
Dutch Language

bdroi1153  2023-2024  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Dutch Language
4.00 credits
0 h + 30.0 h
Q1 and Q2

  This learning unit is not open to incoming exchange students!

Boutsen Isolde (coordinator); Fraipont Barbara; Kayobotsi Nadine; Sergier Matthieu; Sporcq Aurélie; Tatli Arzu;
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

The minimum level of Dutch to be reached at the end of the year is B1+ as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

The courses and the work to be done at home by the student are an integral part of the mastery of the language in terms of lexicon and grammatical structures. In addition, they prepare students for the second year specialised language course.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to grasp the general meaning of authentic texts and make a structured synthesis of them, while being able to explain passages dealing with important data.

A dispensatory exam will be organised remotely via the ELAO platform in September; students who obtain a sufficiently high mark in the written test will then be required to take an oral exam in person. This test will also allow students to be placed in groups according to their level.
Details of how to register for the exemption test will be published on the valves and the website ("Back to School Week" page).
Since the course focuses on developing the ability to understand authentic texts, news reports and film clips, the content is drawn from the Dutch-speaking Belgian media and deals with general topics as well as issues relating to the social, political and legal organization of society. The student will also read a Dutch-language work of fiction. All this material is also used as a basis for lexical extension, grammar revision, synthesis and conversation exercises in Dutch.
Teaching methods
Interactive course, based on:
- Current press, visual and audio recordings (VRT, Canvas, ...) ;
- Reading of the book Hoe ik talent voor het leven kreeg by Rodaan Al Galidi (Leeslicht edition, 2017, 134p.).
- Individual oral presentation based on a relevant article of min. 1 A4 of your choice which counts in the final evaluation.  
As the course is interactive, it goes without saying that the evaluation also focuses on effective and regular participation: preparation of exercises proposed by the lecturer. The teachers reserve the right to verify if the students do the different tasks as required and, if necessary, to exclude them from the course.
When a part of the teaching activities cannot be carried out in class due to sanitary reasons, the instructions will be sent via Moodle / Teams and the active participation of each student in these activities is expected. Any changes to this course plan (content, timetable, etc.) due to external circumstances will be communicated via Moodle.
It is imperative that students consult Moodle at least once a week and read ALL announcements.
Evaluation methods
The final result (100%) is obtained by the addition of:
- a continuous evaluation including:
- a written test the last week of class, the week of December 11, 2023 (covering material seen at Q1 and the understanding of a new text) which takes 90’ and counts for 40% in the final proportion.
- an oral test which takes place in March 2024 and counts for 20% in the final proportion
- an exam in May 2024 the last week of class Q2, the week of May 13, 2024 (covering material seen at Q2 and the understanding of a new text) which takes 90’ and counts for 40% of this exam.
At the end of the year, the student obtains a single mark (for the whole year). In case the student has not obtained the average of 10/20 in June, he/she will take an exam in August that includes the writing parts Q1 and Q2 (which takes 120’) and/or the oral part. In the final weighting, the written part will count for 80% and the oral part for 20%.
In case of absence during one of the different parts of the evaluation (over the entire year), the student will receive the grade 0A. If the student can justify his/her absence by means of a medical certificate, sent to the faculty administration within 24 hours, he/she will receive the final grade 0M. No exceptions will be allowed.
If the sanitary conditions do not allow the organization of face-to-face exams, the evaluation methods will be hybrid. It will also be an out-of-session exam and the proportion will remain the same. Any changes to the assessments due to external circumstances will be communicated via Moodle.
An exemption test will be organized remotely via the ELAO platform in September; students who obtain a sufficiently high score in the written test will then be required to take an oral exam face-to-face. This test will also allow students to be placed in groups according to their level.
Further information on how to register for the exemption test will be published on the valves.
Other information
Minimum level A2 is recommended
  • Documents provided by the teacher in the form of a syllabus per term
  • Book: Hoe ik talent voor het leven kreeg by Rodaan Al Galidi (Leeslicht edition, 2017, 134p.)
  • Grammar: La grammaire néerlandaise (collection Petits Sésames - Van In)
  • Dutch media (newspapers, magazines, TV channels, radio...)
Textes / Vocabulaire: Journaux et revues (sur internet)
  • https://www.wablieft.be/nl/ (niveau 1)
  • www.taalblad.be (niveau 1)
  • http://www.metrotime.be/ (niveau 1)
  • http://www.hln.be/ (niveau 1)
  • http://www.nieuwsblad.be/ (niveau 2)
  • http://www.deredactie.be/ (niveau 3)
  • http://www.dewereldmorgen.be/ (niveau 3)
  • http://www.vandaag.be/ (niveau 2)
  • http://www.brusselnieuws.be (niveau 2 / 3)
  • http://www.nrcnext.nl/ (niveau 2 / 3)
  • http://www.trouw.nl/ (niveau 3)
  • http://www.nu.nl (niveau 3)
Teaching materials
  • DROI1153
  • DROI1153
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Law

Bachelor in Law French-English (and French-English-Dutch)