Place Cardinal Mercier 10/L3.05.01
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Ѵï Mikolajczak
Professeure ordinaire
Curriculum Vitae
Pr Ѵï MIKOLAJCZAK,Last update: 2024
Bibliometric indexes at last update:
Google Scholar: > 22.000 citations; h-index = 66PERSONNAL INFORMATION
Office address
Psychology Department
Place Cardinal Mercier 10 ; B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
E-mail moira.mikolajczak@uclouvain.beHome Address
Rue du Chênois 41
1367 Grand-Rosière (Belgium)Date of birth: 23rd of March 1979
Place of birth: Brussels, Belgium
Nationality: Belgian
Languages spoken fluently: French, EnglishEDUCATION AND DEGREES
2002-2006 Ph.D. at the Сư洫ý (UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve). Title: “The moderating effect of Emotional Intelligence on psychological and neuroendocrine responses to stress” (Director: Pr. Olivier Luminet). Summa cum laude
2002-2004 DEA & Doctoral School at UCLouvain, Belgium
1997-2002 Undergraduate degree in Psychology at UCLouvain, Belgium. Summa cum laude
Specialization: Clinical psychology
Optional subject: Organizational Psychology.SCIENTIFIC STAYS ABROAD
Jan-Sept 2007 Stanford University, USA (Pr. J.J. Gross)
May-Aug. 2005 University of London, United Kingdom (Pr. K.V. Petrides)PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES
2018- Associate Professor (UCLouvain, Belgium)
2010-2017 Assistant Professor (UCLouvain, Belgium)
2006-2009 Post-doctoral Researcher at the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS-FRS)
2007 Post-doctoral Fellow at Stanford University, USA (Psychophysiology Laboratory, Pr. J. Gross)
2005 Visiting Ph.D. student at the University of London (Institute of Education, Pr. K.V. Petrides)
2002-2006 Ph.D. Student in the Research Unit for Emotion, Cognition and Health (ECSA) at UCLouvain.AWARDS and MARKS OF RECOGNITION
2020: Complimentary membership offered by the prestigious Association for Psychological Science (APS) in reward of my contribution to psychological science.
2019: Member of the National Committee of Psychological Sciences of the Royal Academies for Science and the Arts in Belgium.
2019: Article nominated for the “Article of the Year” by Child abuse and Neglect:
Mikolajczak, M., Brianda, ME, Avalosse, H. & Roskam, I. (2018). Consequences of parental burnout: Its specific effect on child neglect and violence. Child Abuse and Neglect, 80, 134-145.2017: Award of the Polish Association for Positive Psychology (category: best scientific article), for the paper "Why are people high in emotional intelligence happier? They make the most of their positive emotions" by Dorota Szczygiel and Ѵï Mikolajczak.
2012: Laureate of the B.A.E.F. (Belgian-American Education Foundation) Alumni Award
GRANTS (exclusive of the grants obtained by my Ph.D. students)
2023 Biology of Parental Burnout (FSR grant – doctorante Coline Machiels: Ѵï Mikolajczak comme promotrice, Nicolas Tajeddine comme copromoteur)
2022- Physician’s burnout: From science to treatment (FNRS Grant – doctorante Emilie Banse ; Philippe de Timary comme promoteur, Ѵï Mikolajczak comme copromotrice)
(~ 150,000 EUR)
2022 ARES Mobility Grant to welcome a Vietnamese Ph.D. student for 24 months in Belgium
(~ 79,200 EUR).
2021 Centre of Excellence for Learning Dynamics and Intervention Research (Academy of Finland)– Research grant for an interdisciplinary consortium on the multidimensional aetiology of learning problems; with Paavo Leppänen, Mikki Aro and Riika Korja (Team leaders and coordinators)
(~ 1,000,000 EUR)
2021 Reappraising the etiological model of parental burnout (FNRS Grant – doctorante Aline Woine; Ѵï Mikolajczak comme promotrice, Isabelle Roskam comme copromotrice)
(~ 150,000 EUR)
2019 ARC Research grant for an interdisciplinary project (Psychology – Public Health – History) on the paradoxical effect of pressures on parents (with Profs Isabelle Roskam, Alexandre Heeren, Isabelle Aujoulat and Aurore François).
(~ 600,000 EUR)
2018 FAI grant to support the International Investigation of Parental Burnout (IIPB) Consortium (avec Pr Isabelle Roskam comme promotrice principale)
(~ 15,000 EUR)
2018 Research grant for a joint project with the University of Grenoble-Alpes on the treatment of parental burnout (with Pr Rebecca Shankland from Grenoble)
(~ 75,000 EUR)
2017-2019 Comparing four non-pharmacological interventions for parental burnout (Mutualité Chrétienne- Christelijke Mutualiteit - provision of human resources)
(la MC a financé la communication, la réservation des salles, le catering).
2016 Research grant “Special Research Funds” (FRS) from the Catholic University of Louvainfor a project on the antecedents and consequences of parental burnout (with Pr Isabelle Roskam)
(92,213 EUR)
2012 Research grant from the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research for a research project (FNRS-PDR) on the dark side of oxytocin (with Pr Olivier Luminet)
(170,000 EUR)
2011 Research grant “Special Research Funds” (FSR) from the Catholic University of Louvain on the psychological treatment of migraines.
(80,162 EUR)
2008 Research grant from the Région Wallonne for a project “First Spin-off” on the evaluation and treatment of chronic stress (with Pr Jacques Grégoire)
(220,000 EUR)
2006 Research grant from the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research for a research project on the interactive effects of context and prefrontal EEG asymmetry on emotional regulation processes and outcomes
(15,000 EUR)
2006 Travel grant from the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS) (participation in my post-doctoral stay at Stanford University)
(3500 EUR)
2006 Special Research Fund (FRS) from the University of Louvain (participation in funding my post-doctoral stay at Stanford University)
(2500 EUR)
2005 Grant from the Belgian French Speaking Government’s (funding my scientific stay at the University of London)
2004 Fellowship of the Gallup Organisation for the 2004 Positive Psychology Summit [Washington, USA]LONG-TERM COLLABORATIONS
With other universities (National and International)
University of Stanford, USA (Pr J.J. Gross, since 2007-),
University College London, UK (Pr K.V. Petrides, 2005-);
ESADE Business School, Spain (Pr. J. Quoidbach, since 2008-),
SWPS University, Poland (Pr D. Szczygiel, since 2015-),
University of the Basque Country, Spain (Pr Sarrionandia-Pena, 2015-),
Coimbra University, Portugal (Pr M.F. Gaspar, since 2017-),
University of Jyväskylä, Finland (Pr Kaisa Aunola and Dr. Matilda Sorkkila; since 2017-).With University Hospitals
Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Brussels (Since 2005 : Pr. Ph. de Timary),
With health-related organizations
Mutualité Chrétienne, Brussels (Since 2010: R&D Department: Hervé Avalosse; Health Promotion and Prevention Department: France Gérard, Aline Franssen and Florence Kappala).
Current Affiliations to Scientific Societies and Institutes
- National Committee for Psychological Sciences; Royal Academies for Science and the Arts, Belgium.
- Association for Psychological Science (APS) (complimentary membership offered for my contribution to the psychological science).
- European Association for Clinical Psychology and Psychological Treatment (EACLIPT)
- International Investigation of Parental Burnout (IIPB) ConsortiumPast Affiliations
- International Society for Psychoneuroendocrinlogy (ISPNE)
- International Society for Research on Emotion (ISRE)
- International Society for the Study of Indiviual Differences (ISSID)TEACHINGS
BA and MA Courses
2015- “Interventions in Health Psychology” (4 ECTS). Department of Psychology, UCLouvain.
2013- “General and Medical Psychology” (3/5 ECTS) (with S. Symann, E. Constant, Ph. De Timary). Department of Medicine, UCLouvain
2010- “Introduction to Psychology” (Psych 101) (7/14 ECTS) (with, A. Szmalec, N. Vermeulen and D. Samson). Department of Psychology, UCLouvain.
2011 “Interventions in Health Psychology” (3 ECTS). Department of Psychology, Université Paris Descartes (Paris V).
2010-2014 “Health Psychology” (3/6 ECTS) (with S. Van den Broucke). Department of Psychology, UCLouvain.
2010-2014 “Emotion Psychology and Psychopathology” (3/6 ECTS) (with P. Philippot). Department of Psychology, UCLouvain.
2010&2015 “Emotional Competence: Theory and Practice” (2 ECTS). Université des Aînés, Louvain-la-Neuve.
2008 -2010 “Organizational Behaviour” (30h), Louvain School of Management, UCLouvain
Doctoral Courses
2021- « Séminaire de recherche en psychologie clinique et en psychologie de la santé » (with Pr Olivier Luminet)
2016-2021 “Burnout: From theory to interventions” Department of Psychology, UCLouvain (with Pr Isabelle Roskam, Pr Emmanuelle Zech & Pr F. Stinglhamber)
2015 “Stress et défis de la parentalité” Department of Psychology, UCLouvain (with Pr Isabelle Roskam)
Continuing and Executive Education
2020- Régulation des émotions et parentalité (2h). DU Psychologie et Psychopathologie de la Parentalité. Université de Paris, France.
2020- Le burnout Parental (2h). DU Psychologie et Psychopathologie de la Parentalité. Université de Paris, France.
2021- Stress and Burnout (14h). University Certificate “Diagnostic et Prise en charge Clinique des Burnouts professionnel et parental. UCLouvain, Belgium.
2019-2021 Stress and Burnout (14h). Académie Burnout, Belgium.
2019- Therapists’ burnout (3h). University Certificate in Experiential and Person-Focused Psychotherapy, UCLouvain, Belgium.
2014- “Emotions et compétences émotionnelles” (14h). University Certificate in Life Coaching, UCLouvain, Belgium.
2013- “Les compétences émotionnelles” (4h). Executive Master in Business Coaching, UCLouvain, Belgium.
Ph.D. students
2023 Coline Machiels: Biology of Parental Burnout (Ph.D. co-supervised with Pr Nicolas Tajeddine)
2022- Zoé Saliez: Impact of the ecological crisis on parenting
2022- Thanh Nguyen: Impact of family factors on parental burnout
2022- Emilie Banse: Physician’s burnout: From science to treatment (Ph.D. co-supervised with Pr Philippe de Timary)
2021- Aline Woine: Reappraising the etiological model of parental burnout.
2021- Alice Schittek: Moderators of the relationship between parental burnout and parental violence (Ph.D. co-supervised with Pr Isabelle Roskam)
2019- Gao-Xian Lin: Paradoxical effects of pressure on parents: A 40-country study (Ph.D. co-supervised with Pr Isabelle Roskam)
2017-2020 Maria Elena Brianda: Facteurs de risque, conséquences et prises en charge du burnout parental (Ph.D. co-supervised with Pr Isabelle Roskam)
2015-2017 Louise Schinkus: Influence de la détresse des patients diabétiques sur la compliance au traitement (Ph.D. co-supervised with Pr Stephan Van den Broucke)
2013-2017 Marie Bayot: Influence de la pleine conscience sur l’empathie: effets et processus impliqués.
2011-2017 Marine Jaeken: Développement d’une formation aux compétences relationnelles à destination des étudiants en psychologie (Ph.D. co-supervised with Pr Zech and Pr Verhoofstadt)
2011-2016 Anthony Lane: Au-delà du mythe, quelle est l’influence réelle de l’ocytocine? Approche critique des effets affectifs, comportementaux et cognitifs de l’administration intranasale d’ocytocine chez l’humain (Ph.D. co-supervised with Pr. Olivier Luminet)
2011-2014 Fanny Weytens: Comparaison de l’effet de l’augmentation des émotions plaisantes et de la diminution des émotions déplaisantes sur l’ajustement psychologique, somatique et social (Ph.D. co-supervised with Pr. Olivier Luminet)Temporary Researchers
2022 Iryna Zbrodsky: Parental burnout assessment in Ukrainian parents (on FAI and Access2University funding)
2019-2021 Alexandre Marquet: Applicability of Multi-family therapy to the treatment of parental burnout
2019-2021 Laura Gallée: Prevention of parental burnout (on ARC funding)
2016-2017 Jessica Morton: A processual model of compliments.
2014-2015 Lydia Lorenzino: The protective impact of emotional competence during pregnancy (on PDR FNRS funding)
2011-2015 Stéphanie Miliche: Efficiency of an emotional competence intervention to decrease migraine frequency (on FSR funding)
2008-2012 Illios Kotsou: “The development of emotional skills in adults (grant “Project First Spin-off” from the Belgian French-speaking government).Post-docs
2018-2019 Dr Marie Bayot (co-supervision with Pr Rebecca Shankland, Université Grenoble-Alpes)
2016-2017 Dr Yuki Nozaki (Kyoto, then Konan University, Japan)
2015 Dr Ainize Pena-Sarrionandia (University of the Basque Country, Spain)
2014 Dr Maria Balle, Universidad de les Illes Balears, SpainMember of Ph.D. supervision committees
2022- Doris Lassagne: Resilience to every day stressors (Director: Pr Alexandre Heeren, UCLouvain).
2021- Sarah Dekeyser: Understanding and improving teachers’ mental health at work (Directors: Pr Vanessa Hanin & Pr. Gaëtane Caessens, UCLouvain, Belgium)
2020- Sylvia Snoeck: RTW coaching during and after cancer (Directors: Pr Elke van Hoof and Pr Emmanuelle Zech; Vrij Univesiteit Brussels, Belgium)
2020- Camille Mouguiama-Daouda : L’anxiété face au changement climatique (Director : Pr Alexandre Heeren, UCLouvain, Belgium).
2019- Camille Amadieu: The role of brain-gut axis in alcohol dependence (Directors : Pr Nathalie Delzenne, Pr Sophie Leclerc & Pr Philippe de Timary, Department of Medicine, UCLouvain, Belgium).
2019- Margaux Roberti : Evolution du modèle du (bon) parent de 1945 à 2015 (Director : Pr Aurore François, Department of History, UCLouvain, Belgium)
2018-2020 Nathan N’Guyen : Une approche multi-cibles du travail émotionnel : vers un modèle intégratif (Director: Pr Florence Stinglhamber, Сư洫ý, Belgium).
2017-2019 Morgane Xhonneux: Applications de la Pleine Consciences dans les troubles sexuels masculins (Director: Dr Françoise Adam and Pr Pascal de Sutter, Сư洫ý, Belgium).
2016-2020 Pierre Gérain: Antécédents et conséquences du burnout de l’aidant proche (Director: Pr Emmanuelle Zech, Сư洫ý, Belgium).
2015-2019 Elise Batselé: Effet des compétences émotionnelles sur la rechute de l’infarctus du myocarde, et investigation des médiateurs biologiques potentiellement respsonsables de cet effet (Director: Pr Carole Fantini-Hauwel, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium).
2014-2018 Vanessa Hanin: Etude de la motivation, des compétences émotionnelles (CE) et de l’engagement des élèves du troisième cycle de l’enseignement primaire (9-12 ans) en FWB, en résolution de problèmes mathématiques (Director: Pr Catherine Van Nieuwenhoven, Сư洫ý, Belgium).
2013- Virginie Di Silverio: Enjeux psychologiques chez les femmes en rémission d’un cancer du sein (Director: Pr Susann Wolff, Сư洫ý, Belgium)
2012- Anne Weisgerber: Régulation des émotions et musique (Director: Pr. N. Vermeulen, Сư洫ý, Belgium)
2012-2020 Gaëtan Devos : L’impulsivité chez les personnes dépendantes au jeu (Director : Pr Joël Billieux & Pr. Pierre Maurage, Сư洫ý, Belgium)
2012-2016 Claire Prade: L’émotion d’émerveillement (awe) et son influence sur la spiritualité (Director: Pr. V. Saroglou, Сư洫ý, Belgium)
2011-2020 François Moors: Les modes interpersonnels du thérapeute et du client en interaction dans la relation thérapeutique: leurs impacts sur l'efficacité thérapeutique (Director: Pr. E. Zech, Сư洫ý, Belgium)
2010- Pascale Vanhoutvinck: “Evaluation et mise au point d’un traitement sexo-thérapeutique cognitivo-comportemental des comportements sexuels compulsifs masculins” (Director: P. De Sutter, Сư洫ý, Belgium)
2010-2019 Emilie Moget: La construction de l’identité chez les enfants de mères lesbiennes (Director: Pr Susann Wolff, Сư洫ý, Belgium)
2010-2016 David Ogez: Les interventions psychologiques auprès des patients cancéreux: Que peut-on faire au-delà de l’annonce de la mauvaise nouvelle? (Directors: Pr. E. Zech & Pr. Ph. De Timary, Сư洫ý, Belgium)
2010-2015 Françoise Adam: “Approche cognitive et comportementale de la sexualité des femmes basée sur la méditation de pleine conscience. Elaboration et évaluation d’un auto-traitement pour l’anorgasmie coïtale feminine” (Director: P. De Sutter, Сư洫ý, Belgium)
2009-2017 Séverine Ballon: L’expression verbale des émotions sous forme orale et écrite: propriétés et bénéfices respectifs (Directors: B. Rimé & G. Herman, Сư洫ý, Belgium).
