
At Louvain-la-Neuve
120 credits - 2 years
Day schedule - In French
Programme acronym: STIC2M
Francophone Certification Framework : 7
Dissertation/Graduation Project : YES
Internship : YES
Activities in English: optional
Activities in other languages : NO
Activities on other sites : NO
Organized by:

Main study domain :


During the last decades, the production and dissemination of knowledge as well as the management of information have been profoundly influenced by the "digital revolution", both in the fields of Sciences and technologies, as well as in the human and social sciences, the Arts and letters. This revolution has favored the development of media and digital technologies in the form of technical, informational but also social objects which have in common the fundamental modification of their users' relationship to knowledge(s) and information.

The master's degree must therefore train the student in the skills required to

  • identify these new challenges in digital information management and knowledge mediation,
  • design, produce, implement and evaluate media systems that meet these challenges and
  • train users of these in the skills required by these new devices.

The expression "media device" designates any arrangement that has the three classic properties of media: informational (dealing with a theme), technical (being a machine) and social (connecting people). A paper or electronic book, a mobile application, a museum, a search engine, a crowdfunding platform, a theater, a media library, a website, a video game, or a database should therefore be considered as a media device. documentaries, for example.
During their course, the student is trained to analyze, design, disseminate and evaluate multimedia technical devices which aim to produce, make available, promote and manage access to documentary resources and to promote the knowledge mediation. More than before, today's media offer users great freedom of action. Particular emphasis is therefore placed on the ability of students
- to observe, analyze and model the practices of users and different audiences using these media devices;
- to observe, analyze and model the possibilities and constraints specific to each of these media devices;

- to design in an appropriate manner, that is to say in a critical and ethical manner, new systems meeting the needs of uses in terms of sharing information and knowledge.

To ensure this training has the necessary interdisciplinary expertise, this master's degree is built on an interfaculty structure: it combines the skills of teachers coming from the Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Letters (FIAL) and the other from the Faculty of Economic, Social, Political and Communication Sciences (ESPO), more particularly from its School of Communication (COMU).

Your profile

You are interested in :

  • the establishment of knowledge sharing systems, whether in a museum, an exhibition, a library, a science park, a theater, a cinema, a video game, a website, a social network, a platform learning,… ;
  • aspects of design-evaluation of media for educational purposes and information management (digital processing, archiving, visualization, etc.);
  • information and communication technologies and wish to participate in their development;
  • the acquisition of practical skills in multimedia technology and the concern to base these on an in-depth knowledge of information and communication sciences and technologies.

Your future job

The holder of the Master's degree in Science of information and communication technologies is trained to intervene in any situation where an appropriate media response to an issue (informative, social, public health, environmental, civic, etc.) and adapted to the audience concerned is expected. In practical terms, this response will consist of producing a media system tailored to the issues and audiences for whom information needs to be made available and/or knowledge, attitudes and behaviour need to be changed.

In terms of jobs, holders of a master's degree in Science of information and communication technologies can design educational tools, raise awareness of the challenges of innovation in different contexts, manage information or provide training and support in the use of new media. With their multi-disciplinary and sufficient technical, informational and social skills, experts in Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies occupy an essential position between those responsible for 'content' in the fields concerned, public or private institutional decision-makers and the teams responsible for technical design.

In the immediate future, with the proliferation of social intelligence technologies and the very high expectations of both the knowledge industries and public authorities keen to invest in digital educational technologies and information and knowledge management, the digital knowledge mediation environments sector will represent a considerable source of employment, with its high-level skills requirements.


Your programme

The Master's degree offers you on one hand a common base where each student is confronted with the basic concepts, theories and techniques which underlie the analysis and design of media devices for the circulation of knowledge, as well as preparation to the demands of university work and his future profession. Then, the student chooses to focus either on the “digital information management” focus, or on the “design and evaluation of educational media” focus. Finally, he/she will complete his training program by choosing two options from the following (or an international stay):

  • Educational media design
  • Analysis and visualization of information
  • Digital culture and ethics
  • or a transversal option:

Media culture
Multilingual communication
INEO - Interdisciplinary training in entrepreneurship (ex-CPME)
Gender Modules