The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Main themes
- Producing a structured oral presentation of the project
- Writing an abstract of 1,500 characters on the project
- English phonetics (English alphabet, stress, symbols)
- Techniques for using software tools for accuracy in writing and speaking
- Development and consolidation of grammatical and lexical knowledge
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
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Specific learning outcomes: By the end of the course, students will be able to
Place the action
Interactive course focussing on
- the use of oral English in a professional environment
- activating the vocabulary seen in BAC1 and BAC2 and more specifically on the technical vocabulary of architecture
- developing the vocabulary and expressions linked to the activities that the students will have be able to perform in their professional live, namely: presenting an architectural projet, holding a meeting, taking part in a joà b intervew
- developing some writing skills such as; writing a résumé and an application letter.
Teaching methods
Oral interaction
- roleplays
- oral presentation
Evaluation methods
Since the course endeavours to develop complex professional skills (holding and chairing a meeting, making a professional presentation, presenting an architectural project in English, taking a job interview, writing a CV and a cover letter ...) No exemption test will be organised and all students are required to attend class on a regular basis starting from Week 1.
- The final exam will consist in a simulation of a job intervew during which the student will be asked to present an architectural project of their own (30%). This part of the evaluation being considered as the exam, should a student fail to take it, because their mark for continuous assessment is high enough, he will be considered as absent for the session.
- A continuous assessment (70%) including the following:
- CV and application letter (15%)
- Pronunciation test (5%)
- Presentation in class (subject: Architecture and society: How can architects improve society as a whole?) (15%)
- Meeting (15%)
- Written test on the most frequent grammar and vocabulary mistakes to be avoided (10%)
- Attendance (10%) -- Since the class is interactive, attendance is compulsory and 10% of the mark will ba allocated to an active participation in class. However, the whole of the continuous assessment (70%) will be reduced to 0 should a student skip more than 2 classes without a medical certificate.
-  During the August/September session, the student will keep the mark they got for all the activities included in the course providing this mark is above the 50% pass threshold. They will have to resit ALL the activities where this threshold was not reached or that they didn't take during the semester.
Online resources
The MOODLE page LBARC1323-INTERACTIVE ENGLISH FOR ARCHITECTS BACIII at the following address: https://moodle.uclouvain.be/course/view.php?id=4604
- Syllabus mis à la disposition des étudiants
Page Moodle du cours
Teaching materials
- programme du cours et mises à jour (COVID) éventuelles sur moodle
Faculty or entity