2009-2012 Véronique Leroy: “La résistance à la tentation dans l’apprentissage” (Director: J. Grégoire, Сư洫ý, Belgium)
2007-2013 Sophie Brasseur: “The emotional intelligence of gifted students” (Université Notre Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium. Director: J. Grégoire, Сư洫ý, Belgium)
2007-2011 Magali Lahaye: “L’influence des competences émotionnelles sur la qualité de vie et la sévérité de la maladie des enfants asthmatiques” (Directors: N. Van Broeck, University of Leuven, Belgium; O. Luminet, Сư洫ý, Belgium, & E. Bodaert, Cliniques Mont Godinne, Belgium)
2006-2010 Delphine Nelis: “Emotional intelligence and academic performance: neuroanatomic correlates and training perspectives” (Director : M. Hansenne ; University of Liège, Belgium).Member of Ph.D. thesis’ or HDR jury (apart from my own Ph.D. students)
2022 Camille Amadieu, UCLouvain (January 2022).
2022 Fanny Hamelin Cassedanne, Université Paris Nanterre, France (January 2022)
2021 Manon Dugué, Université de Rouen Normandie, France (October 2021)
2021 Ugne Pestaraite, Royal College of Music London, UK (October 2021)
2021 Mariam Kvitsiani, Tbilisi State University, Georgia (May 2021)
2020 Tony Guttentag, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (October 2020)
2020 Astrid Lebert-Charron, Université Paris Descartes (October 2020)
2020 Nathan N’Guyen, UCLouvain (June 2020)
2020 Gaëtan Devos, UCLouvain (May 2020)
2020 François Moors, UCLouvain (May 2020)
2020 Pierre Gérain, UCLouvain (April 2020)
2019 Anne-Sophie Beaudry, Université Lille III (June, 2019)
2019 Emilie Moget, UCLouvain (June 2019)
2019 Elise Batselé, Université Libre de Bruxelles (June, 2019)
2019 Aurélie Gillis, Сư洫ý (June 2019)
2019 Chantal Kempenaers, Université Libre de Bruxelles (June, 2019)
2018 Marie Poncin, UCLouvain (December 2018)
2018 Vanessa Hanin, UCLouvain (October 2018)
2017 Johan Lepage, Université de Grenoble-Alpes (December 2017)
2016 Rita Seixas, Université du Luxembourg (October, 2016)
2016 Laurie Loop, Сư洫ý (September 2016)
2016 Claire Prade, Сư洫ý (August 2016)
2016 Sarah Le Vigouroux, Université d’Aix-Marseille (June 2016)
2015 David Ogez, Сư洫ý (December 2015)
2015 Bruno Dauvier (HDR), Université d’Aix-Marseille (December 2015)
2015 Françoise Adam, Сư洫ý (September 2015)
2014 Karin Chellew Galvez, Universitat de les Iles Balears (February 2014)
2013 Sophie Brasseur, Сư洫ý (June 2013)
2012 Joanna Blogowska, Сư洫ý (September 2012)
2012 Véronique Leroy, Сư洫ý (February 3 2012)
2011 Marie Housiaux, Сư洫ý (October 7 2011)
2011 Magali Lahaye, Сư洫ý (May 24 2011)
2010 Delphine Nelis, Université de Liège (October 11 2010)Master’s theses supervision and co-supervision
2003- Supervision of more than 160 completed master’s theses in Psychology
(List available upon request)Research internships
2002- Supervision of more than 25 full-time research internships
1. Editorial Board
Member of the Editorial Board of Nature Scientific Reports, Psychological Division.
2. Host-organizer of Scientific Conferences
- Organization of the Biennial Conference of the Royal Academies for Science and the Art of Belgium (Psychological Science Division) on the Burnout Syndrome, March 17 2023, Brussels, Belgium
- Co-organization with Isabelle Roskam, Gao-Xian Lin and Annelise Blanchard of the 2nd International Conference on Parental Burnout, May 6-7 2021, held online due to the COVID pandemic.
- Co-organization with Pr Isabelle Roskam (with the administrative support of Dominique Arnould, Dominique Hougardy and Marianne Bourguignon) of the 1st International Conference on Parental Burnout, December 6-7 2019, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
2. Reviewing
For International Peer-Reviewed Journals (by alphabetical order):
Affective Science; Annals of Behavioral Medicine; Anxiety, Stress and Coping; Biological Psychology; Brain Imaging and Behavior; Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy; Cognition and Emotion; Chronic Stress; Current Psychology; European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry; European Journal of Personality; European Review of Applied Psychology; European Neuropsychopharmacology; Emotion; Emotion Review; Evolution and Human Behavior; Family Relations; Frontiers in Psychology; International Journal of Behavioural Development; Journal of Affective Disorders; Journal of Anxiety Disorders; Journal of Happiness Studies; Journal of Occupational and Health Psychology; Journal of Personality; Journal of Research in Personality; Journal of Psychosomatic Research; Journal of Supportive Care in Cancer; Nature (Scientific Reports); Personality and Individual Differences; Personality and Social Psychology Science; Psychiatry Research; Psycho-Oncology; Psychophysiology; Perspective on Psychological Science; Psychoneuroendocrinology.For Funding Agencies or Organizations:
- Former member of the SHS-2 commission of the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS)
- National Institute for Health Research (NHS), United Kingdom
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Canada
- Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR), France
- Dutch Research Council (DRC), Domain Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
- Axa Research Fund, France3. Member of External Selection Committees
- May 2022: Member of the Selection Committee for the recruitment of a full professor at Lyon II University (France).
- April 2022: Member of Promotion Committee for Associate professors, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Fasil University (Saudi Arabia)
- April 2022: Member of the Selection Committee for the recruitment of an Associate professor in the framework of the Serra Hunter Program for Catalan Universities (Spain)
- February 2021: Member of the Selection Committee for the recruitment of an Assistant Professor in General Medicine at the University of UCLouvain, Belgium (MEDE/IRSS).
- February 2019: Member of the Selection Committee for the recruitment of an Assistant Professor in General Medicine at the University of UCLouvain, Belgium (Department of Medicine).
- Mai 2017: Member of the Selection Committee for the recruitment of an Associate Professor at the University of Grenoble-Alpes (France).4. Royal Academies for Science and the Art of Belgium
2021- Deputy Secretary of the National Committee for Psychological Sciences
2019- Member of the National Committee for Psychological SciencesSERVICES TO THE DEPARTMENT
2022- President of Selection Committee for the recruitement of a research assistant in Clinical Psychology
2021- Member of the Jury-restreint de bachelier en Logopédie.
2021- Member of the Commission de bachelier en Psychologie
2021- Member of the Bureau de l’Institut de recherches en Sciences Psychologiques.
2021- Academic Director and Coordinator of the “Certificat Universitaire en Diagnostic et Prise en Charge Clinique des Burnouts Professionnel et Parental”
2020-2021 President ad interim of the “Conseil de Faculté” (suppl. E. Zech)
2019- Member of the “Commission Eco-Responsable” (PSP, UCLouvain)
2019- Co-Head of the “Consultations Psychologiques Spécialisées en Parentalité”
2018-2019 President of the School of Psychology (EPSY, UCLouvain)
2018-2019 President of the “Commission de master” (EPSY, UCLouvain)
2016-2017 Secretary of the MASTER jury (President: Pr Isabelle Roskam)
2015-2017 Secretary of the BAC jury (President: Pr Isabelle Roskam)
2015-2019 Member of the “Commission Master”
2014-2015 Member of the “Bureau ISPY”
2014-2015 Member of the “Commission BAC” and “Commission master”
2013- Academic Director and Coordinator of the “Certificat Universitaire en Life Coaching”
2013-2015 Coordinator of the BAC2 committee
2010-2017 Member of the “Commission des relations avec les milieux extérieurs”
2009-2011 Member of the “Commission pour une faculté durable”
2010-2011 Member of the “Groupe à tâches pour la réforme du master en sciences psychologiques”.
SERVICES TO THE COMMUNITY2020- Help to the community in the management of the impact of the coronavirus- related lockdown (Projects conducted in collaboration with Pr Isabelle Roskam)
- Setting of a free hotline to help parents deal with the lockdown situation and prevent parental burnout (recruitment of 42 voluntary psychologists in a few days to help us answer the calls). Hotline active from the 23rd of March to the 30th of June 2020.
- Communication of tips and advice to parents to prevent parental burnout during the lockdown (communicated via a dedicated website, via online conferences, via social networks and via the medias: written press, radio broadcasts and TV broadcasts)
- Online training of more than 400 psychologists in 8 weeks in order to increase the expertise about parental burnout in order to help parents during the lockdown.2020- Development of a world map listing all professionals trained to parental burnout (project conducted with Pr Isabelle Roskam, with the gracious help of the Training Institute for Parental Burnout)
Fully updated every six months.
Approx. 50.000 new views every six months.2019- Development of a public information website for parental burnout
(Project conducted with Pr Isabelle Roskam and with the gracious help of Moodwalk, Paris, for the webdesign)https://www.burnoutparental.com/
Available in French and English
Updated every year.
70.000 unique visitors per year2017 Development and validation of diagnostic tool for parental burnout
(Project conducted with Pr Isabelle Roskam and Maria Elena Brianda, with the gracious help of the Mutualité Chrétienne, Brussels, and Moodwalk, Paris)Development of an evidence-based tool (“Parental Burnout Assessment” - PBA) to evaluate the presence and severity of parental burnout. Test and automatic feedback freely available online at: https://www.burnoutparental.com/diagnostic-du-burnout-parental
The PBA has been translated in 25 different languages and is used in > 50 countries.2017- Development and validation of on-site and remote interventions to prevent and/or treat parental burnout
(Projects conducted with Pr Isabelle Roskam and Maria Elena Brianda, with the gracious help of the Mutualité Chrétienne, Brussels, and Moodwalk, Paris)2021- Development of an online accompanying program to prevent parental burnout (“Parent sur le Fil”)
2017- Development of an application to facilitate the detection, understanding and prevention of parental burnout (“Dr Mood Parents”).
2017- Development and validation of on-site evidence-based group interventions for parents in burnout (clinical manual: Brianda, Roskam & Mikolajczak, 2019, DeBoeck).2015- Participation in the scientific committee of various companies (e.g., Moodwork, Paris) and Non-Profit Organizations (e.g., Federation Nationale des Ecoles des Parents, France).
2013- Development of an evidence-based tool to evaluate one’s emotional competencies (Project conducted with Sophie Brasseur)
Development and Validation of the Profile of Emotional Competence (PEC). Test and automatic feedback freely available online at: https://emotional-competence.co/en
The PEC has been translated in several languages and is now widely used in >25 countries.2010- Regular communications in the media (Radio, TV, social networks, blogs) since 2010 (> 100 on parental burnout in the last 4 fours)
2008- Development of evidence-based interventions to improve emotional competencies in adults (Project conducted with Delphine Nelis, Jordi Quoidbach, Ilios Kotsou and Stéphanie Miliche)
2022- : Creation of a non-profit organization with Sophie Brasseur and Thierry Marchand to disseminate emotional competence trainings in society (via schools, associations and companies).
2008-2016: Development and Validation of on-site trainings designed to improve people’s level of emotional competence. Successful applications in educational, occupational and health settings (see e.g., Nelis et al., 2011; Kotsou et al., 2011; Pavani et al., under review).
1. Doctoral dissertation
Mikolajczak, M. (2006). The moderating effect of emotional intelligence on the psychological and neuroendocrine responses to stress. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Сư洫ý, Belgium.
2. Books
Roskam, I., Gross, J.J. & Mikolajczak, M. (2023). Emotion regulation and Parenting. Cambridge University Press.
Kotsou, I., Farnier, J., Shankland, R., Mikolajczak, M. & Leys, C. (2022). Développer les compétences émotionnelles en 8 séances. Paris : Dunod.
Mikolajczak, M. & Roskam, I. (2021). Ouders zijn ook maar mensen. What is parentale burn-out and hoe kom je erbovenop? Tielt: Lanoo.
Mikolajczak, M., Zech, E. & Roskam, I. (Eds) (2020). Le burnout professionnel, parental et de l’aidant : Comprendre, prévenir et intervenir. Bruxelles : De Boeck Supérieur.
Roskam, I. & Mikolajczak, M. (Eds.). (2020) Nature and Measurement of Parental Burnout Around the World [Thematic Volume]. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, vol. 174. Wiley/ Jossey-Bass: San Francisco, CA.
Brianda, M.E., Roskam, I. & Mikolajczak, M. (2019). Comment traiter le burnout parental ? Manuel d’intervention clinique. Bruxelles : De Boeck Supérieur.
Roskam, I. & Mikolajczak, M. (Eds.) (2018). Le burnout parental : Comprendre, Diagnostiquer et prendre en charge. Bruxelles : De Boeck Supérieur.
Mikolajczak, M. & Roskam, I. (2017). Le burnout parental : L’éviter et s’en sortir. Paris : Odile Jacob.
Roskam, I. & Mikolajczak, M. (Eds) (2015). Stress et défis de la parentalité. Bruxelles : DeBoeck.
Desseilles, M. & Mikolajczak, M. (2013). Vivre mieux avec ses émotions. Paris : Odile Jacob.
Mikolajczak, M. (Ed.) (2013). Intervention en psychologie de la santé. Paris : Dunod.
Mikolajczak, M. & Desseilles, M. (Eds) (2012). Traité de régulation des émotions. Bruxelles : DeBoeck.
Mikolajczak, M., Quoidbach, J., Kotsou, I., & Nelis, D (2009). Les compétences émotionnelles. Paris: Dunod
Peer-Reviewed International Journals
Note: Articles as last author are articles that I have co-written and/or directly supervised.
Bayot, M., Brianda, ME, Van der Straten, N., Mikolajczak, M., Shankland, R. & Roskam, I. (in press). Treating parental burnout: Effectiveness and particularities of a mindfulness and compassion-based approach. Children.
Schittek, A., Roskam, I., Mikolajczak, M. (2023). Does Parenting Perfectionism Ironically Increase Violent Behaviors from Parent towards Children? Children, 10(1704).
Piotrowski, K., Mikolajczak, M., & Roskam, I. (in press). I Should Not Have Had a Child: Development and Validation of the Parenthood Regret Scale. Journal of Family Psychology.
Schittek, A., Roskam, I., & Mikolajczak, M. (2023). Parental burnout and borderline personality stand out to predict child maltreatment. Scientific Reports, 13, 12153.
Roskam, I., the International Investigation of Parental Burnout (IIPB), & Mikolajczak, M. (2023). Three reasons why parental burnout is more prevalent in individualistic countries: A mediation study in 36 countries. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.
Piotrowski, K., Bojanowska, A., Szczygiel, D., Mikolajczak, M. & I. Roskam (2023). Parental burnout at different stages of parenthood: Links with temperament, Big Five traits and parental identity. Frontiers in Psychology.
Mikolajczak, M., Aunola, K., Sorkkila, M., & Roskam, I. (2023): 15 years of parental burnout research: Systematic review and Agenda. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 32(4), 276-283.
Brianda, ME, Mikolajczak, M., Bader, M., Bon, S., Déprez, A., Favez, N., Holstein, L., Le Vigouroux, S., Lebert-Charron, A., Sanchez Rodriguez, R., Séjourné, N., Wendland, J., & Roskam, I. (in press). Optimizing the Assessment of Parental Burnout: A Multi-Informant and Multi-Method Approach to Determine Cut-offs for the Parental Burnout Inventory (PBI) and the Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA). Assessment.
