
A Bruxelles Saint-Louis
180 crédits - 3 années
Horaire de jour - En anglais
Sigle du programme: BBEB1BA
Cadre francophone de certification (CFC) : 6
Mémoire/Travail de fin d'é³Ù³Ü»å±ð²õ : NON
Stage : NON
Activités en anglais: OUI
Activités en d'autres langues : NON
Activités sur d'autres sites : OUI


PLEASE NOTE: The Bachelor of Science in Business Engineering is a joint program organised by KU Leuven and UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles. In order to register, all candidate must first submit an application via . The to this programme are specific.

The Bachelor of Science in Business Engineering provides the same fundamentals as the bachelor programme in economics and management, with an additional training in the field of natural sciences (chemistry, physics, mathematics) and technology.

Management covers fields such as financial analysis, marketing analysis, production management, human resource management and strategic analysis. Training in economic analysis is also provided.
The science and technology courses enable students to understand the technological stakes and allow them to communicate efficiently with technicians specialised in these fields within a company.
The education is complemented with courses in foreign languages, law and human sciences.
The Bachelor of Science in Business Engineering is a joint programme organised by the Faculty of Economics and Business of KU Leuven and the Faculty of Economics, Social and Political Sciences and Communication of the site Saint-Louis - Bruxelles. Students will attend courses and take exams at both institutions and obtain a joint degree.

The programme offers a unique opportunity in the French speaking Community to be trained in English, at the Bachelor level. In addition to English, students must follow courses in another foreign language.

Founded in 1425, KULeuven has been an acclaimed centre for learning and teaching for almost six centuries. Today, it is Belgium's highest-ranked university as well as one of the oldest and most renowned universities in Europe.
As a leading European research university and co-founder of the League of European Research Universities (LERU), KU Leuven has a wide variety of programmes in English on offer, supported by high-quality interdisciplinary research. Boasting an outstanding central location in the heart of Europe, KU Leuven provides students with a truly international experience, high-quality education, world-class research and cutting-edge innovation.

Site Saint-Louis - Bruxelles
Established in 1858, Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles specialises in human and social sciences. In 2007, the Institute for European Studies was created within USL-B. It has since gained an excellent reputation for multilingual education. Conveniently located in the capital's centre, it is just a five-minute walk away from KU Leuven Brussels campus.

Do business in the heart of Europe
Learn how to do business right where business is actually done! Brussels, the capital of Belgium, is the economic heart of Europe. As a business hub, it takes up a central position in Europe. Moreover, the city is home to the EU and NATO, as well as a diverse range of international trade and finance organisations. Hundreds of multinational corporations set up their (European) head offices in Brussels, and many important political and economic decisions are made here. Your campus is in the middle of this bustling capital; what a way to kick-start your career!

Truly international
Located within 2 hours from London, Paris or Amsterdam, Brussels offers you a unique opportunity to study in the heart of Europe. Both on and off campus, you'll live and study in a truly international and multicultural environment enabling you to build a strong personal network.

Mathematics and statistics: an important element of the programme
Today's business engineers often use mathematical and statistical models to describe reality in a logical way. The language of mathematics and statistics is a powerful tool to describe and explore those models. By learning this language you develop your skills in recognising structures, systematic problem-solving, and checking the plausibility of the obtained result. You will also refine and apply your knowledge of mathematics and statistics in various courses, including linear optimisation, operations research, econometrics, accounting, finance, sciences and technologies.

In order to brush up your maths skills, a refresher course is organised in the run-up to the beginning of the academic year. The one-week course reviews a number of important topics and is a great way to meet your teachers and fellow students. The refresher course gives you an indication of the minimum prerequisites for the Bachelor of Business Engineering programme. Information on the refresher course and the mathematics assessment test can be found .
We are currently also developing an online test that you can take before applying, and which will give you customized feedback and advice on how to bridge possible minor knowledge gaps.
Description of mathematical topics you are expected to have covered before entering the Bachelor of Business Engineering programme, can be found here: .

Consult the sample questions to check if your level of mathematics is adequate: .


Votre profil

The Bachelor of Science in Business Engineering is for you if :

  • you have a very good command of English,
  • you have a strong general education (mathematics, science and languages),
  • you have taken a strong option in mathematics during the last two years of secondary education,
  • you are interested in management, economics and technology,
  • you are looking for a broad education that offers you multiple opportunities in an international environment.


Votre futur job

A degree in Business Engineering opens many doors in a wide range of sectors. Generally speaking, business engineers take up managerial functions in various business domains, including, but not limited to, marketing and finance. They usually start their careers taking on expert positions within companies (e.g. banking and insurance, ICT, telecom, logistics), in research or in consulting services, and move up to executive functions.

Clearly, with a degree in Business Engineering, you are fit to join management in any department of a company or organisation. Moreover, a business engineer's unique profile is very much appreciated by companies in both Belgium and abroad. Thanks to language courses and many opportunities to train partly at a foreign partner institution, you will be prepared to embark on an international career.


Votre programme

In the Business Engineering programme, you will focus on managing and optimising business processes. You will become acquainted with business economics as well as the different functional domains in companies (e.g. accountancy, financial management, marketing, production and logistics, human resource management). You will learn how a company operates on a daily basis and how its processes are organised. Designing business processes is often at the core of the business engineer's activities, e.g. in companies looking to launch a new production process, optimise it or make their service process run more efficiently. In doing so, you will pay attention to human behaviour and the social phenomena that determine the way we think and act. As you need to know how the economic world surrounding the organisation works, you will learn about important economic concepts and methods through economic analysis.
Topics dealing with law and tax regulations are also a crucial part of the programme, seeing they can have a major impact on business.

In addition to advancing your managerial skills, you will also sharpen your analytical skills. You will master the necessary mathematical and statistical techniques to analyse business problems and work out optimal solutions (e.g. staff planning, organisation of a production process, sales predictions for the next quarter, measuring the impact of an adverstising campaign). Considering information is more important than ever, you will also acquire a solid background in ICT skills and information management. As a business engineer, you need to know how companies can manage and analyse information. After an introduction to natural and applied sciences, you will understand critical technological processes and are able to assess the impact of innovation on companies, their environment and sustainability.

The combination of business economics, quantitative methods and technology offers you the opportunity to develop a unique multi-disciplinary approach towards business, which makes the Business Engineering programme extremely relevant in today's world. Moreover, the integration of all these disciplines is a priority in many companies, both in production environments and in the service sector (e.g. consultancy or ICT). After all, many solutions to complex business problems require input from a variety of disciplines.

The BBEng programme has also a strong international focus. Students can participate in exchange programmes with numerous partners both within and outside Europe.