
Learning outcomes

The training offered in the Master 60 in Information and Communication responds to a specific profile sought after on the professional market. In parallel to the demand for specialists in information and communication, there is a market demand for graduates from other disciplines trained in information and communication. The objective of this programme is therefore to introduce students to the theories and methods of information and communication sciences. The aim is to enable them to master their own techniques, while enhancing their previous knowledge.
These objectives are pursued within four options: "Media Education", "Leuven School of Journalism", "Culture" and "Research in Information and Communication Sciences".

In addition to choosing one of these options, students will choose a module of courses related to one of the subfields of information and communication sciences: organisational communication, political communication, cultural studies, journalism studies, media education. Through these courses, students will deepen their theoretical and conceptual knowledge of research issues in one of the above subfields.

On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :

CG - Compétences générales 

A student graduating with a Master's degree in Information and Communication without having previously done a Master's degree will be able to:

  • CG1 Analyse and evaluate communication objects and processes in different social, political and cultural contexts to account for their effectiveness and the social, political and cultural issues they reveal and produce. 
  • GC2 Express ideas orally, in writing and through multimedia in a coherent and convincing way, respecting the ethics of the profession.
  • CG3 Adapt their messages to different audiences.
  • CG4 Synthesise and criticise information needed for written communication of research.
  • CG5  Develop and conduct an independent research project. 
  • CG6  Select and implement the methodological and interpretative procedures needed to carry out research.
  • CG7  Write a research report.
  • CG8  Demonstrate a basic level of professional competence in the chosen option.

CS - Education 

Competences specific to the "Media Education" option: 

The student will be able to: 

  • CS - EDU 1  Know the main socio-educational and popularisation media devices, and their stakes in terms of knowledge ;
  • CS - EDU 2 Identify the sector of activity of Media Education and the modes of educational interventions that are deployed in it;
  • CS - EDU 3 To know how to evaluate the educational effects of media and popularisation devices with regard to ad hoc typologies;
  • CS - EDU 4 As a collaborator, design, manage and evaluate media devices and documents intended to produce educational or learning effects on various audiences (awareness raising, prevention, promotion, training, teaching, appropriation, etc.):
    • CS - EDU 4.1  Identify communicative solutions appropriate to an individual or social problem ;
    • CS - EDU 4.2  Choose an educational and possibly playful strategy;
    • CS - EDU 4.3  Script a message or a socio-educational device;
    • CS - EDU 4.4  Develop technically and graphically this device;
    • CS - EDU 4.5  Work cooperatively within a multidisciplinary professional team;
    • CS - EDU 4.6  Adopt a rigorous working method based on proven design methodologies;
    • CS - EDU 4.7  Support the dissemination and valorisation of your production.

Competences specific to the "Leuven School of Journalism" option: 

  • CS - EJL 1 Mastering journalistic techniques and approaches in the written press.
  • CS - EJL 2 Master the socio-economic stakes of information in their organizational and management dimensions.
  • CS - EJL 3 Master the critical culture of journalism in its dimensions of knowledge of current events, history and sociology of journalism.
  • CS - EJL 4 Master the theoretical and practical issues of legal, deontological and ethical regulation of the media
  • CS - EJL 5 Master the knowledge and critical frameworks necessary to understand the socio-political issues of information.
CS - Culture 

Specific competences for the "culture" option: 

The student will be able to: 

  • CS - CULT 1 Understand the specificities of media and popular cultures, their contents, their contexts and production, their contexts and uses of reception;
  • CS - CULT 2 Understand the issues at stake in popular and media cultures, particularly those of gender, diversity and interculturality, and be able to analyse their productions and devices from these perspectives
  • CS - CULT 3 Master the tools that allow the analysis of the contents of these popular and media cultures, the systems and contexts of production, the uses and context of reception;
  • CS - CULT 4 Master the theoretical knowledge and issues of research on popular and media cultures.
CS - Recherche Specific competences for the option "Research in Information and Communication Sciences":
  • CS - RECH 1 A first axis (LCOMU 2100, LCOMU 2101, LCOMU2160, LCOMU2102) will enable students to: 
    • CS - RECH 1.1 Deepen their epistemological knowledge on the constitution of knowledge in information and communication sciences,
    • CS - RECH 1.2 Develop a transversal knowledge of contemporary research issues in the different subfields that make up the Communication Sciences,
    • CS - RECH 1.3 Understand the structuring issues of CIS in relation to other social sciences,
    • CS - RECH 1.4 Deepen the state of the art on a particular problematic related to one's research project (thesis).
  • CS - RECH 2 A second axis (LCOMU 2810, LANTR2000) will allow students to strengthen their methodological skills in both quantitative and qualitative data analysis.