Lin, G.-X., Mikolajczak, M., Keller, H., Akgun, E., Arikan, G., Aunola, K., Barham, E., Besson, E., Blanchard, M. A., Brianda, M. E., Brytek-Matera, A., César, F., Chen, B.-B., Dorald, G., Dunsmuir, S., Egorova, N., Escobar, M. J., Favez, N., Fontaine, A. M.,…, Roskam, I. (International Investigation of Parental Burnout Consortium) (2023) Parenting culture(s): Ideal-Parent beliefs across 37 countries. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 54, 4-24.
Nozaki, Y. & Mikolajczak, M. (2022). Effectiveness of extrinsic emotion regulation strategies in text-based online communication. Emotion, 23(6), 1714–1725.Zbrodska, I., Roskam, I., Dolynska, L., & Mikolajczak, M. (2022). Validation of the Ukrainian version of the Parental Burnout Assessment. Frontiers in Psychology, 7590.
Saliez, Z. Vandeuren, A., Roskam, I. & Mikolajczak, M. (2022). Are parents of intellectually gifted children at higher, lower or equal risk for parental burnout? Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, 2614.
Roskam, I. Vancorenland, S., Avalosse, H. & Mikolajczak, M. (2022). The Missing Link Between Poverty and Child Maltreatment: Parental Burnout. Child Abuse and Neglect, 134, 105908.
Gato, J. Fontaine, A-F., César, F., Leal, D., Roskam, R. and Mikolajczak, M. (2022). Parental Burnout and Its Antecedents among Same-Sex and Different-Sex Families. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(13), 7601.
Agboli, A., Richard, F., Botbol-Baum, M., Brackelaire, J-L., D’Aguanno, A., Diallo, K., Mikolajczak, M., Ricadat, E., & Aujoulat, I. (2022). Changing attitudes towards Female Genital Mutilation. From conflicts of loyalty to reconciliation with self and the community: the role of emotion regulation. PLOS One, 17(6), e0270088.Begun-Kalkan, R., Blanchard, A-L., Mikolajczak, M., Roskam, I. & Heeren, A. (2022). Emotional Exhaustion and Feeling Fed Up as the Driving Forces of Parental Burnout and its Consequences on Children: Insights from A Network Approach. Current Psychology, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-022-03311-8
Lin -X, Goldenberg, A.; Arikan, G., Brytek-Matera, Anna., Czepczor-Bernat, K., Manrique-Millones, D., Mikolajczak, M., Overbye, H., Roskam, I., Szczygieł, D, Ustundag-Budak, A.M., Gross, J.J. (2022). Reappraisal, Social Support, and Parental Burnout. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 61, 1089-1102.
Manrique-Millones D., Vasin G.M., Dominguez-Lara S., Millones-Rivalles R., Ricci R.T., Abregu Rey M., Escobar M.J., Oyarce D., Pérez-Díaz P., Santelices M.P., Pineda-Marín C., Tapia J., Artavia M., Valdés Pacheco M., Miranda M.I., Sánchez Rodríguez R., Morgades-Bamba C.I., Peña-Sarrionandia A., Salinas-Quiroz F., Silva Cabrera P., Mikolajczak M. and Roskam I. (2022) Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA) in Different Hispanic Countries: An Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling Approach. Frontiers in Psychology 13:827014. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.827014
Dupont, S., Mikolajczak, M. & Roskam, I. (in press). The Cult of the Child: A Critical Examination of its Consequences on Parents, Teachers and Children. Social Sciences, 11, https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci11030141
Evans Rhys, T., Roskam, I., Stinglhamber, F., & Mikolajczak, M. (2022). Burnout Across Boundaries: Can Parental Burnout Directly or Indirectly Influence Work Outcomes? Current Psychology, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02687-3
Woine, A., Mikolajczak, M., Gross, J.J., Van Bakel, H. & Roskam, I. 2022). The Role of Cognitive Appraisals in Parental Burnout: A Preliminary Analysis During
the Covid-19 Quarantine. Current Psychology, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02629-z
Van Bakel, H., Bastiaansen, C., Hall, R., Schwabe, I., Verspeek, E., Gross, J.J., Ackerlund Brandt, J., Aguiar, J., Arikan, G., Aunola, K., Bajgarová, Z., Beyers, W., Bílková, Z., Boujut, E., Brytek- Matera, A., Chen, B-B., Dorard, G., Eom, M…., Mikolajczak, M., & Roskam, I. (2022). Parental Burnout Across the globe during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Perspectives in Psychology, 11, 141-152.
Roskam, I. Gallée, L., Aguiar, J., Akgun, E., Arena, A., Arikan, G., Aunola, K., Bader, M., Barham, E.J., Besson, E., Beyers, W., Boujut, E., Brianda, M.E., Brytek-Matera, A., Carbonneau, N., César, F., Chen, B.-B., Dorard, G., ..., Mikolajczak, M. (International Investigation of Parental Burnout Consortium) (2022). Gender equality and maternal burnout: a 40-country study. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 53, 157-178.Roskam, I. & Mikolajczak, M. (2021). The Slippery Slope of Parental Exhaustion: A Process Model of Parental Burnout. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 77, 101354.
Mikolajczak, M., Gross, J.J. & Roskam, I. (2021). Beyond job burnout: Parental burnout! Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 25, 333-336 (invited paper).
Lin, G-X, Roskam, R. & Mikolajczak, M. (2021). Disentangling the Effects of Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Emotional Competence on Parental Burnout. Current Psychology.
Aunola, K., Sorkkila, M., Tolvanen, A., Tassoul, A., Mikolajczak, M. & Roskam, I. (2021). Development and Validation of the Brief Parental Burnout Scale (BPBs). Psychological Assessment 33, 1125-1137.
Bebiroglu, N., Bayot, M., Brion, B., Denis, L., Pirsoul, T., Roskam, I., & Mikolajczak, M. (2021) An Instrument to operationalize the Balance between Risks and Resources and Predict Job Burnout. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,18, 9416.
Roskam, I., Philippot, P., Gallée, L., Verhofstadt, L., Soenens, B., Goodman, A. & Mikolajczak, M. (2021). I am not the parent I should be: Cross-sectional and prospective associations between parental self-discrepancies and parental burnout. Self and Identity
Roskam, I., Aguiar, J., Akgun, E., Arikan, G., Artavia, M., Avalosse, H., Aunola, K., Bader, M., Bahati, C., Barham, E. J., Besson, E., Beyers, W., Boujut, E., Brianda, M. -E., Brytek-Matera, A., Carbonneau, N., César, F., Bhen, B. B., Dorard, G.,… & Mikolajczak, M. (International Investigation of Parental Burnout Consortium) (2021). Parental burnout around the globe: A 42-country study. Affective Science, 2, 58-79.
Lin, G-X, Szczygiel, D., Hansotte, L., Roskam, I. & Mikolajczak, M. (2021). Aiming to be perfect parents increases the risk of parental burnout, but emotional competence mitigates it. Current Psychology.
Poirier, C. Gelin, M. & Mikolajczak, M. (2021). Creation and validation of the first French scale for measuring bore-out in the workplace. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 697972.
Blanchard, MA, Roskam, I., Mikolajczak, M. & Heeren, A. (2021). A network approach to parental burnout. Child Abuse and Neglect, 111, 1-12.
Hansotte, L., Nguyen, N., Roskam, I., Stinglhamber, F. & Mikolajczak, M. (2021). Are all Burned Out Parents Neglectful and Violent? A Latent Profile Analysis. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 30, 158-168.
Brianda, M.E., Roskam, I., Gross, J.J., Franssen, A., Kapala, F., Gérard, F., Mikolajczak, M. (2020). Treating Parental Burnout: Impact of Two Treatment Modalities on Burnout Symptoms, Emotions, Hair Cortisol, and Parental Neglect and Violence. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 20, 330-332.
Morton, J., Luminet, O. & Mikolajczak, M. (2020). New Perspectives on the Praise Literature: Towards a Conceptual Model of Compliment. Current Psychology.Mikolajczak, M., Gross, J.J., Stinglhamber, F., Lindhal-Norberg, A. & Roskam, I. (2020). Is parental burnout different from job burnout and depressive symptomatology? Clinical Psychological Science, 8, 673-689.
Lin, G. X., Hansotte, L., Szczygieł, D., Meeussen, L., Roskam, I., & Mikolajczak, M. (2020). Parenting with a smile: Display rules, regulatory effort, and parental burnout. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 02654075211019124.
Bayot, M., Roskam, I., Gallée, L. & Mikolajczak, M. (2020). When emotional intelligence backfires: Interactions between intra- and interpersonal emotional competencies in the case of parental burnout. Journal of Individual Differences, 42, 1-8.
Mierop, A., Mikolajczak, M., Stahl, C., Bena, J., Luminet, O., Lane, A., & Corneille, O. (2020). How can intranasal oxytocin research be trusted? A systematic review of the interactive effects of intranasal oxytocin on psychosocial outcomes. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 5, 1228-1242.
Roskam, I. & Mikolajczak, M. (2020). Gender Differences in the Nature, Antecedents and Consequences of Parental Burnout. Sex Roles, 83, 485-498.
Nozaki, Y. & Mikolajczak, M. (2020). Extrinsic Emotion Regulation. Emotion, 20, 10-15.
Galdiolo, S., Gaugue, J., Mikolajczak, M. & Van Cappellen, P. (2020). Development of trait emotional intelligence in response to childbirth: A longitudinal couple perspective. Frontiers in Psychiatry.Mikolajczak, M. & Roskam, I. (2020). Parental Burnout: Moving the focus from children to Parents. New Directions in Child and Adolescent Development, 174, 7-13.
Arikan, G., Üstündağ-Budak, A.M., Akgun, E., Mikolajczak, M. & Roskam, I. (2020). Validation of the Turkish Version of the Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA). New Directions in Child and Adolescent Development, 174, 15-32.
Gannagé, M., Besson, E., Harfouche, J., Roskam, I. & Mikolajczak, M. (2020). Parental Burnout in Lebanon: Validation Psychometric Properties of the Lebanese Arabic Version of the Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA). New Directions in Child and Adolescent Development, 174, 51-65.
Matias, M., Aguiar, J., César, F., Braz, A., Barham, L., Leme, V., Elias, L., Gaspar, M.F., Mikolajczak, M., Roskam, I. & Fontaine, A-M. (2020). The Brazilian-Portuguese version of the Parental Burnout Assessment: Transcultural adaptation and initial validity evidence. New Directions in Child and Adolescent Development, 174, 67-83.
Mousavi, S.F., Mikolajczak, M. & Roskam, I. (2020). Parental Burnout in Iran: Psychometric Properties of the Persian (Farsi) Version of the Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA). New Directions in Child and Adolescent Development, 174, 85-100.
Stanculescu, E., Roskam, I., Mikolajczak, M., Muntean, A. & Gurza, A. (2020). Parental Burnout in Romania: Validity of the Romanian version of the Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA-RO). New Directions in Child and Adolescent Development, 174, 119-136.
Szczygiel, D., Sekulowicz, M., Kwiatkowski, P., Roskam, I. & Mikolajczak, M. (2020). Validation of the Polish Version of the Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA). New Directions in Child and Adolescent Development, 174, 137-158.
Brianda, M.E., Roskam, I. & Mikolajczak, M. (2020). Psychoneuroendocrinology research is needed on parental burnout: A response to Walther, Walther, and Heald’s comment on Hair cortisol concentrations as a biomarker of parental burnout”. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 119, 104786.
Brianda, M.E., Roskam, I. & Mikolajczak, M. (2020). Hair cortisol concentration as biomarker for parental burnout. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 117, 104681.
Sarrionandia-Pena, A. & Mikolajczak, M. (2019). A Meta-Analysis of the Possible Behavioural and Biological Variables Linking Trait Emotional Intelligence to Health. Health Psychology Review, 1-25.
Mikolajczak, M., Gross, J.J., & Roskam, I. (2019). Parental burnout: What is it and why does it matter? Clinical Psychological Science, 7, 1319-1329.
Lecat, A., Weytens, F. & Mikolajczak, M. (2019) Effect of an ecological attentional bias modification towards positive cues on positive affect and well-being. Psychology, 10, 648-466.
Kotsou, I., Mikolajczak, M., Heeren, A., Grégoire, J. & Leys, C. (2019). Improving Emotional Intelligence: A Systematic Review of Existing Work and Future Challenges. Emotion Review, 11, 151-165.
Nozaki, Y., Puente-Martínez, A., & Mikolajczak, M. (2019). Evaluating the higher-order structure of the Profile of Emotional Competence (PEC): Confirmatory factor analysis and Bayesian structural equation modeling. PloS one, 14(11).Bayot, M., Vermeulen, N., Keyser, A. & Mikolajczak, M. (2018). Mindfulness and empathy: Differential effects of explicit and implicit Buddhist teachings. Mindfulness, 1-13.
Szczygiel, D. & Mikolajczak, M. (2018). Emotional intelligence buffers the effects of negative emotions on job burnout in nursing. Frontiers in Psychology.
Mikolajczak, M. & Roskam, I. (2018) A theoretical and clinical framework for parental burnout: The Balance between Risks and Resources (BR2). Frontiers in Psychology), 9, 886. (Research Topic “When the great adventure of parenting turns to disaster: regrets and burnout”).
Roskam, I., Brianda, M-E., & Mikolajczak, M. (2018) A step forward in the conceptualization and measure of parental burnout: The parental Burnout Assessment (PBA). Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 758 (Research Topic “When the great adventure of parenting turns to disaster: regrets and burnout”).
Mikolajczak, M., Brianda, ME, Avalosse, H. & Roskam, I. (2018). Consequences of parental burnout: its specific effect on child neglect and violence. Child Abuse and Neglect, 80, 134-145. [Article Nominated for the Article of the Year in Child Abuse and Neglect].
Szczygiel, D. & Mikolajczak, M. (2018). Is it enough to be an extrovert to be liked? Emotional competence moderates the relationship between extraversion and peer-rated likeability. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 804 (Research Topic “Emotional intelligence: Foundations, assessment and education”).
Quoidbach, J. Gruber, J., Mikolajczak, M., Kogan, A. Kotsou, I. & Norton, M.I. (2018) Robust, Replicable, and Theoretically-Grounded: A response to Brown and Coyne's (2017) commentary on the relationship between emodiversity and health. Journal of Experimental Psychology-General, 147, 451-458.Schinkus, L., Avalosse, H., Van den Broucke, S. & Mikolajczak, M. (2018) The role of emotional intelligence in diabetes self-management behaviors: the mediating effect of diabetes-related distress. Personality and Individual Differences, 131, 124-131.
Mikolajczak, M., Raes, M-E., Avalosse, H. & Roskam, I (2018). Exhausted parents: Sociodemographic, child-related, parent-related, parenting and family-functioning correlates of parental burnout. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27, 602-614.
Schinkus, L., Dangoisse, F., Van den Broucke, S. & Mikolajczak, M. (2017) When knowing is not enough: Emotional distress and depression reduce the positive effects of health literacy on diabetes self-management. Patient Education and Counselling, 101, 324-330.
Szczygiel, D., & Mikolajczak, M. (2017). Why are people high in emotional intelligence happier? They make the most of their positive emotions. Personality and Individual Differences, 117, 177-181 Awarded the prize of “Best 2018 article on positive psychology by a Polish author” by the Polish Association of Positive Psychology.
Le Vigouroux-Nicolas, S., Scola, C., Raes, M-E., Mikolajczak, M., & Roskam, I. (2017). The Big Five personality traits and parental burnout: risk and protective factors. Personality and Individual Differences, 119, 216-219.
Jaeken, M., Zech, E., Brison, C. Verhofstadt, L.L., Van Broeck, N. & Mikolajczak, M. (2017) Helpers- self-assessment biases before and after helping skills training. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1377
Mazzone, S., Roskam, I., Mikolajczak, M., Grosbois, N. (2017). Do Parents Talk about Emotions with Their Children? The Questionnaire of Parent-Child Conversations about Emotions (QPCCE). Psychology, 8, 987-1007.
Mikolajczak, M. & Van Bellegem, S. (2017). Increasing emotional competence to decrease healthcare expenditures. How profitable would it be? Personality and Individual Differences, 116, 343-347.
Roskam, I., Raes, M-E., & Mikolajczak, M. (2017) Exhausted parents: Development and preliminary validation of the Parental Burnout Inventory. Frontiers in Psychology, 8: 163. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00163. More downloads than 95% of Frontiers’ papers.
