Jadoul)
Yannick Ninane
Yannick Ninane
(compensates Pierre Jadoul)


> Nathan Uyttendaele (compensates Cédric Heuchenne)
Nathan Uyttendaele
(compensates Cédric Heuchenne)


> Gerlanda Cipolla
> Marleen Cré
> Sebastiano Ferrari
> Milena Fontana
> Julie George Garkov
> Priscilla Hemeleers
> David Leisterh
> Françoise Longrée (coord.)
> Isabelle Lukau
> Erwin Ochsenmeier (coord.)
> Melissa Uzumcuoglu
Gerlanda Cipolla
Marleen Cré
Sebastiano Ferrari
Milena Fontana
Julie George Garkov
Priscilla Hemeleers
David Leisterh
Françoise Longrée
Isabelle Lukau
Erwin Ochsenmeier
Melissa Uzumcuoglu

Will benefit from a course unit of Dutch for Beginners or Spanish in first year: 1) The student who has had less than two hours of Dutch per week throughout the year in one of the last four years of high school; 2) The student who have completed high school in 2019-2020 or earlier and who has not been trained in Dutch between the end of high school and its registration in St. Louis. Additional informations and forms to fill out are available at the Faculty secretariat.

> Julie George Garkov
> Priscilla Hemeleers
> Françoise Longrée (coord.)
> Isabelle Lukau
> Erwin Ochsenmeier (coord.)
> Madeline Riordan
Julie George Garkov
Priscilla Hemeleers
Françoise Longrée
Isabelle Lukau
Erwin Ochsenmeier
Madeline Riordan

Student who replaced the course unit of Dutch I the Fisrt Year by Dutch for Beginners I or Spanish I should follow the Second Year, the same course unit, higher level (Dutch for Beginners II or Spanish II). Additional informations are available at the Faculty secretariat.

> Isolde Boutsen (coord.)
> Astrid De Munter (coord.)
> Guy Sirjacobs

> Gerlanda Cipolla
> Marleen Cré
> Sebastiano Ferrari
> Julie George Garkov
> Priscilla Hemeleers
> Françoise Longrée (coord.)
> Isabelle Lukau
> Erwin Ochsenmeier (coord.)
> Madeline Riordan
Gerlanda Cipolla
Marleen Cré
Sebastiano Ferrari
Julie George Garkov
Priscilla Hemeleers
Françoise Longrée
Isabelle Lukau
Erwin Ochsenmeier
Madeline Riordan

Student who replaced the course unit of Dutch I and II the Fisrt Year and the Second Year by Dutch for Beginners I and II or Spanish I and II should follow the Third Year, the same course unit, higher level (Dutch for Beginners III or Spanish III). Additional informations are available at the Faculty secretariat.

> Isolde Boutsen (coord.)
> Astrid De Munter (coord.)
> Barbara Fraipont
> Pauline Heyvaert

Students must choose optional course totalling 5 credits.


> Caroline Buts (compensates Jean-Christophe Defraigne)
Caroline Buts
(compensates Jean-Christophe Defraigne)