
Roman foundations and history of private law

bdroi1111  2024-2025  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Roman foundations and history of private law
8.00 credits
90.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

o Bring the students to familiarise themselves with the fundamental concepts of private law through the history of their origin, and prepare them to a thorough reading of the Civil Code;
o Bring the students to think in legal terms through practical cases;
o Study legal comparatism from a pragmatic point of view by comparing Roman and Belgian law;
o Introduce to the notion of legal relativism in time and space.
The course is composed of a general part, which studies the fundamental concepts in their historical dimension: objective law; subjective rights; actions; legal persons. Followed by more specific parts: procedure; goods and obligations.
Teaching methods
The lecture is illustrated by many practical examples. An optional tutorial helps the students who wish so, to correctly understand the notions through practical exercises.
Evaluation methods
The examination includes two parts:
1°) The students prepare in writing the questions they received, using the Civil Code and the file they have constituted during the year. The number of cards in the file is limited in order to force them to synthesise.
2°) The students present orally their answers. Additional questions will then be asked to check if they understand in detail the concepts they use and if they are able to develop a correct legal reasoning.
Other information
A book and syllabuses including the notions studied in class will be available for the students.
Une bibliographie plus complète est renseignée dans le syllabus Ier. Nous pointons ici quelques manuels de base en langue française, en ce compris une bonne introduction au Common Law.
³Ò²¹³Ü»å±ð³¾±ð³ÙÌý´³.,Ìý°ä³ó±ð±¹°ù±ð²¹³ÜÌý·¡.,ÌýDroit privé romain, Paris, 2009
³Ò²¹³Ü»å±ð³¾±ð³ÙÌý´³.,ÌýLes naissances du droit. Le temps, le pouvoir et la science au service du droit, 4e éd., Paris, 2006.
³Ò¾±°ù²¹°ù»åÌý±Ê.-¹ó°ù.,ÌýManuel élémentaire de droit romain, 8e éd. par F. Senn, 1937, réimpr. présentée par J.-Ph. Lévy, Paris, Dalloz, 2003
±á²¹²Ô²¹°ù»åÌý³Ò.,ÌýPrécis de droit romain, I, Bruxelles, FUSL, 1997
LegrandÌýP., SamuelÌýG.,ÌýIntroduction au Common Law, Paris, 2008
²Ñ¾±³¦³ó±ð±ôÌý´³.-±á.,ÌýÉléments de droit romain à l’usage des juristes, des latinistes et des historiens, Fascicules I et II, Bruxelles, 1998Ìý
±Ê¾±³¦³ó´Ç²Ô²Ô²¹³úÌý±Ê.,ÌýLes fondements romains du droit privé, 2e édition, Zurich, Paris, 2020.
Pichonnaz P., Dunand J.-Ph. J.,ÌýLexique de droit romain, Bruxelles, Zurich, 2006
SchmidlinÌýBr. etÌýCannataÌýC.A.,ÌýDroit privé romain, I et II, Lausanne, 1988
³§³Ù±ð¾±²ÔÌý±Ê.,ÌýLe droit romain et l’Europe. Essai d’interprétation historique, 2e éd., Genève, 2004.
Sur les adages :
²Ñ±ð°ù³¾¾±²Ô´Ç»åÌý³Û.,ÌýExpressions et proverbes latinsÌý: adages juridiques, Neuchâtel, 1992
¸é´Ç±ô²¹²Ô»åÌý±á.,Ìýµþ´Ç²â±ð°ùÌý³¢.,ÌýLocutions latines et adages du droit français contemporain, Lyon, 1977-79
²Ñ±ð°ù²µ±ð²¹¾±Ìý´³.,ÌýLe passe-partout du latin juridiqueÌý: recueil de termes, locutions, adages avec une traduction, Bruxelles, 1992
Teaching materials
  • Fondements romains et éléments d'histoire du droit privé
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Law

Bachelor in Law French-English (and French-English-Dutch)

Bachelor in Law French-Dutch (and French-Dutch-English)