Hanin, V., Grégoire, J., Mikolajczak, M., Fantini-Hauwel, C., & Van Nieuwenhoven, C. (2017). Children’s Emotion Regulation Scale in Mathematics (CERS-M): Development and Validation of a Self-Reported Instrument. Psychology, 8, 2240-2275.
Lane, A., Luminet, O., Nave, G., & Mikolajczak, M. (2016). Is there a Publication Bias in Behavioural Intranasal Oxytocin Research on Humans? Opening the File Drawer of One Laboratory. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 28(4). Journal’s top 10 most downloaded papersPetrides, K.V., Mikolajczak, M., Mavrovelli, S., Sanchez-Ruiz, M-J., Furnham, A., & Pérez-González, J-C. (2016). Developments in trait emotional intelligence research. Emotion Review, 8, 335-341.
Lane, A., Mikolajczak, M, Treinen, E., Samson, D., Corneille, O., de Timary, P. & Luminet, O. (2015). Failed Replication of Oxytocin Effects on Trust: The Envelope Task Case. PLoS ONE, 10 (9): e0137000.
Quoidbach, J., Mikolajczak, M. & Gross, J.J. (2015). Positive interventions: An emotion regulation Perspective. Psychological Bulletin, 141, 655-693.
Pena-Sarrionandia, A., Mikolajczak, M. & Gross, J.J. (2015). Integrating emotion regulation and emotional intelligence traditions: a meta-analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 160, 1-27.
Mikolajczak, M., Avalosse, H., Vancorenland, S., Verniest, R. Callens, M. van Broeck, N. Fantini-Hauwel, C. & Mierop, A. (2015). A Nationally Representative Study of Emotional Competence and Health. Emotion, 15, 653-567.
Brison, C. Zech, E., Jaeken, M., Priels, J-M., Verhofstadt, L., Van Broeck, N., Mikolajczak, M. (2015) Encounter groups: Do they foster psychology students’ psychological development and therapeutic attitudes? Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, 14, 83-99.
Quoidbach, J., Gruber, J., Mikolajczak, M., Kogan, A., Kotsou, I., & Norton, M. I. (2014). Emodiversity and the emotional ecosystem. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143, 2057-66.
Fantini-Hauwel, C. & Mikolajczak, M. (2014) Factor structure, evolution and predictive power of emotional competencies on physical and emotional health in the elderly. Journal of Aging and Health, 26, 993-114.
Weytens, F., Luminet, O., Verhofstadt, L. & Mikolajczak, M. (2014). An integrative theory-driven positive emotion regulation intervention. PLoS ONE 9(4): e95677.
Mikolajczak, M., Brasseur, C. & Fantini-Hauwel, C. (2014) Measuring Intrapersonal and Interpersonal EQ: The Short Profile of Emotional Competence (S-PEC). Personality and Individual Differences, 65, 42-46.
Fiori M., Antonietti, J.P., Mikolajczak, M., Luminet, O., Hansenne, M. & Rossier, J. (2014) What Is The Ability Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) Good For? An evaluation using Item Response Theory. PLoS ONE, 9(6): e98827.
Brasseur, S., Grégoire, J., Bourdu, R. & Mikolajczak, M. (2013). The Profile of Emotional Competence (PEC): Development and validation of a measure that fits dimensions of Emotional Competence theory. PLoS ONE, 8(5): e62635.Lane, A., Luminet, O. & Mikolajczak, M. (2013). Psychoendocrinologie sociale de l'ocytocine : Revue d'une littérature en pleine expansion. L’Բé Psychologique, 113, 255-285.
Lane, A., Luminet, O., Rimé, B., Gross, J.J., de Timary, P., & Mikolajczak, M. (2013). Oxytocin Increases the willingness to Socially Share One’s Emotions. International Journal of Psychology, 48, 676-681.
Leclercq, S. Cani, P.D., Neyrinck, A.M., Stärkel, P., Jamar, F. Mikolajczak, M, Delzenne, N.M. & de Timary, P. (2012). Role of intestinal permeability and inflammation in the biological and behavioural control of alcohol-dependent subjects. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 26, 911-918.
Leroy, V., Dayez, J-B, Mikolajczak, M. & Grégoire (2012).Gérer la tentation en situation d’apprentissage: Comparaison de la réévaluation cognitive avec l’obéissance à un ordre. Revue des Sciences de L’Education, 37, 489-506.
Mikolajczak, M., Balon, N., Ruosi, M., & Kotsou, I. (2012). Sensitive but not sentimental: Emotionally intelligent people can put their emotions aside when necessary. Personality and Individual Differences, 52, 537-540.
Leroy, V., Grégoire, J., Magen, E., Gross, J., & Mikolajczak, M. (2012). Lead me not into temptation: Using reappraisal to reduce goal-inconsistent behavior. PLoS ONE 7(7): e39493. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039493
Leroy, V., Grégoire, J., Magen, E., Gross, J., & Mikolajczak, M. (2012). Resisting the sirens of temptation while studying: Using reappraisal to increase focus, enthusiasm and performance. Learning and Individual Differences, 22(SI), 263-268.
Luminet, O., Grynberg, D., Ruzette, N., & Mikolajczak, M. (2011). Personality-Dependent Effects of Oxytocin: Greater Social Benefits for High Alexithymia Scores. Biological Psychology, 87, 401-406.
Kotsou, I., Grégoire, J., Nelis, D., & Mikolajczak, M. (2011). Emotional plasticity: conditions and effects of improving emotional competence in adulthood. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96, 827-839.
Nelis, D., Kotsou, I., Quoidbach, J., Dupuis, P., Weytens, F., Hansenne, M., & Mikolajczak, M. (2011). Increasing emotional competence improves psychological and physical well-being, social relationships and employability. Emotion, 11, 354-366
Layahe, M., Mikolajczak, M., Rieffe, C., Villanueva, L., Van Broeck, N., Bodart, E., & Luminet, O. (2011). Cross-validation of the Emotion Awareness Questionnaire for children in three populations. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 29, 418-427.
Nelis, D., Quoidbach, J., Hansenne, M., Mikolajczak, M. (2011). Measuring individual differences in emotion regulation: The emotion Regulation Profile-Revised (ERP-R). Psychologica Belgica, 51, 49-91.
Mikolajczak, M., Gross, J.J., Lane, A., de Timary, P. & Luminet, O. (2010). Oxytocin makes us trusting, not gullible. Psychological Science, 21, 1072-1074.
Mikolajczak, M., Pinon, N., Lane, A., de Timary, P. & Luminet, O. (2010). Oxytocin does not only increase trust when money is at stake but also when confidential information is in the balance. Biological Psychology, 85, 182-184.
Mikolajczak, M., Quoidbach, J., Vantootighem, V. , Lambert, F., Lahaye, M., Fillée, C. & de Timary, P. (2010). Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR)’s Flexibility Leads to More Consistent Associations with Psychological Factors than CAR Magnitude. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 35, 752-757.
Mikolajczak, M., Bodarwé, K., Laloyaux, O., Hansenne, M, & Nelis, D. (2010). Association between frontal EEG asymmetries and emotional intelligence among adults. Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 177-181.
Quoidbach, J., Dunn, E.W., Petrides, K.W., & Mikolajczak, M. (2010). Money Giveth Money Taketh Away: The Dual Effect of Wealth on Happiness. Psychological Science, 21, 759-753
Quoidbach, J., Berry, E., Hansenne, M., & Mikolajczak, M. (2010). Positive emotion regulation and well-being: Comparing the impact of eight savoring and dampening strategies. Personality and Individual Differences, 49, 368-373.
Lahaye, M., Luminet, O., Van Broeck, N., Bodart, E., & Mikolajczak, M. (2010). Psychometric properties of the Emotion Awareness Questionnaire for children in a French-speaking population. Journal of Personality Assessment, 92, 317-326.
Cordovil de Sousa, M., de Timary, P., Cortesi, M.A., Mikolajczak, M., du Roy de Blicquy, P., & M., Luminet, O. (2010). The emotional components of craving: covariation of craving, affect, alexithymia, emotional intelligence in alcohol-dependent patients. Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 16-21
Mikolajczak, M. (2009). Moving beyond the ability-trait debate: A three level model of emotional intelligence. E-Journal of Applied Psychology, 5, 25-31.
Mikolajczak, M., Petrides, K.V., Hurry, J. (2009). Adolescents choosing self-harm as an emotion regulation strategy: the protective role of trait emotional intelligence. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 48, 181-193.
Mikolajczak, M., Petrides, K.V., Coumans, N., & Luminet, O. (2009). An experimental investigation of the moderating effects of trait emotional intelligence on laboratory-induced stress. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 9, 455-477.
Mikolajczak, M., Roy, E., & Verstrynge, V., & Luminet, O. (2009). An Exploration of the Moderating Effect of Trait Emotional Intelligence on Memory and Attention in Neutral and Stressful Conditions. British Journal of Psychology, 100, 699-715.
Nelis, D., Quoidbach, J., Mikolajczak, M. & Hansenne, M. (2009). Improving emotional intelligence: (How) Does it work? Personality and Individual Differences, 47, 36-41.
Mikolajczak, M., Nelis, D., Hansenne, M., & Quoidbach, J. (2008). If you can regulate sadness, you can probably regulate shame: associations between trait emotional intelligence, emotion regulation and coping efficiency across discrete emotions. Personality and Individual Differences, 44, 1356-1368.
Mikolajczak, M., Roy, E., Luminet, O., & de Timary, P. (2008). Resilience and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis reactivity under acute stress in young men. Stress, 11, 477-482.
Mikolajczak, M., & Luminet, O. (2008). Trait emotional intelligence and the cognitive appraisal of stressful events: an exploratory study. Personality and Individual Differences, 44, 1445-1453.
De Timary, Roy, Luminet, Fillée, & Mikolajczak, M. (2008). The moderating impact of alexithymia and alexithymia factors on stress-induced salivary cortisol level in men. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 33, 1160-1164.
Mikolajczak, M., Roy, E., Luminet, O., Fillée, C. & de Timary, P. (2007). The moderating impact of emotional intelligence on the free cortisol responses to stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 32, 1000-1012.
Mikolajczak, M., Luminet, O., Leroy, C., & Roy, E. (2007). Psychometric Properties of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire: Factor Structure, Reliability, Construct, and Incremental Validity in a French-Speaking Population. Journal of Personality Assessment, 88, 338-353.
Mikolajczak, M., Menil, C., & Luminet, O. (2007). Explaining the protective effect of trait emotional intelligence regarding occupational stress: exploration of emotional labour processes. Journal of Research in Personality, 41, 1107-1117.
Mikolajczak, M., Luminet, O. & Menil, C. (2006). Predicting mental and somatic resistance to stress: the incremental validity of trait emotional intelligence over alexithymia and optimism. Psicothema, 18 [Special issue on Emotional Intelligence], 79-88.
Mikolajczak, M. & Luminet, O. (2006). Is alexithymia affected by situational stress or is it a stable trait related to emotion regulation. Personality and Individual Differences, 40, 1399-1408.
Non-Peer Reviewed National and International Journals
Mikolajczak, M. & Roskam, I. (2021). Le burnout parental. Medi-Sphere (Revue des Médecins Généralistes).
Mikolajczak, M. & Roskam, I. (2021). Les conséquences du burnout parental sur le parent et ses enfants : Etat de l’art. Soins Pédiatrie/Puériculture.
Mikolajczak, M. & Roskam, I. (2021). Le burnout parental. Percentiles : la Revue des Pédiatres.
Mikolajczak, M. & Roskam, I., Gross, J.J (2021). Parents on the brink: Parental Burnout. American Psychological Association (APA) Blog, Division 12 (Society of Clinical Psychology).
Mikolajczak, M. & Pena-Sarrionanda, A. (2015). On the efficiency of emotional intelligence trainings in adulthood. Emotion Researcher (Official publication of the International Society for the Research on Emotions- ISRE). Available online at : http://emotionresearcher.com/on-the-efficiency-of-emotional-intelligence-training-in-adulthood/
Mikolajczak, M. (2008) Conceptualizing individual differences in emotion regulation: The three level model of emotion regulation skills. Emotion Researcher(Official publication of the International Society for the Research on Emotions- ISRE), 23, 9-11.
Mikolajczak, M. (2009). Mieux vivre ses émotions. Cerveau & Psycho, 35, 52-57
Mikolajczak, M. (2012). L’intelligence émotionnelle : de l’individu à la société. Cerveau & Psycho, 9, 29-34
Quoidbach, J. & Mikolajczak, M. (2009) Panique à la banque. Louvain, 179, 29.
Cordovil de Sousa, M., de Timary, P., Cortesi, M., Mikolajczak, M., du Roy de Blicquy, P., & Luminet, O. (2008). Moderating effect of emotional intelligence on the role of negative affect in the motivation to drink in alcohol dependent subjects undergoing protracted withdrawal. Psychology & Health, 23, 91.
4.Book Chapters (apart from popular books)
Aunola, K., Szczygieł, D., Mikolajczak, M., & Roskam, I. (2023). Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA) in International Contexts. In C. U. Krägeloh, M. Alyami, & O. N. Medvedev (Eds.), International Handbook of Behavioral Health Assessment. Springer International Publishing.
Mikolajczak, M. & Roskam, I. Emotion Regulation in Parenting. (in press). In J.J. Gross and B. Ford. Handbook of Emotion Regulation. New York: The Guilford Press.
Mikolajczak, M., Gross, J.J., & Roskam, I. (in press) The Role of Parental ER in Parental Stress and Burnout. In I. Roskam, J.J. Gross & M. Mikolajczak. Emotion regulation and Parenting. Cambridge University Press.
Sarrionandia-Pena, A., & Mikolajczak, M. (in press). Changing Emotions and Emotional Competencies: Interventions in Non-clinical Settings. In Samson, A., Sander, D. and Kramer, U. Change in Emotion and Mental Health. Cambridge, MA, USA: Elsevier.
Roskam, I. Bayot, M & Mikolajczak, M. (in press). Parental Burnout Assessment. In Medvedev, O.N., Krägeloh, C.U., Siegert, R.J. & Singh, N.N. Handbook of Assessment in Mindfulness Research. Berlin: Springer.
Mikolajczak, M. (2021). Les compétences émotionnelles. In O. Luminet & D. Grynberg. Psychologie des émotions. Bruxelles : De Boeck Supérieur.Roskam, I. & Mikolajczak, M. (2021, sous presse). Le burnout parental. In S. Stella & V. Meyer. Parentalité(s) : Et après ? Toulouse, France : Editions Erès.
Mikolajczak, M., Brianda, ME., & Roskam, I. (2020) Spécificités de la prise en charge du burnout parental. In. M. Mikolajczak, E. Zech & I. Roskam. Le burnout professionnel, parental et de l’aidant : Comprendre, Prévenir et Intervenir. Bruxelles : DeBoeck
Mikolajczak, M. Améliorer la gestion du stress et l’assertivité (2020). In. M.
Mikolajczak, E. Zech & I. Roskam. Le burnout professionnel, parental et de l’aidant : Comprendre, Prévenir et Intervenir. Bruxelles : DeBoeckMikolajczak, M. (2020). Emotional Competence. Entry in the Wiley Encyclopedia of Individual Differences.
Roskam, I. & Mikolajczak, M. (2019). De l’attachement à l’épuisement parental. In B. Pierrehumbert (Dir.): L’attachement aujourd’hui: Parentalité et accueil du jeune enfant (pp 116-137). Paris: Editions Philippe Duval.
Mikolajczak, M. & Roskam, I. (2018) Du stress ordinaire au burnout parental. In I. Roskam & M. Mikolajczak. Le burnout parental : Comprendre, diagnostiquer et prendre en charge. Bruxelles : DeBoeck.
Roskam, I., Raes, M-E., Hubert, S. & Mikolajczak, M. (2018) Diagnostiquer le burnout parental : le Parental Burnout Inventory et le Parental Burnout Assessement. In I. Roskam & M. Mikolajczak. Le burnout parental : Comprendre, diagnostiquer et prendre en charge. Bruxelles : DeBoeck.
Le Vigouroux-Nicolas, S. & Mikolajczak, M. (2018) « Dis-moi qui tu es, je te dirai si tu es à risque de burnout »: Influence des caractéristiques psychologiques des parents sur le risque de burnout parental. In I. Roskam & M. Mikolajczak. Le burnout parental : Comprendre, diagnostiquer et prendre en charge. Bruxelles : DeBoeck.
