
Detailed programme by subject

Mandatory Major (150 credits)
Mandatory General training (37 credits)
Most of the general training courses in the first semester of the first year of the Bachelor's programme are common to all students in the Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Letters. This makes it easier to change to another programme in the Faculty at the end of this semester.
FR q1  30h  3 credits      
Charles Doyen
, Hubert Roland
, Marta Sábado Novau (coord.)

FR q1  30h  3 credits      
Marco Cavalieri
, Joël Roucloux
, Brigitte Van Wymeersch

FR q1  45h  4 credits      
Paul Bertrand (coord.)
, Silvia Mostaccio
, Françoise Van Haeperen
, Laurence Van Ypersele

FR q1  45h  5 credits      
Jean-Michel Counet

FR q2  45h+10h  5 credits      
Jean Leclercq
, Laurence Van Ypersele

FR q1  30h  5 credits      
Emmanuel Debruyne

FR q2  22.5h  5 credits       > English-friendly  
Emmanuel Debruyne

FR q1  22.5h  5 credits       > English-friendly  
Caroline Sappia

Mandatory Religious sciences
One course from :
FR q1  15h  2 credits      
Jean-Pierre Sterck-Degueldre (compensates Geert Van Oyen)

FR q1  15h  2 credits      
Geoffrey Legrand

FR q2  15h  2 credits      
Olivier Riaudel

Mandatory Introduction to the discipline (15 credits)
Mandatory LHIST1140  General heuristics
FR q1  22.5h+15h  6 credits      
Paul Bertrand

FR q2  30h  6 credits      
Vincent Dujardin
, Olivier Latteur

FR q1  15h+15h  3 credits      
Paul Bertrand

Mandatory Getting to know History I (25 credits)
FR q2  22.5h  5 credits      
Emmanuel Debruyne
, Caroline Sappia

Mandatory LFIAL1421  Antiquity History
FR q2  22.5h  5 credits      
Florence Liard (compensates Françoise Van Haeperen)

Mandatory LFIAL1422  Middle Ages History
FR q2  22.5h  5 credits      
Gilles Lecuppre

Mandatory LFIAL1423  Modern Times History
FR q2  22.5h  5 credits      
Silvia Mostaccio

FR q2  22.5h  5 credits      
Laurence Van Ypersele

Mandatory Getting to know History II (10 credits)
Two courses to choose from :
FR q1  30h  5 credits      
Olivier Latteur (compensates Françoise Van Haeperen)
, Françoise Van Haeperen

FR q2  22.5h  5 credits      
Paul Bertrand

FR q1  22.5h  5 credits      
Gilles Lecuppre

FR q1  30h  5 credits      
Jean-Pascal Gay

FR q2  30h  5 credits      
Paul Bertrand

FR q2  30h  5 credits      
Jean-Pascal Gay

FR q2  22.5h  5 credits      
Baudouin Van den Abeele
, Laurence Van Ypersele

FR q1  22.5h  5 credits      
Silvia Mostaccio
, Costantino Paonessa (compensates Françoise Van Haeperen)

Optional Ancient and Medieval Languages
Students may take an Ancient or Medieval Language course from the following:
Optional LFIAL1770  Greek I
FR q1  30h+30h  5 credits      
Lysiane Delanaye

Optional LGLOR1230  Latin II
FR q2  45h+30h  5 credits      
Lysiane Delanaye

FR q1+q2  45h  5 credits      
Lysiane Delanaye
, Aaron Kachuck

FR q1+q2  45h  5 credits      
Lysiane Delanaye
, Aaron Kachuck

FR q2  30h+7.5h  5 credits      
Mattia Cavagna

FR q1  30h  5 credits      
Mattia Cavagna

Mandatory Making History (45 credits)
Mandatory LHIST1211  Historiography
EN q2  22.5h  4 credits      
Costantino Paonessa
, Geneviève Warland

FR q1  15h  5 credits      
Baudouin Van den Abeele

FR q1  15h+15h  4 credits      
Françoise Van Haeperen

FR q1  15h+15h  4 credits      
Paul Bertrand

FR q2  15h+15h  4 credits      
Silvia Mostaccio

FR q2  15h+15h  4 credits      
Vincent Dujardin

FR q1  22.5h  5 credits      
Aurore François

Mandatory Seminars (15 credits)
Students should choose a major seminar (8 credits) and a minor seminar (7 credits). They choose two different periods.
Optional LHIST1391  Seminar : Antiquity  
FR q1  22.5h  8 credits      
Françoise Van Haeperen

Optional LHIST1392  Seminar : the Middle Ages  
FR q1  22.5h  8 credits      
Paul Bertrand
, Gilles Lecuppre

FR q1  22.5h  8 credits      
Gilles Lecuppre

FR q1  22.5h  8 credits      
Laurence Van Ypersele

FR q1  22.5h  7 credits      
Françoise Van Haeperen

FR q1  22.5h  7 credits      
Paul Bertrand
, Gilles Lecuppre

FR q1  22.5h  7 credits      
Gilles Lecuppre

FR q1  22.5h  7 credits      
Laurence Van Ypersele

Mandatory Modern and ancient languages (10 credits)
Mandatory Modern languages
The student will follow one of the four following courses :
Optional LALLE1710  German language
DE q1  30h+30h  5 credits      
Caroline Klein (coord.)

EN q1+q2  45h  5 credits      
Estelle Dagneaux (coord.)
, Claudine Grommersch
, Marine Volpe (compensates Sandrine Mulkers)

NL q1+q2  60h  5 credits      
Katrien De Rycke (coord.)

Optional LNEER1730  Dutch language
NL q1  60h  5 credits      
Hilde Bosmans (coord.)
, Katrien De Rycke

Mandatory Ancient languages
Students must take one of the following courses. LFIAL1181 is open to students who have either studied Latin or Greek for four hours per week during the last four years of secondary education or pass an assessment test at the beginning of the academic year. LFIAL1770 and LFIAL1180 are open to all.
Optional LFIAL1180  Latin I
FR q1  30h+30h  5 credits      
Lysiane Delanaye

Optional LFIAL1181  Latin Authors
FR q1  30h+0h  5 credits       > English-friendly  
Aaron Kachuck

Optional LFIAL1770  Greek I
FR q1  30h+30h  5 credits      
Lysiane Delanaye

Mandatory Modern languages (5 credits)
Student must continue studying the chosen modern language in the first annual block.
DE q1+q2  60h  5 credits      
Ann Rinder (coord.)

EN q1+q2  60h  5 credits      
Catherine Avery
, Stéphanie Brabant
, Jean-Luc Delghust (coord.)

NL q1+q2  60h  5 credits      
Hilde Bufkens (coord.)

Mandatory Modern languages (3 credits)
Student must continue the chosen modern language studied in the first and second annual blocks.
DE q1  30h  3 credits      
Ann Rinder (coord.)

EN q1+q2  30h  3 credits      
Philippe Denis (coord.)

NL q1  30h  3 credits      
Caroline Klein (coord.)

Mandatory Minor (30 credits)     (> See the list of available minors and/or additional modules)
Students choose a minor from the list of available minors and take into account any access requirements laid down by the management bodies. They will distribute the 30 credits of the minor between the annual block 2 and the annual block 3 of their bachelor's degree, so that their course programme (major + minor) comprises 60 credits each academic year.
Maximum 1 element(s)