Access to the master's of Engineering Sciences - Engineering听
The bachelor's programme in Engineering entitles direct access to the master's programme in Engineering, in the orientation corresponding to one of the specialization tracks followed (otherwise prerequisites could be required)
After having accumulated 120 credits spread over 2 years, the student will obtain the title of Master of Engineering Sciences, which is conferred jointly with the professional title of Engineer.
The Ecole Polythechnique de Louvain offers ten different orientations for theses studies :
- Master [120] in Civil Engineering
- Master [120] in Chemical and Materials Engineering
- Master [120] in Physical Engineering
- Master [120] in Electrical Engineering
- Master [120] in Electro-mechanical Engineering
- Master [120] in Mechanical Engineering
- Master [120] in Computer Science and Engineering
- Master [120] in Mathematical Engineering
- Master [120] in Biomedical Engineering
- Master [120] in Data Science Engineering
- Master [120] in Energy Engineering