Roskam, I. & Mikolajczak, M. (2018) La balance des risques et des ressources : un modèle explicatif et clinique du burnout parental. In I. Roskam & M. Mikolajczak. Le burnout parental : Comprendre, diagnostiquer et prendre en charge. Bruxelles : DeBoeck.
Roskam, I., Brianda, ME, & Mikolajczak, M. (2018) La prise en charge structurée du burnout parental. In I. Roskam & M. Mikolajczak. Le burnout parental : Comprendre, diagnostiquer et prendre en charge. Bruxelles : DeBoeck.
Roskam, I., Brianda, ME, & Mikolajczak, M. (2018) Les groupes de parole pour parents en burnout. In I. Roskam & M. Mikolajczak. Le burnout parental : Comprendre, diagnostiquer et prendre en charge. Bruxelles : DeBoeck.
Mikolajczak, M. (2015). Du stress d’être parent. In I. Roskam & M. Mikolajczak. Stress et défis de la parentalité. Bruxelles: De Boeck.
Lorenzino, L. & Mikolajczak, M. (2015). Maman stressée, Grossesse perturbée ? In I. Roskam & M. Mikolajczak. Stress et défis de la parentalité. Bruxelles: De Boeck.
Jaeken, M., Zech, E., Van Broeck, N., Verhofstadt, L., & Mikolajczak, M. (2014). Se former à la communication en contexte d’entretien. In N. Nader-Grosbois, O. Luminet et S. Van den Boucke. Articulations clinique-recherche: Des outils nouveaux à la disposition du clinicien (pp. 33-44). Louvain-la-Neuve : Presses Universitaires de Louvain.
Lane, A., Luminet, O. & Mikolajczak, M. (2013). Oxytocinergic modulation of emotional processes in social interaction. In C. Mohiyeddini, M. Eysenck, & S. Bauer: Psychology of Emotions. New York: Nova.
Mikolajczak, M., Kotsou, I. & Nelis, D. (2013). Improving emotional competence in adults. In C. Mohiyeddini, M. Eysenck, & S. Bauer: Psychology of Emotions. New York: Nova.
Mikolajczak, M. & Bausseron, E. (2013). Les compétences émotionnelles chez l’adulte [Emotional compétence in adults] in O. Luminet : Les émotions. Bruxelles : De Boeck.
Mikolajczak, M., & Belzung, C. (2012). Psychophysiologie des émotions et de leur régulation. In M. Mikolajczak & M. Desseilles. Traité de la régulation émotionnelle. Bruxelles : DeBoeck.
Mikolajczak, M., & Desseilles, M. (2012). Introduction à la régulation des émotions. In M. Mikolajczak & M. Desseilles. Traité de la régulation émotionnelle. Bruxelles : DeBoeck.
Mikolajczak, M. (2012). Approche empirique de la régulation des émotions. In M. Mikolajczak & M. Desseilles. Traité de la régulation émotionnelle. Bruxelles : DeBoeck.
Mikolajczak, M., Nelis, D. & Kotsou, I. (2012). Pistes d’amélioration de la régulation émotionnelle à l’âge adulte. In M. Mikolajczak & M. Desseilles. Traité de la régulation émotionnelle. Bruxelles : DeBoeck.
Mikolajczak, M. & Baruffol, E. (2010). L’homoparentalité à l’épreuve. In. S. Heenen-Wolff, Homosexualité et Homoparentalité (pp 117-144). Paris: P.U.F.
Mikolajczak, M., Tran, V., Brotheridge, C. & Gross, J.J. (2009). Using an emotion regulation framework to predict the outcomes of emotional labour. In C.E.J. Härtel, N.M. Ashkanasy, & W.J. Zerbe (Eds) (pp 245-273). Research on Emotion in organizations: Emotions in groups, organizations and cultures. Bingley, UK: Emerald.
Mikolajczak, M. (2009). Why (and how) the emotional intelligence field should absolutely stop digging its own grave? In P. Fernandez-Berrocal, N. Extremera, R. Palomera, D. Ruiz-Aranda, J. Salguero & R. Cabello (Eds) (pp 85-91), Advances en el studio de la inteligencia emocional. Santander: Marcelino Botin.
Mikolajczak, M., Quoidbach, J. & Nelis, D. (2009). Appraising Emotion Regulation Styles. In N. Nader-Grosbois (Ed). Résilience, Régulation et Qualité de vie : Concepts, évaluation et intervention. Louvain-la-Neuve : Presses Universitaires de Louvain.
Mikolajczak, M. (2009). Les compétences émotionnelles. : Historique et conceptualisation In M. Mikolajczak, J. Quoidbach, I. Kotsou, & D. Nelis, D. Les compétences émotionnelles [Emotional competence]. (pp 1-10) Paris: Dunod
Mikolajczak, M. (2009). Les émotions. In M. Mikolajczak, J. Quoidbach, I. Kotsou, & D. Nelis, D. Les compétences émotionnelles [Emotional competence] (pp 11-36). Paris: Dunod
Mikolajczak, M. (2009). Introduction à la régulation des émotions. In M. Mikolajczak, J. Quoidbach, I. Kotsou, & D. Nelis, Les compétences émotionnelles [Emotional competence] (pp 133-152). Paris: Dunod.
Mikolajczak, M. (2009). La régulation des émotions négatives. In M. Mikolajczak, J. Quoidbach, I. Kotsou, & D. Nelis, Les compétences émotionnelles [Emotional competence] (pp 153-192). Paris: Dunod.
Mikolajczak, M. & Quoidbach, J. (2009). L’utilisation des émotions. In M. Mikolajczak, J. Quoidbach, I. Kotsou, & D. Nelis, Les compétences émotionnelles [Emotional competence] (pp 221-238). Paris: Dunod.
Quoidbach, J. & Mikolajczak, M. (2009). Vers un développement durable des compétences émotionnelles. In M. Mikolajczak, J. Quoidbach, I. Kotsou, & D. Nelis, Les compétences émotionnelles [Emotional competence] (pp 239-258). Paris: Dunod.
Leroy, V., Mikolajczak, M., & Grégoire, J. (2009). La régulation émotionnelle pour contrôler la tentation en situation d’apprentissage. In N. Nader-Grosbois (Ed.). Résilience, Régulation et Qualité de vie : Concepts, évaluation et intervention (pp. 307-311). Louvain-la-Neuve : Presses Universitaires de Louvain.
Mikolajczak, M. & Luminet, O. (2008). L’effet modérateur de l’intelligence émotionnelle sur la réponse psychologique et biologique au stress: une synthèse [the moderating effect of emotional intelligence on psychological and biological responses to stress: a summary] in E. Loarer, J-L. Mogenet, F. Cuisinier, H. Gottesdiener, P. Mallet, et P. Vrignaud (Eds.), Perspectives Différentielles en Psychologie. Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
5. Scientific Communications
a. Oral Presentations at Scientific Meetings (only the communications that I personally gave are listed below)
Mikolajczak, M. (2024, September 6). Current and future perspectives in parental burnout research. Keynote lecture at the International Conference on Parental Burnout, Porto, Portugal.
Mikolajczak, M. (2024, July 7). There is nothing as practical as a good (emotional intelligence) theory. Keynote lecture at ISSAS-2024 (Summer School on Affective Science), Geneva, Switzerland.
Mikolajczak, M. (2022, June 3-4). Parental Burnout: The Positive Psychology Approach. Keynote speaker. Annual Conference of the Polish Society of Positive Psychology. Bydgoszcz, Poland. (On-site conference but lecture given online for ecological reasons).
Mikolajczak, M. (2021, May 28). Parental Burnout. Keynote speaker. 3rd International Conference on Psychological Studies, Diponegoro, Indonesia. (On-site conference but lecture given online for ecological reasons).
Mikolajczak, M. (2021, September). A flash introduction to Parental Burnout. EADP Biennial Meeting. Online Conference (originally planned in Austria, transferred online because of the COVID-19 crisis).
Mikolajczak, M. (2021, May). Parental Burnout: Knows and unknowns in 2021. Keynote speaker. 2nd International Conference on Parental Burnout. Online Conference (originally planned in Poland, transferred online because of the COVID-19 crisis).
Mikolajczak, M. (2019, December). Parental Burnout: Knows and unknowns. Keynote speaker. 1st International Conference on Parental Burnout. Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Mikolajczak, M. (2019, September). Biological markers for parental burnout: The case of hair cortisol. Symposium talk at the Annual conference of the International Society for Psychosomatic Medicine (ICPM) 2019, Florence, Italy.
Mikolajczak, M. (2019, September). Parental Burnout: A condition that needs urgent attention. Symposium talk at the Annual conference of the International Society for Psychosomatic Medicine (ICPM) 2019, Florence, Italy.
Mikolajczak, M. (2019, March). Parental Burnout: A flash Review. Invited talk. Society of Affective Sciences (SAS) annual conference 2019, Boston, USA.
Mikolajczak, M. (2019, March). Emotionally intelligent emotion regulation. Invited panel talk. Society of Affective Sciences (SAS) “emotion regulation” pre-conference 2019, Boston, USA.
Mikolajczak, M. (2017, December). Emotional intelligence and health: relationships, pathways and interventions. Keynote speaker at the 3rd Congress of Emotional Education in Navarre, Pamplona, Spain.
Mikolajczak, M. (2017, July). Emotional intelligence and health: relationships, pathways and interventions. Keynote speaker at the 6th International Congress on Emotional Intelligence. Porto, Portugal.
Mikolajczak, M. (2017, July). New developments in trait emotional intelligence and physical health. Talk presented at the Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID 2017). Warsaw, Poland.
Mikolajczak, M. (2017, July). De l’intérêt de l’apprentissage des compétences émotionnelles pour les cours de langues. Talk presented at the Conference “Emotissage” organized by the Center of Language Learning. Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Mikolajczak, M. (2015, May). Emotional intelligence and health: relationships, pathways and interventions. Keynote speaker at the Conference on Emotional Intelligence and Well-being. Zaragoza, Spain.
Mikolajczak, M. (2014, November). Emotional competence and health: relationships, pathways and interventions. Invited talk presented at the Autumn School on the Assessment of Emotional Intelligence. Ghent, Belgium.
Mikolajczak, M. (2013, July). Emotional Competence and Health. Talk presented at the annual conference of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID 2013), Madrid, Spain.
Mikolajczak, M. (2012, July). Social effects of oxytocin and health-related issues: findings and questions. Talk presented in the symposium: "Social effects of oxytocin and health-related issues" 26th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Praha, Czech Republic.
Mikolajczak, M. (2011, July). Improving emotional competence: Conditions and effects on psychological and physical well-being, social relationships and employability. Paper presented at the ISRE conference. Kyoto, Japan.
Mikolajczak, M. (2010, July). “Integrating ability and trait perspectives in the prediction and management of stress” Invited talk in the invited symposium: "20 years of Emotional Intelligence research: A critical review and future perspectives"! 15th European Conference of Personality, Brno, Czech Republic.
Mikolajczak, M. (2010, July). “Improving emotional competence: Methods and benefits for health, social relationships and work adjustment” Invited talk in the symposium: "Emotion Regulation". 15th European Conference of Personality, Brno, Czech Republic.
Mikolajczak, M (2010, April). “How does Emotional competence impact on physical health: Biological pathways”. In O. Luminet & M. Mikolajczak: Emotional Competence and health. Symposium organized at the Psychology and Health annual conference (P&H 2010), Lunteren, The Netherlands.Mikolajczak, M (2010, April). “Emotional Competence and health: Facts and Pathways”. In M. Mikolajczak & O. Luminet: Emotional Competence and the quality of health, social relationships and work performance. Symposium organized at the Consortium for European Research on Emotion (CERE 2010), Lille, France.
Mikolajczak, M. Quoidbach, J. & Nelis, D. (2009, July). Measuring individual differences in emotion regulation: The Emotion Regulation Profile – Revised (ERP-R). The Fourth International Forum “Resilience, regulation and quality of life”. Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Mikolajczak.M., Weytens, F., Dupuis, P. & Nelis, D. (2009, June). Improving health by increasing emotional competence. Psychology and Health, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Mikolajczak, M., Tran, V & Brotheridge, C. (2008, July). From emotional labor to emotion regulation: Building new bridges. Invited talk in a symosium presented at the Sixth International Conference on Emotions and Worklife: Emonet VI, Fontainebleau, France.
Mikolajczak, M, Roy, E., Luminet, O., & De Timary, P. (2008, May). The moderating impact of emotional intelligence on free cortisol responses to stress. Invited talk in a symposium presented at the Seventh Conference on Psychology and Health, Lunteren, The Netherlands.
Mikolajczak, M, Roy, E., Luminet, O., & De Timary, P. (2007, October). Emotional intelligence: an excellent predictor of subjective and cortisol responses to stress. Paper presented at the Fourth international conference on 'The (Non)Expression of Emotions in Health and Disease, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
Mikolajczak, M, Roy, E., Luminet, O., & De Timary, P. (2007, September). Emotional intelligence: an excellent predictor of subjective and cortisol responses to stress. Paper presented at the First International Congress on Emotional Intelligence, Malaga, Spain.
Mikolajczak, M. & Luminet, O. (2006, September). The moderating effect of emotional intelligence on the psychological and neuroendocrine responses to stress. Paper presented at the XVII° Journées Internationales de Psychologie Différentielle, Paris, France.
Quoidbach, J., Nélis, D., Mikolajczak, M., & Hansenne, M. (2007, May). Development and validation of a typical performance Emotional Regulation Profile (ERP-Q). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Science, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
b. Invited Lectures or Seminars by research labs, companies, hospitals or associations (I only mention the talks that I personally gave)
Mikolajczak, M. Parentalité sous pression: une situation inédite dans l'histoire. Invited lecture by Les Assises de la Parentalité, Paris, France, June 2022.
Mikolajczak, M. Le burnout professionnel. Invited lecture by the Lions Club, Glimes, Belgique, June 2022.
Mikolajczak, M. Le burnout parental. Invited lecture by la Communauté des Communes du Mont des Avaloirs. France, May 2022.
Mikolajczak, M. Les compétences émotionnelles. Invited lecture by La Sorbonne (Sorbonne University) Paris, France, February 2022.
Mikolajczak, M. Le burnout parental. Invited lecture by Psychoéducation. Online lecture. March, 2022.
Mikolajczak, M. Le burnout parental. Invited lecture by Les petits déjeuners de la périnatalité, Natis, Huy, Belgium. March, 2022
Mikolajczak, M. Parental burnout. Invited lecture, World Parenting Forum, Mexico, October 2021.
Mikolajczak, M. Can companies do anything to help prevent parental burnout? Invited lecture by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Justice, October 2021.
Mikolajczak, M. Parents on the brink II: Preventing parental burnout or getting out of it. Invited lecture by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Justice, October 2021.
Mikolajczak, M. Parents on the brink I: From parenting stress to parental Burnout. Invited online lecture by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Justice, September 2021.
Mikolajczak, M. Parents on the brink III: From generalities to particular situations. Invited online lecture by the European Research Council (ERC), June 2021.
Mikolajczak, M. Parents on the brink II: Preventing parental burnout or getting out of it. Invited online lecture by the European Research Council (ERC), June 2021.
Mikolajczak, M. Le burnout parental. Invited public lecture by la Mairie de Fontenay-le-Fleury, France, June 2021.
Mikolajczak, M. Parents on the brink I: From parenting stress to parental Burnout. Invited online lecture by the European Research Council (ERC), May 2021.
Mikolajczak, M. Le burnout parental. Invited public lecture by l’Association de Discipline Positive - France, May 2021.
Mikolajczak, M. Le burnout parental. Invited public lecture by l’Inter’Val, Gimont, France, April 2021.
Mikolajczak, M. Le burnout parental : Comprendre et traiter. Invited Workshop by Les Centres Sociaux de Vendée, France, April 2021 & June 2021.
Mikolajczak, M. Le burnout parental. Invited public lecture by la Mairie de Gimont, Gimont, France, April 2021.
Mikolajczak, M. Parental Burnout. Invited lecture by SWPS University, Poland, February 2021.
Mikolajczak, M. Le burnout parental : Le comprendre, le Prévenir et Le diagnostiquer. Invited workshop by la Caisse d’Allocations Familiales (CAF) de Paris, France, February 2021.
