
Latin authors I

broma1294  2024-2025  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Latin authors I
5.00 credits
30.0 h

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1. produce, on the basis of the course, a translation and a grammatical, historical, cultural, stylistic and literary commentary of an extract from the work of one of the Latin authors of the late Republican and early Imperial periods;
2. identify the basic mechanisms of the phonological, morphological and syntactic systems of the Latin language;
3. place a text in the context of the history of Latin literature;
4. prepare an independent translation of and commentary on a Latin text, making use of the relevant bibliographical resources;
5. summarise and critique the scientific literature on the text studied.
Each year, the course focuses on the study of a particular theme, enabling students to examine texts from a variety of literary genres and periods (from the 2nd century BC to the 2nd century AD). The analysis of these texts may be accompanied by the reading, in the original text or in translation, of extracts from earlier (Greek or Latin) or later literary works (possibly in translation if it is not a French work), with a view to enriching the commentary and better situating the text in its historical, cultural, stylistic and literary context.
Working with the students, the teacher develops an original translation for each of the extracts selected and proposes a commentary highlighting the most remarkable aspects of the text. The teacher will highlight the methods of analysis used and present the working tools employed (bibliography, statistics, etc.). Reading the texts also involves examining significant facts in the fields of phonetics, morphology, lexicon and syntax.
Teaching methods
The course alternates between lectures by the teacher and contributions from the students (using computer resources and documentation). Each week, students are asked to prepare translations of the texts studied in the following lesson.
For the exam, students must also prepare a complete translation, grammatical analysis and commentary on a text of limited length (for a poet, around a hundred lines).
Before the end of the course, they are also required to submit one or more typed reviews of articles or books on the author and work studied (these are then made available to all students).
Evaluation methods
Oral examination on the translation and historical, cultural, stylistic and literary commentary of :
1. an extract studied as part of the course;
2. one of the texts prepared at home.
Assessment of a report on a reading of scientific work relating to the texts prepared at home.
The student's ability to:
1) translate (establishing a correspondence between the translation and the segments of the original text that it transcribes);
2) justify the translation grammatically;
3) demonstrate knowledge of the author studied, the work read and their place in the history of Latin literature;
4) use the working tools used in the course;
5) personally apply the methods of analysis used in the course.
Formative assessment :
Each week, the student prepares at home the translation of the texts studied in the following course. They are questioned orally by the teacher, who can offer individual advice to help them make progress.
For texts to be prepared personally, students can submit written questions to the teacher, who will answer them either in writing or orally. These questions can also be sent by e-mail.
Other information
Une bibliographie est fournie chaque année en début de cours en fonction de la thématique étudiée.
Des polycopiés sont fournis par l'enseignant (bibliographies, textes complémentaires, notes, etc.). On utilise lesgrammaires de référence suivantes : A.-M. BOXUS et M. LAVENCY, Clauis, Paris-Gembloux, 5e éd., 2017 et M. LAVENCY, Vsus, Description du Latin classique en vue de la lecture des auteurs, Grammaire latine, 2e éd., (Bibliothèque des Cahiers de l'Institut de Linguistique de Louvain, 88), Louvain-la-Neuve, 1997.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in French and Romance Languages and Letters

Bachelor in History

Bachelor in History (French - English)