
A Louvain-la-Neuve
Horaire adapté - En anglais
Sigle du programme: SCAA8FC
Mémoire/Travail de fin d'é³Ù³Ü»å±ð²õ : NON
Stage : NON
Activités en anglais: OUI
Activités en d'autres langues : NON
Activités sur d'autres sites : NON
Organisé par:

Domaine d'é³Ù³Ü»å±ð²õ principal :



The 4th industrial revolution is upon us, data is becoming the most precious commodity of the 21st century. Hence, the value proposition for customers is changing radically and business models must evolve at high speed. What will be the impact on your supply chain and enterprise when Industry 4.0 becomes a reality? Is your business model robust to a world where open standards, information and automation offer flexible and fast production anywhere for anyone? Do you leverage the value of the data flows associated to your processes?


Added value for you and your company
  • Allows supply chain professionals to explore future challenges and opportunities from the Industry 4.0 digitalisation of the sector
  • Flexible three-day modules, each including a full day on-site case study with the visit of a logistical or industrial site that could be combined over time or independently
  • Reality-based approach offering participants the opportunity to exchange different points of view with trainers and hosting professionals
  • Gives participants a solid knowledge and tools to strategically manage the supply chain and sharpen their organisation’s competitive advantage
  • Topics are renewed every year to follow latest innovation, the programme offers a true continuous education path for executives that want to stay at the forefront of supply chain management


Votre profil

The programme is designed for managers holding a university degree (or equivalent) with at least five years of experience aiming to master the most recent challenges in supply chain management.


With the collaboration of :

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