Mikolajczak, M. Le burnout parental : Comment s’en prémunir ? Invited public lecture by EmoSkills & Moodwalk, Paris, France, December 2020.
Mikolajczak, M. Burnout Parental: Comment s’en prémunir? Invited lecture co-organized by the companies Emoskills (Luxembourg) and Moodwork (Paris), December 2020.
Mikolajczak, M. Pourquoi il est urgent de s’intéresser au burnout parental et comment le traiter? Recurring Webinar (every two Thursday evening from November 2020 to April 2021).
Mikolajczak, M. Le burnout parental pendant le confinement, les familles monoparentales. Invited public lecture by le Collectif des Femmes, Louvain-la-Neuve, November 2020.
Mikolajczak, M. Le burnout parental : Comprendre, prévenir et intervenir. Invited talk. Association Francophone de Psychologie et Psychopathologie de l’Enfant et de l’Adolescent (APPEA, Paris), May 2020.
Mikolajczak, M. Prévenir et éviter le burnout parental durant le confinement. Invited public lecture. Sommet de la Résilience (France), May 2020.
Mikolajczak, M. Prévenir et éviter le burnout parental durant le confinement. Invited public lecture organized by Emergences (Brussels, Belgium), April 2020
Mikolajczak, M. Améliorer le bien-être des enseignants du supérieur : Enjeux et pistes de réflexion. Invited talk. Pôle Louvain Event. Avril, 2019.
Mikolajczak, M. Prévenir et éviter le burnout parental durant le confinement. Invited public lecture organized by the company Moodwork (Paris), April 2020.
Mikolajczak, M. Prévenir et éviter le burnout parental durant le confinement. Invited online public lecture organized by the Institut Pleine Conscience (Belgium), April 2020
Mikolajczak, M. Le burnout parental : le comprendre et s’en sortir. Invited public lecture organized by the Centre pour les Femmes et Familles Monoparentales (CFFM), Luxembourg, March 2019.
Mikolajczak, M. Emotions et compétences émotionnelles. Seminar organized by « Institut Pleine Conscience”. Dongelberg, December 2018.
Mikolajczak, M. Le burnout parental. Conference for medical doctors and therapists organized by “La mutualité Chrétienne – Région Hainaut-Picardie”, Tournai, December 2018.
Mikolajczak, M. Le burnout parental. Conference for medical doctors and therapists organized by “La mutualité Chrétienne – Région Liège-Verviers”, Liège, December 2018.
Mikolajczak, M. Le burnout parental : le comprendre et s’en sortir. Invited public lecture organized by « Centre International de Rencontres et d'Actions Culturelles
» et « La ligue des Familles », Marcourt, November 2018.Mikolajczak, M. Emotions et compétences émotionnelles en entreprise. Keynote speaker, Forum RH, Nantes, October, 2018.
Mikolajczak, M. Stress et burnout en entreprise : enjeux et solutions. Invited workshop, Forum RH, Nantes, October, 2018.
Mikolajczak, M. Parental burnout: nature, prevalence, causes and consequences. Invited talk by the Psychology Department of the KULeuven, Leuven, June 2018.
Mikolajczak, M. Le burnout parental : le comprendre et s’en sortir. Invited public lecture organized by « Le Centre Culturel » et « La ligue des Familles », Verviers, March 2018.
Mikolajczak, M. Vivre mieux avec ses émotions. Invited public lecture organized by « La mutualité Chrétienne », Bruxelles, March 2018.
Mikolajczak, M. & Roskam, I. Le burnout parental : le comprendre et s’en sortir. Invited public lecture organized by « La ligue des Familles », Nivelles, February 2018
Mikolajczak, M. & Roskam, I. Le burnout parental. Invited public lecture organized by « Le Centre de Valorisation des Intelligences Multiples (CVIM) », Liège, February 2018.
Mikolajczak, M. & Roskam, I. Le burnout parental. Invited public lecture organized by « Une heure de psy par mois », Grenoble, December 2017
Mikolajczak, M. & Roskam, I. Le burnout parental : comprendre et s’en sortir. Invited public lecture organized by « La ligue des Familles », Bruxelles, November 2017
Mikolajczak, M. & Roskam, I. Le burnout parental. Invited public lecture organized by « Liège Rencontre Internationnal », Liège, October 2017
Mikolajczak, M. & Roskam, I. Parents d’aujourd’hui : trouver son équilibre. Invited public lecture organized by the « Centres PMS de la région de Charleroi », Charleroi, October 2017
Mikolajczak, M. Facteurs de bien-être et de mal-être au travail. Invited talk to the Annual Meeting of the Top 100 Managers of CMI Group. Spa, September 2017.
Mikolajczak, M. Comprendre le burnout parental : quand la grande aventure tourne au désastre. Invited public lecture organized by the « Structures Petite Enfance du bassin de Bourg-en-Bresse », Treffort, September 2017
Mikolajczak, M. Le burnout parental : état des lieux des recherches. Invited talk at Infor Santé (Alliance Nationale des Mutualités Chrétiennes), Namur, September 2017.
Mikolajczak, M. Le burnout parental. Invited lecture at the « Centre de Santé de l’Ancienne Gare de Gastuche », Grez-Doiceau, April 2017.
Mikolajczak, M. & Roskam, I. Etre parent, une aventure de chaque jour : des pistes pour trouver son équilibre. Invited public lecture organized by the Mutualité Chrétienne at the « Ferme du Biéreau », Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, March 2017.
Mikolajczak, M. & Roskam, I. Comprendre le burnout parental : quand la grande aventure tourne au désastre. Invited public lecture organized by the Institute for Research in Psychological Science, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, February 2017
Roskam, I. & Mikolajczak, M. Le burnout parental : le comprendre et s’en sortir. Invited lecture at the Mutualité Chrétienne for their affiliated psychologists, Wavre, Belgium, March 2016.
Mikolajczak, M. Emotional competence and health: relationships, pathways and interventions. Invited talk at the Laboratory “Dynamique émotionnelle et pathologies”. Université Charles-de-Gaulle (Lille III), France, November, 2015.
Mikolajczak, M. « Cing voies pour mieux gérer son stress et ses émotions ». Invited talk at the annual Conference of the CITES (Centre d'informations, de thérapeutiques et d'éٳܻ sur le stress), Liège, Octobre 2015.
Mikolajczak, M. « Compétences émotionnelles et santé : mieux vivre avec ses émotions. Invited talk at the University of Aix-Marseille (Laboratoire PSYCLE), July, 2015.
Mikolajczak, M. Mieux vivre avec ses émotions pour améliorer sa santé. Invited lecture at the Service de Prévention en Santé de la Mutualité Chrétienne, Nivelles, Belgium, May 2015.
Mikolajczak, M. « Compétences émotionnelles et santé : relations, mécanismes impliqués et interventions. Invited talk at the Hospital Erasme (séminaires du service de Psychologie et de Psychothérapie), May, 2015.
Mikolajczak, M. La poursuite du Bonheur : avantages, avatars et conséquences pour l’intervention. Invited lecture at the Belgian Royal Society for Mental Medicine, Brussels, Belgium, December 13 2014.
Mikolajczak, M. « Compétences émotionnelles et santé : relations, mécanismes impliqués et interventions. Invited talk at the University of Grenoble (LIP), Grenoble, France, October 2014.
Mikolajczak, M. « Vivre mieux avec ses émotions ». Invited lecture at La Maison du livre, de l’image et du son, Villeurbanne, France, February 2014.
Mikolajczak, M. « Vivre mieux avec ses émotions ». Invited lecture at ENEO, Verviers, Belgium, October 2013.
Mikolajczak, M. « Les compétences émotionnelles ». Invited lecture at the Mutualité Chrétienne, Bruxelles, Belgium, October 2013.
Mikolajczak, M. « Mieux vivre avec ses émotions ». Invited lecture at the Festival des Auteurs Psy, Nimes, France, September 2012.
Mikolajczak, M. « Est-il possible d’être heureux ? ». Invited lecture at “Singularités Plurielles”, Belgium, March 2012.
Mikolajczak, M. « Etre plus heureux… Pourquoi ? Comment ? ». Invited lecture at “Les après-midi culturels”, Belgium, February 2012.
Mikolajczak, M. « Etre plus heureux… Pourquoi ? Comment ? ». Invited lecture at “Les après-midi culturels”, Belgium, March 2012.
Mikolajczak, M. « Etre plus heureux… Pourquoi ? Comment ? ». Invited lecture at “Enerpsy” [Cycle de formation continue pour psychothérapeutes], Belgium, November 2011.
Mikolajczak, M. « Improving emotional competence in adulthood: Conditions and effects on mental and physical health, social relationships and employability ». Invited talk at the
University of the Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca, October 2011.Mikolajczak, M. « Emotions et compétences émotionnelles ». Invited one-day seminar organized for “L’école des pros” [Cycle de formation continue pour enseignants]. ܱé Universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix, October 2011.
Mikolajczak, M. « Améliorer les compétences émotionnelles pour réduire le risque de rechute chez les personnes dépressives ». Invited lecture at the “Journées de la Dépression”, Namur, October 2011.
Mikolajczak, M. & Quoidbach, J. « Etre plus heureux… Pourquoi ? Comment ? ». Invited lecture at the University of Louvain (IPSY Conferences), Belgium, April 2011.
Mikolajczak, M. « Conditions and effects of improving emotional competence in adulthood ». Invited talk at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, March 2011.
Mikolajczak, M. « Comprendre les carences socio-émotionnelles des employés cadres dirigeants ». Invited lecture at France Telecom Orange, Arcueil, France, March 2011.
Mikolajczak, M. Compétences émotionnelles et ajustement [Emotional compétence and adjustement amidst adversity] Invited talk at the Laboratoire de Psychologie et de Neurosciences de la Cognition et de l'Affectivité (PSY.NCA), University of Rouen, France, June 2010.
Mikolajczak., M. Les compétences émotionnelles [Emotional competence]. Invited talk at the Association Française de Thérapie Cognitivo-Comportementale (AFTCC). AFTCC Annual Meeting, Lille, December 2009.
Mikolajczak, M. Emotional competence, stress and health. Invited talk at the
University of the Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca, November 2009.Mikolajczak, M. Les compétences émotionnelles : pourquoi s’y intéresser et comment les développer ? [Emotional competencies: Why are they crucial and how can they be trained] Invited talk at the Department of Neurosciences and Clinical Neurology (LabNIC), University Medical Center. Geneva : November 2009.
Mikolajczak, M. Le rôle social des émotions [The social role of emotions]. Panel with Christophe André, Paula Niedenthal & Bernard Rimé in the framework of the conference “Face à nos Emotions”, Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, Paris : October 2009.
Mikolajczak, M. Le Burnout du Psychologue : le comprendre, le prévenir et le gérer [Understanding, preventing and managing psychologists’ burnout]. Half-day seminar organized for L'Interface Pratique et Recherche en Psychologie de la Santé and L'Association des Psychologues des Institutions Hospitalières. Louvain-la-Neuve: October 2009.
Mikolajczak, M. La mesure et la remédiation des compétences émotionnelles [The measurement and training of emotional competencies]. Invited lecture at Nexum, La Hulpe, May 2009.
Mikolajczak, M. Les compétences émotionnelles : applications cliniques [Emotional competencies : Clinical applications]. Invited talk at the Neurological Center William Lennox, Ottignies, May 2009.
Mikolajczak, M. L'intelligence émotionnelle: pourquoi l'évaluer à l’hôpital, comment la développer? [Emotional intelligence: why should it be measured, how can it be developped ?]. Invited talk at the Hospital Erasme, Brussels, February 2009.
Mikolajczak, M. L'intelligence émotionnelle: applications cliniques [Emotional intelligence: clinical applications]. Invited talk at the Psychiatric Hospital Sans Souci, Brussels, October 2006.
Mikolajczak, M. L'intelligence émotionnelle : applications en psychologie de la santé [Emotional intelligence and health psychology]. One-day seminar presented in the framework of l'Interface Pratique et Recherche en Psychologie de la Santé. Liège : November 2006.
Mikolajczak, M. L’intelligence émotionnelle dans l’entreprise [Emotional Intelligence in organizations]. Invited lecture at the Association des Dirigeants du Personnel (ADD). Brussels, October 2006.
Mikolajczak, M. L'intelligence émotionnelle et ses applications dans le domaine de la santé [Emotional intelligence and its implications for health]. One-day seminar presented in the framework of L'Interface Pratique et Recherche en Psychologie de la Santé and L'Association des Psychologues des Institutions Hospitalières. Louvain-la-Neuve: June 2006.
c. Poster sessions at scientific meetings
list available upon request
7. Medias (I only mention the interviews that I personally gave over the last 5 years)
- >100 interviews for the written press (Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Canada, UK, US)
- >25 interviews on radio broadcasts (Belgium, France, Switzerland, Canada, UK).
- >10 interviews for live TV broadcasts (Belgium and France).- پô
Բé Label Institution 1999 Candidate en sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation Сư洫ý 2002 Licenciée en sciences psychologiques Сư洫ý 2004 Diplômée d'éٳܻ approfondies en psychologie Сư洫ý 2006 Docteur en sciences psychologiques Сư洫ý
Woine, Aline ; Escobar, Maria Josefina ; Panesso, Carolina ; Szczygieł, Dorota ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Roskam, Isabelle. Parental burnout and child behavior: A preliminary analysis of mediating and moderating effects of positive parenting. In: Children, Vol. 11, no. 3, p. 353 (2024). doi:10.3390/children11030353.
Schittek, Alice ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Parental burnout stages and their link to parental violence: A longitudinal study. In: Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Vol. 95, no. 2024, p. 1-7 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.appdev.2024.101717.
Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Aunola, K. ; Sorkkila, M. ; Roskam, Isabelle. 15 years of parental burnout research : Systematic review and agenda. In: Current Directions in Psychological Science, Vol. 32, no. 4, p. 276-283 (2023). doi:10.1177/09637214221142777.
Lin, Gao-Xian ; Szczygiel, Dorota ; Hansotte, Logan ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Aiming to be perfect parents increases the risk of parental burnout, but emotional competence mitigates it. In: Current Psychology, Vol. 42, no. 2. doi:10.1007/s12144-021-01509-w.
Woine, Aline ; Szczygiel, Dorota ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. An experimental manipulation of cognitive appraisals in parental burnout. In: Scientific Reports, Vol. 13, no.11585 (2023). doi:10.1038/s41598-023-38587-8.
Evans, Thomas Rhys ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Burnout Across Boundaries: Can Parental Burnout Directly or Indirectly Influence Work Outcomes?. In: Current Psychology (New York) : developmental - learning - personality - social, Vol. 42, no. 16, p. 14065-14075 (2023). doi:10.1007/s12144-021-02687-3.
Woine, Aline ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Do cognitive appraisals explain the high reliability of the Balance Between Risks and Resources (BR2)?. In: Psychology, no. 14, p. 52-68 (2023). doi:10.4236/psych.2023.141004.
Schittek, Alice ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Does Parenting Perfectionism Ironically Increase Violent Behaviors from Parent towards Children?. In: Children, Vol. 10, no. 10, p. 1-11 (2023). doi:10.3390/children10101704.
Blanchard, Annelise ; Revol, Jordan ; Hoebeke, Yorgo ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Heeren, Alexandre. On the Temporal Nature of Parental Burnout: Development of an Experience Sampling Methodology (ESM) Tool to Assess Parental Burnout and Its Related Ever-Changing Family Context. In: Collabra: Psychology, Vol. 9, no.1, p. 74614 (2023). doi:10.1525/collabra.74614.
Brianda, Maria Elena ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Bader, Michel ; Bon, Sandra ; Déprez, Alexandra ; Favez, Nicolas ; Holstein, Liliane ; Le Vigouroux, Sarah ; Lebert-Charron, Astrid ; Sánchez-Rodríguez, Raquel ; Séjourné, Natalène ; Wendland, Jaqueline ; Roskam, Isabelle. Optimizing the Assessment of Parental Burnout: A Multi-informant and Multimethod Approach to Determine Cutoffs for the Parental Burnout Inventory and the Parental Burnout Assessment. In: Assessment, , p. 107319112211418 (2023). doi:10.1177/10731911221141873.
Schittek, Alice ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Parental burnout and borderline personality stand out to predict child maltreatment. In: Scientific Reports, Vol. 2023, no.13, p. 1-6 (2023). doi:10.1038/s41598-023-39310-3.
