

Curriculum Management


Structure entity SST/SC/PHYS
Denomination (PHYS)
Faculty Faculty of Science (SC)
Sector Sciences and Technology (SST)
Acronym PHYS
Postal address Chemin du Cyclotron 2 - bte L7.01.04
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Tel: +32 (0) 10 47 32 94 -  Fax: +32 (0) 10 47 30 68
Website /fr/facultes/sc/phys

Academic supervisor: Vincent Lemaitre (/repertoires/vincent.lemaitre)

Useful Contact(s)

  • Study advisor: Clément Lauzin (/repertoires/clement.lauzin)
  • Administrative manager for the student's annual program: Nathalie Micha (/repertoires/nathalie.micha)
  • Secretary of the School of physics: Catherine De Roy (/repertoires/catherine.deroy)