CG - Compétences générales 

A student who has completed a Master's degree in Information and Communication and already holds a Master's degree will be able to:

  • CG 1 Analyse and evaluate communication objects and processes in different social, political and cultural contexts to account for their effectiveness and the social, political and cultural issues they reveal and produce.
  • CG 2 Express ideas orally, in writing and through multimedia in a coherent and convincing way, respecting the ethics of the profession.
  • CG 3 Adapt messages to different audiences.
  • CG 4 Act clearly, critically and creatively to manage a communication situation.
  • CG 5 Work effectively in groups and teams, respecting their partners.
  • CG 6 Demonstrate a high level of professional competence in the chosen options.

CS - Education 

Competences specific to the "Media Education" option:

The student will be able to: 

  • CS - EDU 1 Know the main socio-educational and popularisation media devices, and their stakes in terms of knowledge;
  • CS - EDU 2 Identify the sector of activity of Media Education and the modes of educational interventions that are deployed in it;
  • CS - EDU 3 Know how to evaluate the educational effects of media and popularisation devices with regard to ad hoc typologies;
  • CS - EDU 4 As a collaborator, design, manage and evaluate media devices and documents intended to produce educational or learning effects on various audiences (awareness raising, prevention, promotion, training, teaching, appropriation, etc.). The student will be able to: 
    • CS - EDU 4.1   Identify communicative solutions adapted to an individual or social problem ;
    • CS - EDU 4.2   Choose an educational and possibly playful strategy;
    • CS - EDU 4.3   Script a message or a socio-educational device;
    • CS - EDU 4.4   Develop technically and graphically this device;
    • CS - EDU 4.5   Work cooperatively within a multidisciplinary professional team;
    • CS - EDU 4.6   Adopt a rigorous working method based on proven design methodologies;
    • CS - EDU 4.7  Support the dissemination and promotion of your production;
    • CS - EDU 4.8  Design evaluation criteria based on identifiable indicators;
    • CS - EDU 4.9  Collect indicators or use existing ones;
    • CS - EDU 4.10 Synthesise results in a visual and intelligible form;  
    • CS - EDU 4.11 Suggest ways to improve the design based on the analysis.   
  • CS - EDU 5 Understand research reports and formulate issues that may lead to changes in educational practice.

Competences specific to the "Leuven School of Journalism" option: 

The student will be able to: 

  • CS - EJL 1 Master the journalistic techniques and approaches of each of the media, as well as of journalism integrated into a multimedia organization.
  • CS - EJL 2 Master the creation, organisation and realisation of journalistic productions in all their dimensions.
  • CS - EJL 3 Master the techniques of producing and writing short and long form journalistic narratives.
  • CS - EJL 4 Master the socio-economic stakes of information, including their organizational and management dimensions.
  • CS - EJL 5 Master the critical culture of journalism in its dimensions of knowledge of current events, history and sociology of journalism.
  • CS - EJL 6 Master the theoretical and practical issues of legal, deontological and ethical regulation of the media
  • CS - EJL 7 Master the knowledge and critical frameworks necessary to understand the socio-political issues of information.
CS - Culture 

Competences specific to the "Culture" option: 

The student will be able to: 

  • CS - CULT 1 Understand the specificities of media and popular cultures, their contents, their contexts and production, their contexts and uses of reception;
  • CS - CULT 2 Understand the issues at stake in popular and media cultures, particularly those of gender, diversity and interculturality, and be able to analyse their productions and devices from these perspectives
  • CS - CULT 3 Master the tools that allow the analysis of the contents of these popular and media cultures, the systems and contexts of production, the uses and context of reception;
  • CS - CULT 4 Master the theoretical knowledge and issues of research on popular and media cultures.
CS - Recherche Specific competences for the option "Research in Information and Communication Sciences":
  • CS - RECH 1 A first axis (LCOMU 2100, LCOMU 2101, LCOMU2160, LCOMU2102) will enable students to: 
    • CS - RECH 1.1 Deepen their epistemological knowledge on the constitution of knowledge in information and communication sciences,
    • CS - RECH 1.2 Develop a transversal knowledge of contemporary research issues in the different subfields that make up the Communication Sciences,
    • CS - RECH 1.3 Understand the structuring issues of CIS in relation to other social sciences,
    • CS - RECH 1.4 Deepen the state of the art on a particular problematic related to one's research project (thesis).
  • CS - RECH 2 A second axis (LCOMU 2810, LANTR2000) will allow students to strengthen their methodological skills in both quantitative and qualitative data analysis.