Piotrowski, Konrad ; Bojanowska, Agnieszka ; Szczygieł, Dorota ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Roskam, Isabelle. Parental burnout at different stages of parenthood: Links with temperament, Big Five traits, and parental identity. In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 14 (2023). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1087977 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Lin, Gao-Xian ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Keller, Heidi ; Akgun, Ege ; Arikan, Gizem ; Aunola, Kaisa ; Barham, Elizabeth ; Besson, Eliane ; Blanchard, M. Annelise ; Boujut, Emilie ; Brianda, Maria Elena ; Brytek-Matera, Anna ; César, Filipa ; Chen, Bin-Bin ; Dorard, Géraldine ; dos Santos Elias, Luciana Carla ; Dunsmuir, Sandra ; Egorova, Natalia ; Escobar, Maria Josefina ; Favez, Nicolas ; Fontaine, Anne Marie ; Foran, Heather ; Furutani, Kaichiro ; Gannagé, Myrna ; Gaspar, Maria ; Godbout, Lucie ; Goldenberg, Amit ; Gross, James J. ; Gurza, Maria Ancuta ; Hatta, Ogma ; Heeren, Alexandre ; Helmy, Mai ; Huynh, Mai-Trang ; Kaneza, Emérence ; Kawamoto, Taishi ; Kellou, Nassima ; Kpassagou, Bassantéa Lodegaèna ; Lazarevic, Ljiljana ; Le Vigouroux, Sarah ; Lebert-Charron, Astrid ; Leme, Vanessa ; MacCann, Carolyn ; Manrique-Millones, Denisse ; Medjahdi, Oussama ; Millones Rivalles, Rosa Bertha ; Miranda Orrego, María Isabel ; Miscioscia, Marina ; Mousavi, Seyyedeh Fatemeh ; Moutassem-Mimouni, Badra ; Murphy, Hugh ; Ndayizigiye, Alexis ; Ngnombouowo, Tenkue Josué ; Olderbak, Sally ; Ornawka, Sophie ; Cádiz, Daniela Oyarce ; Pérez-Díaz, Pablo A. ; Petrides, Konstantinos ; Prikhidko, Alena ; Salinas-Quiroz, Fernando ; Santelices, Maria-Pia ; Schrooyen, Charlotte ; Silva, Paola ; Simonelli, Alessandra ; Sorkkila, Matilda ; Stănculescu, Elena ; Starchenkova, Elena ; Szczygieł, Dorota ; Tapia, Javier ; Tremblay, Melissa ; Tri, Thi Minh Thuy ; Üstündağ-Budak, A. Meltem ; Valdés Pacheco, Maday ; van Bakel, Hedwig ; Verhofstadt, Lesley ; Wendland, Jaqueline ; Yotanyamaneewong, Saengduean ; Roskam, Isabelle. Parenting Culture(s): Ideal-Parent Beliefs Across 37 Countries. In: Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Vol. 54, no. 1, p. 4-24 (2023). doi:10.1177/00220221221123043.
Saliez, Zoé ; Vandeuren, Anthony ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Are parents of intellectually gifted child(ren) at higher, lower or equal risk for parental burnout?. In: Frontiers in Psychiatry, Vol. 13, no.1003167, p. 1-6 (2022). doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2022.1003167.
Agboli, Afi ; Richard, Fabienne ; Botbol-Baum, Mylene ; Brackelaire, Jean-Luc ; D'Aguanno, Annalisa ; Diallo, Khadidiatou ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Ricadat, Elise ; Aujoulat, Isabelle. Changing attitudes towards female genital mutilation. From conflicts of loyalty to reconciliation with self and the community: The role of emotion regulation. In: PLoS One, Vol. 17, no. 6, p. e0270088 (2022). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0270088.
Nozaki, Yuki ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Effectiveness of extrinsic emotion regulation strategies in text-based online communication. In: Emotion, Vol. 23, no.6, p. 1714-1725 (2023). doi:10.1037/emo0001186.
Kalkan, Rana Begum ; Blanchard, Annelise ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Heeren, Alexandre. Emotional exhaustion and feeling fed up as the driving forces of parental burnout and its consequences on children: insights from a network approach. In: Current Psychology, (2022). doi:10.1007/s12144-022-03311-8 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Roskam, Isabelle ; Gallée, Laura ; Aguiar, Joyce ; Brianda, Maria Elena ; Lin, Gao-Xian ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Gender equality and maternal burnout: a 40-country study. In: Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Vol. 53, no. 2, p. 157-178 (2022).
Roskam, Isabelle ; Philippot, Pierre ; Gallée, Laura ; Verhofstadt, Lesley ; Soenens, Bart ; Goodman, Alicia ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. I am not the parent I should be: Cross-sectional and prospective associations between parental self-discrepancies and parental burnout. In: Self and Identity, Vol. 21, no. 4, p. 430-455 (2022). doi:10.1080/15298868.2021.1939773.
Brianda, Maria Elena ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Bader, Michel ; Bon, Sandra ; Roskam, Isabelle. Optimizing the assessment of parental burnout: A multi-informant and multi-method approach to determine cut-offs for the Parental Burnout Inventory (PBI) and the Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA). In: Assessment, (2022) (Accepté/Sous presse).
Manrique-Millones, Denisse ; Vasin, Georgy M. ; Dominguez-Lara, Sergio ; Millones-Rivalles, Rosa ; Ricci, Ricardo T. ; Abregu Rey, Milagros ; Escobar, María Josefina ; Oyarce, Daniela ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Roskam, Isabelle. Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA) in different hispanic countries: An exploratory structural equation modeling approach. In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 13, p. 827014 (2022). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.827014.
van Bakel, Hedwig ; Bastiaansen, Coco ; Hall, Ruby ; Schwabe, Inga ; Verspeek, Emmie ; Gross, James J. ; Brandt, Julie Ackerlund ; Aguiar, Joyce ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Roskam, Isabelle. Parental burnout across the globe during the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: International Perspectives in Psychology, Vol. 11, no.3, p. 141-152 (2022). doi:10.1027/2157-3891/a000050.
Gato, Jorge ; Fontaine, Anne Marie ; César, Filipa ; Leal, Daniela ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Parental burnout and its antecedents among same-sex and different-sex families. In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 19, no.13, p. 7601 (2022). doi:10.3390/ijerph19137601.
Lin, Gao-Xian ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Keller, Heidi ; Akgun, Ege ; Arikan, Gizem ; Aunola, Kaisa ; Barham, Elizabeth ; Blanchard, Annelise ; Heeren, Alexandre ; Roskam, Isabelle. Parenting culture(s): Ideal-parent beliefs across 37 countries. In: Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, (2022) (Accepté/Sous presse).
Lin, Gao-Xian ; Goldenberg, Amit ; Arikan, Gizem ; Brytek‐Matera, Anna ; Czepczor‐Bernat, Kamila ; Manrique‐Millones, Denisse ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Overbye, Hannah ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Szczygieł, Dorota ; Ustundag‐Budak, A. Meltem ; Gross, James J.. Reappraisal, social support, and parental burnout. In: British Journal of Clinical Psychology, Vol. 61, no.4, p. 1089-1102 (2022). doi:10.1111/bjc.12380.
Dupont, Serge ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Roskam, Isabelle. The cult of the child: A critical examination of its consequences on parents, teachers and children. In: Social Sciences, Vol. 11, no.3, p. 141 (2022). doi:10.3390/socsci11030141.
Roskam, Isabelle ; Vancorenland, Sigrid ; Avalosse, Hervé ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. The missing link between poverty and child maltreatment: Parental burnout. In: Child Abuse & Neglect, Vol. 134 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2022.105908 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Woine, Aline ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Gross, J.J. ; van Bakel, H. ; Roskam, Isabelle. The role of cognitive appraisals in parental burnout: A preliminary analysis during the Covid-19 quarantine.. In: Current Psychology (New York) : developmental - learning - personality - social, (2022). doi:10.1007/s12144-021-02629-z (Accepté/Sous presse).
Zbrodska, Iryna ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Dolynska, Lubov ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Validation of the Ukrainian version of the Parental Burnout Assessment. In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 13 (2022). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1059937.
Blanchard, Annelise ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Heeren, Alexandre. A Network Approach to Parental Burnout. In: Child Abuse & Neglect, Vol. 111, p. 104826 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2020.104826.
Bebiroglu Abiven, Neda ; Bayot, Marie ; Brion, Benjamin ; Denis, Léopold ; Pirsoul, Thomas ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. An instrument to operationalize the balance between risks and resources and predict job burnout. In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 18, no.17, p. 9416 (2021). doi:10.3390/ijerph18179416.
Hansotte, Logan ; Nguyen, Nathan ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Are all burned out parents neglectful and violent? A latent profile analysis. In: Journal of Child and Family Studies, Vol. 30, p. 158-168 (2021). doi:10.1007/s10826-020-01850-x.
Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Gross, James J. ; Roskam, Isabelle. Beyond job burnout: Parental burnout!. In: Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Vol. 25, no. 5, p. 333-336 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.tics.2021.01.012.
Poirier, Clément ; Gelin, Margaux ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Creation and validation of the first french scale for measuring bore-out in the workplace. In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 12, p. 697972 (2021). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.697972.
Aunola, Kaisa ; Sorkkila, Matilda ; Tolvanen, Asko ; Tassoul, Alexandra ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Roskam, Isabelle. Development and validation of the Brief Parental Burnout Scale (BPBS). In: Psychological Assessment, Vol. 33, no.11, p. 1125-1137 (2021). doi:10.1037/pas0001064.
Lin, Gao-Xian ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Disentangling the effects of intrapersonal and interpersonal emotional competence on parental burnout. In: Current Psychology, (2021). doi:10.1007/s12144-021-02254-w (Accepté/Sous presse).
Vertsberger, Dana ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Talmon, Anat ; van Bakel, Hedwig ; Hall, Ruby ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Gross, James J.. Emotion regulation during the COVID-19 pandemic: risk and resilience factors for parental burnout (IIPB). In: Cognition and Emotion, (2021). doi:10.1080/02699931.2021.2005544 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Roskam, Isabelle. Le burnout parental. In: Medi-Sphere, no. 694, p. 6-9 (2021).
Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Roskam, Isabelle. Le burnout parental. In: Pharma-Sphere (Ed. française), no. 268, p. 30-32 (2021).
Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Roskam, Isabelle. Parentale burn-out. In: Farma-Sfeer, no. 268, p. 30-32 (2021).
Lin, Gao-Xian ; Hansotte, Logan ; Szczygieł, Dorota ; Meeussen, Loes ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Parenting with a smile: Display rules, regulatory effort, and parental burnout. In: Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, Vol. 38, no. 9, p. 2701-2721 (2021). doi:10.1177/02654075211019124.
Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. The slippery slope of parental exhaustion: A process model of parental burnout. In: Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Vol. 77, p. 101354 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.appdev.2021.101354.
Bayot, Marie ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Gallée, Laura ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. When emotional intelligence backfires : Interactions between intra- and interpersonal emotional competencies in the case of parental burnout. In: Journal of Individual Differences, Vol. 42, no.1, p. 1-8 (2021). doi:10.1027/1614-0001/a000324.
Galdiolo, Sarah ; Gaugue, Justine ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Van Cappellen, Patty. Development of trait emotional intelligence in response to childbirth: A longitudinal couple perspective. In: Frontiers in Psychiatry, Vol. 11, no.560127 (2020). doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2020.560127.
Nozaki, Yuki ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Extrinsic emotion regulation. In: Emotion, Vol. 20, no.1, p. 10-15 (2020). doi:10.1037/emo0000636.
Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Gender differences in the nature, antecedents and consequences of parental burnout. In: Sex Roles, Vol. 83, p. 485-498 (2020). doi:10.1007/s11199-020-01121-5.
Brianda, Maria Elena ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Hair cortisol concentration as a biomarker of parental burnout. In: Psychoneuroendocrinology, Vol. 117, no.104681 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2020.104681.
Mierop, Adrien ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Stahl, C. ; Béna, J. ; Luminet, Olivier ; Lane, Anthony ; Corneille, Olivier. How can intranasal oxytocin research be trusted? A systematic review of the interactive effects of intranasal oxytocin on psychosocial outcomes. In: Perspectives on Psychological Science, Vol. 15, no. 5, p. 1228-1242 (2020). doi:10.1177/1745691620921525.
Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Gross, James J. ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Norberg, Annika Lindahl ; Roskam, Isabelle. Is Parental Burnout distinct from Job Burnout and Depressive Symptomatology?. In: Clinical Psychological Science, Vol. 8, no. 4, p. 673-689 (2020). doi:10.1177/2167702620917447.
Bayot, Marie ; Vermeulen, Nicolas ; Kever, Anne ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Mindfulness and empathy: Differential effects of explicit and implicit Buddhist teachings. In: Mindfulness, Vol. 11, no. 1, p. 5-17. doi:10.1007/s12671-018-0966-4.
Nature and measurement of parental burnout around the world. In: New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Vol. 2020, no.174 (2020).
Morton, Jessica ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Luminet, Olivier. New perspectives on the praise literature: towards a conceptual model of compliment. In: Current Psychology, Vol. 41, p. 6038-6050 (2022). doi:10.1007/s12144-020-01102-7.
Roskam, Isabelle ; Brianda, Maria Elena ; Gallée, Laura ; Hatta, Ogma ; Lin, Gao-Xian ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Parental burnout around the globe: A 42-country study - International Investigation of Parental Burnout (IIPB) Consortium. In: Affective Science, Vol. 2, p. 58-79 (2021). doi:10.1007/s42761-020-00028-4.
Mousavi, Seyyedeh Fatemeh ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Roskam, Isabelle. Parental burnout in Iran: Psychometric properties of the Persian (Farsi) version of the Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA). In: New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Vol. 2020, no.174, p. 85-100 (2020). doi:10.1002/cad.20369.
Gannagé, Myrna ; Besson, Eliane ; Harfouche, Jacqueline ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Parental burnout in Lebanon: Validation psychometric properties of the Lebanese Arabic version of the Parental Burnout Assessment. In: New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Vol. 2020, no.174, p. 51-65 (2020). doi:10.1002/cad.20383.
Stănculescu, Elena ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Muntean, Ana ; Gurza, Anca. Parental burnout in Romania: Validity of the Romanian version of the parental burnout assessment (PBA‐RO). In: New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Vol. 2020, no.174, p. 119-136 (2020). doi:10.1002/cad.20384.
Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Roskam, Isabelle. Parental burnout: Moving the focus from children to parents. In: New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Vol. 2020, no.174, p. 7-13 (2020). doi:10.1002/cad.20376.
Brianda, Maria Elena ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Psychoneuroendocrinology research is needed on parental burnout: A response to Walther, Walther, and Heald’s comment on Hair cortisol concentration as a biomarker of parental burnout. In: Psychoneuroendocrinology, Vol. 119, no.104786 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2020.104786.
Matias, Marisa ; Aguiar, Joyce ; César, Filipa ; Braz, Ana Carolina ; Barham, Elizabeth Joan ; Leme, Vanessa ; Elias, Luciana ; Gaspar, Maria Filomena ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Fontaine, Anne Marie. The Brazilian–Portuguese version of the Parental Burnout Assessment: Transcultural adaptation and initial validity evidence. In: New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Vol. 2020, no.174, p. 67-83 (2020). doi:10.1002/cad.20374.
Brianda, Maria Elena ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Gross, James J. ; Franssen, Aline ; Kapala , Florence ; Gérard , France ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Treating parental burnout: Impact of two treatment modalities on burnout symptoms, emotions, hair cortisol, and parental neglect and violence. In: Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, Vol. 89, no.5, p. 330-332 (2020). doi:10.1159/000506354.
Szczygieł, Dorota ; Sekulowicz, Malgorzata ; Kwiatkowski, Piotr ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Validation of the Polish version of the Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA). In: New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Vol. 2020, no.174, p. 137-158 (2020). doi:10.1002/cad.20385.
Arikan, Gizem ; Üstündağ‐Budak, Ayse Meltem ; Akgün, Ege ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Roskam, Isabelle. Validation of the Turkish version of the Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA). In: New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Vol. 2020, no.174, p. 15-32 (2020). doi:10.1002/cad.20375.
Sarrionandia, Ainize ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. A meta-analysis of the possible behavioural and biological variables linking trait emotional intelligence to health. In: Health Psychology Review, Vol. 14, no.2, p. 220-244 (2020). doi:10.1080/17437199.2019.1641423.
