
At Louvain-la-Neuve
180 credits - 3 years
Day schedule - In French
Programme acronym: HIST1BA
Francophone Certification Framework : 6
Dissertation/Graduation Project : NO
Internship : NO
Activities in English: YES
Activities in other languages : NO
Activities on other sites : NO
Organized by:

Main study domain :


The historian is a specialist in the how the past relates to the present. But it is not enough to be curious and interested in the past to choose to study history. It requires learning methods of information and research: assembling documents and assessing them critically, organising data and putting them in their historical context, making a summary. History is of interest to people today: it helps them to understand and act in today’s world.

By the end of the first cycle, you will have learnt how to

  • set out a relevant research topic and establish the framework for a piece of history research;
  • implement a documentary research method in relation to a given question;
  • apply critical principles to the assembled documents;
  • interpret the data and give them meaning;
  • summarise the results of your work and communicate them in writing and speaking.
Your profile

You display curiosity about all human problems, a strong critical sense and a liking for precision and rigour; you like working in libraries and documentary research; you can express yourself easily in both writing and speech in French; you are interested in philosophy, culture, art, literature and politics.

You are in principle well suited to studying history. Knowledge of languages is an advantage and good working methods will certainly help you to succeed.

Your future job

History develops reasoning, analysis, critical capacity, a sense of proportion and the ability to assemble documentation : these are all skills which are valued in various sectors of employment. Teaching, research, communication and the world of books all provide obvious openings. Other areas include the private sector (business, banking or insurance), tourism, government service, the sociocultural world and the voluntary sector.

Your programme

The Bachelor’s degree offers you

  • general training in philosophy, arts and letters : history, arts and civilisations, European literatures, ancient and modern languages;
  • training in humanities : historical criticism, philosophy, etc.;
  • knowledge of history : historical foundations of civilisation by period, transversal issues;
  • the ability to use a historian’s tools: methods and techniques (criticism of sources, documentary research etc.);
  • the ability to undertake a piece of historical research: practical work, seminars, etc.
Your parcours

At the end of the first cycle, you can take the Master [120] in History. It is organised in two annual blocks and offers a wide range of specialisations.

For further information, consult the page "Possible trainings at the end of the programme".