Lecat, Antoine ; Weytens, Fanny ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Effect of an ecological attentional bias modification towards positive cues on positive affect and well-being. In: Psychology, Vol. 10, no.05, p. 648-666 (2019). doi:10.4236/psych.2019.105041.
Nozaki, Yuki ; Puente-Martínez, Alicia ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Evaluating the higher-order structure of the Profile of Emotional Competence (PEC): Confirmatory factor analysis and Bayesian structural equation modeling. In: PLOS ONE, Vol. 14, no.11, p. e0225070 (2019). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0225070.
Kotsou, Ilios ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Heeren, Alexandre ; Grégoire, Jacques ; Leys, Christophe. Improving emotional intelligence: A systematic review of existing work and future challenges. In: Emotion Review, Vol. 11, no. 2, p. 151–165 (2019). doi:10.1177/1754073917735902.
Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Gross, James J. ; Roskam, Isabelle. Parental Burnout: What is it and why does it matter?. In: Clinical Psychological Science, Vol. 7, no. 6, p. 1319-1329 (2019) (Accepté/Sous presse).
Roskam, Isabelle ; Brianda, Maria-Elena ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. A Step Forward in the Conceptualization and Measurement of Parental Burnout: The Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA). In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 9 (2018) (2018). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00758.
Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Roskam, Isabelle. A Theoretical and Clinical Framework for Parental Burnout: The Balance Between Risks and Resources (BR2). In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 9 (2018). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00886.
Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Brianda, Maria Elena ; Avalosse,Hervé ; Roskam, Isabelle. Consequences of parental burnout: Its specific effect on child neglect and violence. In: Child Abuse & Neglect, Vol. 80, no.June, p. 134-145 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2018.03.025.
Szczygiel, Dorota Daniela ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Emotional intelligence buffers the effects of negative emotions on job burnout in nursing. In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 9, no.2649 (2018). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02649.
Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Raes, Marie-Emilie ; Avalosse, Hervé ; Roskam, Isabelle. Exhausted Parents: sociodemographic, child-related, parent-related, parenting and family-functioning correlates of parental burnout. In: Journal of Child and Family Studies, Vol. 27, no. 2, p. 602-614 (2018). doi:10.1007/s10826-017-0892-4.
Roskam, Isabelle ; Gallée, Laura ; Aguiar, Joyce ; Akgun, Ege ; Arena, Andrew ; Arikan, Gizem ; Aunola, Kaisa ; Bader, Michel ; Lin, Gao-Xian ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Gender equality and maternal burnout: A 40-country study. In: Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Vol. 53, no.2, p. 157-178 (2022). doi:10.1177/00220221211072813.
Szczygiel, Dorota ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Is it enough to be an extrovert to be liked? Emotional competence moderates the relationship between extraversion and peer-rated likeability. In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 9, no.804 (2018). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00804.
Quoidbach, Jordi ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Gruber, June ; Kotsou, Ilios ; Kogan, Aleksandr ; Norton, Michael I.. Robust, replicable, and theoretically-grounded: A response to Brown and Coyne’s (2017) commentary on the relationship between emodiversity and health. In: Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Vol. 147, no. 3, p. 451-458 (2018). doi:10.1037/xge0000400.
Schinckus, Louise ; Avalosse, Hervé ; Van den Broucke, Stephan ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. The role of trait emotional intelligence in diabetes self-management behaviors: The mediating effect of diabetes-related distress. In: Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 131, p. 124-131 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.paid.2018.03.028.
Schinckus, Louise ; Dangoisse, Florence ; Van den Broucke, Stephan ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. When knowing is not enough: Emotional distress and depression reduce the positive effects of health literacy on diabetes self-management. In: Patient Education and Counseling, Vol. 101, no. 2, p. 324-330 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.pec.2017.08.006.
Hanin, Vanessa ; Van Nieuwenhoven, Catherine ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Grégoire, Jacques ; Carole Fantini-Hauwel. Children’s Emotion Regulation Scale in Mathematics (CERS-M): Development and Validation of a Self-Reported Instrument. In: Psychology Research, Vol. 8, p. 2240-2275 (2017).
Mazzone, Stéphanie ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Grosbois, Nathalie. Do Parents Talk about Emotions with Their Children? The Questionnaire of Parent-Child Conversations about Emotions (QPCCE). In: Psychology (Irvine), Vol. 8, p. 987-1007 (2017). doi:10.4236/psych.2017.87065.
Roskam, Isabelle ; Raes, Marie-Emilie ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Exhausted Parents: Development and Preliminary Validation of the Parental Burnout Inventory. In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 8 (2017). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00163.
Jaeken, Marine ; Zech, Emmanuelle ; Brison, Céline ; Verhofstadt, Lesley L. ; Van Broeck, Nady ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Helpers' self-assessment biases before and after helping skills training. In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 8, no.1377 (2017). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01377.
Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Van Bellegem, Sébastien. Increasing emotional intelligence to decrease healthcare expenditures: how profitable would it be?. In: Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 116, p. 343-347 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.paid.2017.05.014.
Le Vigouroux, Sarah ; Scola, Céline ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Roskam, Isabelle. The Big Five Personality Traits and Parental Burnout: Protective and Risk Factors, collab. Raes, Marie-Emilie. In: Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 119, p. 216-219 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.paid.2017.07.023.
Mazzone, Stéphanie ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Grosbois, Nathalie. The Questionnaire of Parent-Child Conversations about Emotions (QPCCE): Development and validation of a parent-report measure. In: Psychology, (2017) (Accepté/Sous presse).
Szczygiel, Dorota ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Why are people high in emotional intelligence happier? They make the most of their positive emotions. In: Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 117, p. 177-181 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.paid.2017.05.051.
Petrides, K. V. ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Mavroveli, Stella ; Sanchez-Ruiz, Maria-Jose ; Furnham, Adrian ; Pérez-González, Juan-Carlos. Developments in trait emotional intelligence research. In: Emotion Review, Vol. 8, no.4, p. 335-341 (October 2016). doi:10.1177/1754073916650493.
Lane, Anthony ; Luminet, Olivier ; Nave, Gideon ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Is there a publication bias in behavioral intranasal oxytocin research on humans? Opening the file drawer of one laboratory. In: Journal of Neuroendocrinology : from molecular to translational neurobiology, Vol. 28, no. 4 (2016). doi:10.1111/jne.12384.
Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Avalosse, H. ; Vancorenland, S. ; Vancorenland, S. ; Callens, M. ; van Broeck, N. ; Fantini-Hauwel, C. ; Mierop, Adrien. A nationally representative study of emotional competence and health. In: Emotion, Vol. 15, no.5, p. 653-667 (2015). doi:10.1037/emo0000034.
Brison, Céline ; Zech, Emmanuelle ; Jaeken, Marine ; Priels, Jean-Marc ; Verhofstadt, Lesley ; Van Broeck, Nady ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Encounter groups : do they foster psychology students’ psychological development and therapeutic attitudes?. In: Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, Vol. 14, no. 1, p. 83-99 (2015). doi:10.1080/14779757.2014.991937.
Pena Sarrionandia, Ainize ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Gross, James J.. Integrating emotion regulation and emotional intelligence traditions: a meta-analysis. In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 6, no.160, p. 1-27 (2015). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00160.
Quoidbach, Jordi ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Gross, James J.. Positive interventions: an emotion regulation perspective . In: Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 141, no.3, p. 655-693 (2015). doi:10.1037/a0038648.
Weytens, Fanny ; Luminet, Olivier ; Verhofstadt, Lesley L. ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. An integrative theory-driven positive emotion regulation intervention. In: PLoS One, Vol. 9, no. 4 (2014). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0095677.
Quoidbach, Jordi ; Norton, Michael I. ; Kotsou, Ilios ; Kogan, Alexsandr ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Gruber, June. Emodiversity and the emotional ecosystem. In: Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Vol. 143, no. 6, p. 2057-2065 (2014). doi:10.1037/a0038025.
Fantini-Hauwel, Carole ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Factor structure, evolution, and predictive power of emotional competencies on physical and emotional health in the elderly. In: Journal of Aging and Health : an interdisciplinary research forum, Vol. 26, no. 6, p. 993-1014 (2014). doi:10.1177/0898264314535633.
Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Brasseur, Sophie ; Fantini-Hauwel, Carole. Measuring intrapersonal and interpersonal EQ : the Short Profile of Emotional Competence (S-PEC). In: Personality and Individual Differences, (2014). doi:10.1016/j.paid.2014.01.023 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Fiori, Marina ; Antonietti, Jean-Philippe ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Luminet, Olivier ; Hansenne, Michel ; Rossier, Jérôme. What is the ability emotional intelligence test (MSCEIT) good for? An evaluation using item response theory. In: PLoS One, Vol. 9, no. 6 (2014). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0098827.
Emotion regulation and parenting, éd. Roskam, Isabelle ; Gross, J. J. ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï, Cambridge University Press, 2023. 9781009304368. doi:10.1017/9781009304368.
Kotsou, Ilios ; Farnier, Joran ; Shankland, Rebecca ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Quoidbach, Jordi ; Leys, Christophe. Développer les compétences émotionnelles en 8 séances (Les Ateliers du praticien), Dunod: Paris, 2022. 9782100823260. 290 p.
Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Roskam, Isabelle. Ouders zijn ook maar mensen. Wat is een parentale burn-out en hoe kom je erbovenop?, Lannoo: Tielt, 2021. 9789401480109. 205 p.
Burn-out professionnel, parental et de l’aidant : Comprendre, prévenir et intervenir, éd. Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Zech, Emmanuelle ; Roskam, Isabelle (Carrefour des psychothérapies), De Boeck Supérieur: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2020. 978-2-8073-1569-3. 352 p.
Brianda, Maria Elena ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Comment traiter le burn-out parental? Manuel d'intervention clinique (Carrefour des psychothérapies), De Boeck Supérieur: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2019. 9782807326804. 224 p.
Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Le burnout parental: comprendre, diagnostiquer et prendre en charge, De Boeck: Bruxelles, 2018.
Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Roskam, Isabelle. Le burnout parental: l'éviter et s'en sortir, Odile Jacob: Paris, 2017.
Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Stress et défis de la parentalité (Carrefour des psychothérapies), De Boeck: Bruxelles, 2015. 2807300146.
Aunola, Kaisa ; Szczygieł, Dorota ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Roskam, Isabelle. Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA) in International Contexts. In: Christian U. Krägeloh, Mohsen Alyami, Oleg N. Medvedev (eds.), International Handbook of Behavioral Health Assessment, Springer, 2023. 978-3-030-89738-3. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-89738-3 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Sarrionandia-Pena, A. ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Changing emotions and emotional competencies : Interventions in non-clinical settings. In: A. Samson, D. Sander and U. Kramer, Change in emotion and mental health, Elsevier: Cambridge, USA, 2022 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Roskam, Isabelle. Emotion regulation in parenting. In: J.J. Gross, B. Ford, Handbook of emotion regulation, The Guilford Press: New York, 2022 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Roskam, Isabelle ; Bayot, Marie ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA). In: Oleg N. Medvedev, Christian U. Krägeloh, Richard J. Siegert, Nirbhay N. Singh (Eds.), Handbook of assessment in mindfulness research, Springer Cham, 2022. 978-3-030-77644-2. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-77644-2.
Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Gross, J. J. ; Roskam, Isabelle. The role of parental ER in parental stress and burnout. In: I. Roskam, J.J. Gross, M. Mikolajczak, Emotion regulation and parenting, Cambridge University Press, 2022 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Le burn-out parental. In: V. Meyer, S. Stella (Eds), Parentalité(s) et après ? (Les dossiers d'Empan), Eres: Toulouse, 2021, p. 241-256. 9782749271392.
Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Les compétences émotionnelles chez l’adulte. In: O. Luminet, D. Grynberg, Psychologie des émotions: Concepts fondamentaux et implications cliniques (Ouvertures psychologiques), De Boeck Supérieur: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2021, p. 149-172. 9782807315655.
Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Améliorer la gestion du stress et développer l'assertivité. In: Ѵï Mikolajczak, Isabelle Roskam, Emmanuelle Zech, Burn-out professionnel, parental et de l’aidant : Comprendre, prévenir et intervenir (Carrefour des psychothérapies), De Boeck Supérieur: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2020, p. 167-186. 978-2-8073-1569-3.
Westrelin, Nicolas ; Gérain, Pierre ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Définition et conceptualisation des burnouts. In: Mikolajczak, M., Zech, E., Roskam, I., Quel burnout pour quel traitement ? Comprendre et prendre en charge le burnout dans la sphère privée et professionnelle., De Boeck: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2020 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Emotional competence. In: Bernardo J. Carducci, Christopher S. Nave, Annamaria Di Fabio, Donald H. Saklofske, Con Stough (Eds.), The Wiley encyclopedia of personality and individual differences: Personality processes and individual differences, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. , 2020, p. 137-141. 9781119057536. doi:10.1002/9781119547174.
Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Brianda, Maria Elena ; Roskam, Isabelle. Interventions spécifiques relatives au burn-out parental. In: Ѵï Mikolajczak, Isabelle Roskam, Emmanuelle Zech, Burn-out professionnel, parental et de l’aidant : Comprendre, prévenir et intervenir (Carrefour des psychothérapies), De Boeck Supérieur: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2020, p. 279-294. 978-2-8073-1569-3.
Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. De l’attachement à l’épuisement parental. In: B. Pierrehumbert (Dir.), L’attachement aujourd’hui: Parentalité et accueil du jeune enfant, Editions Philippe Duval: Paris, 2019, p. 116-137. 9782490737109.
Le Vigouroux-Nicolas, S. ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. "Dis-moi qui tu es, je te dirai si tu es à risque de burn-out" : l'Influence des caractéristiques psychologiques des parents sur le risque de burn-out parental. In: I. Roskam, M. Mikolajczak (eds.), Le burn-out parental : comprendre, diagnostiquer et prendre en charge, De Boeck: Bruxelles, 2018, 183-194. 9782807314450.
Roskam, Isabelle ; Raes, Marie-Emilie ; Hubert, S. ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Diagnostiquer le burnout parental: le Parental Burnout Inventory et le Parental Burnout Assessement. In: I. Roskam, M. Mikolajczak (eds.), Le burnout parental: comprendre, diagnostiquer et prendre en charge, De Boeck: Bruxelles, 2018 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Mikolajczak, Ѵï ; Roskam, Isabelle. Du stress ordinaire au burnout parental. In: I. Roskam, M. Mikolajczak (eds.), Le burnout parental: comprendre, diagnostiquer et prendre en charge, De Boeck: Bruxelles, 2018 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. La Balance des Risques et des Ressources (BR²) : un modèle explicatif et clinique du burnout parental. In: I. Roskam, M. Mikolajczak (eds.), Le burnout parental: comprendre, diagnostiquer et prendre en charge, De Boeck: Bruxelles, 2018.
Roskam, Isabelle ; Brianda, Maria Elena ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. La prise en charge structurée du burnout parental. In: I. Roskam, M. Mikolajczak (eds.), Le burnout parental: comprendre, diagnostiquer et prendre en charge, De Boeck: Bruxelles, 2018 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Roskam, Isabelle ; Brianda, Maria Elena ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Les groupes de parole pour parents en burnout. In: I. Roskam, M. Mikolajczak (eds.), Le burnout parental : Comprendre, diagnostiquer et prendre en charge, De Boeck: Bruxelles, 2018 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Du stress d'être parent. In: Isabelle Roskam & Ѵï Mikolajczak, Stress et défis de la parentalité, De Boeck: Bruxelles, 2015, p. 285. 9782807300149.
Lorenzino, Lydia ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Maman stressée, grossesse perturbée?. In: Isabelle Roskam & Ѵï Mikolajczak, Stress et défis de la parentalité, De Boeck: Bruxelles, 2015, p. 285. 9782807300149.
Jaeken, Marine ; Zech, Emmanuelle ; Van Broeck, Nady ; Verhofstadt, Lesley ; Mikolajczak, Ѵï. Se former à la communication en contexte d’entretien. In: Nathalie Grosbois ; Olivier Luminet ; Stephan Van den Broucke (eds), Articulations clinique-recherche : des outils nouveaux à la disposition du clinicien (Forum du CDSP; 2), Presses universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2014, p. 33-44. 978-2-87558-288-1.