
Learning outcomes

Nowadays, more and more engineers are bringing their ingenuity and analytical skills to the healthcare field. The objective of the Master’s degree programme in biomedical engineering is to graduate engineers being capable of meeting the scientific and technological challenges of biomedical engineering in an ever-changing global and European context. Inherently multidisciplinary, this programme builds upon a strong collaboration between the sector of Sciences and Technologies, and the sector of Health Sciences.

Building up on students’ existing knowledge in basic sciences (physics, chemistry, mathematics) and life science (biology, anatomy, biochemistry and physiology), this Master’s degree programme offers the opportunity to develop multidisciplinary skills in a wide range of topics. Graduated students will be able to understand and model living systems and ultimately be able to design analytical or therapeutic tools (for example, developing new biomedical technologies).

Graduated students will have fundamental knowledge of the main fields of biomedical engineering: bioinstrumentation, biomaterials, imaging and medical physics, mathematical modelling, artificial organs and rehabilitation, bioinformatics and biomechanics. They will further acquire advanced training in one or more of these fields of expertise.

By choosing among several elective courses, students can opt either for polyvalent profile or one being more specialised. Fields of particular interest include (1) software development and algorithms for biomedical data; (2) biomaterials (implants, etc.); (3) biomechanics and medical robotics; (4) medical imaging and medical physics; (5) clinical engineering (i.e. engineering jobs in the hospital).

On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :

1. Demonstrate mastery of a solid body of knowledge and skills in basic science and engineering science allowing them to understand and solve biomedical engineering problems (Axis 1).

1.1 Identify and use biomedical engineering concepts, laws and reasoning to solve problems in a variety of areas:
-Develop algorithms and software particularly for dealing with biomedical data; analyse biological data and medical images
- Biomaterials (interfaces, biocompatibility, etc.)
-Biomechanics, motor control and medical robotics (for surgery and rehabilitation)
-Clinical engineering
1.2 Identify and use the modelling and calculation tools necessary to solve problems raised by the fields mentioned above
1.3 Validate problem solving results, notably those expressed in orders of magnitude:
-in particular validate models by comparing them to theoretical or experimental results

2.Organise and carry out a procedure in applied engineering related to the development of a product and/or a service that meets a need or solves a particular problem in the field of biomedical engineering (Axis 2).

2.1 Analyse a problem, take stock of its functionalities and constraints; create a specifications note that takes into account technical and economic limits.
2.2 Model a problem and design one or more technical solutions using mechanical, electric, electronic and computerised approaches with the specifications note in mind.
2.3 Evaluate and classify solutions with regard to all the criteria in the specifications note: efficiency, feasibility, quality, ergonomics, security, biocompatibility, etc.
2.4 Test a solution though a mock up, a prototype and/or a numerical model.
2.5 Formulate recommendations to improve a technical solution either to reject it or to explain necessary improvements to make the product operational.

3.Organise and carry out a research project to understand a physical phenomenon or new problem related to biomedical engineering (Axis 3).

3.1 Document and summarize the existing body of knowledge.
3.2 Suggest a model and/or an experimental device allowing for the simulation and testing of hypotheses related to the phenomenon being studied.
3.3. Write a summary report explaining the potentialities of the theoretical and/or technical innovation resulting from the research project.

4.Contribute as part of a team to the planning and completion of a project while taking into account its objectives, allocated resources, and constraints (Axis 4).

4.1 Frame and explain the project’s objectives (in terms of performance indicators) while taking into account its issues and constraints (resources, budget, deadlines). Understand the principal mechanisms that govern the healthcare economy as well as the financing of social security.
4.2 Collaborate on a work schedule, deadlines and roles, for example the division of labour among students.
4.3 Work in a multidisciplinary environment with peers holding different points of view; manage any resulting disagreement or conflicts.
4.4 Make team decisions and assume the consequences of these decisions (whether they are about technical solutions or the division of labour to complete a project).

5.Communicate effectively (speaking or writing in French or a foreign language) with the goal of carrying out assigned projects (Axis 5).

5.1 Identify the needs of the client or the user: question, listen and understand all aspects of their request and not just the technical aspects.
5.2 Present your arguments and convince your interlocutors (doctors, therapists, technicians, colleagues, clients, superiors) of your technological choices by adopting their language.
5.3 Communicate through graphics and diagrams: interpret a diagram, present results, structure information.
5.4 Read and analyse different technical documents (rules, plans, specification notes).
5.5 Draft documents that take into account contextual requirements and social conventions as well as the vocabulary specific to biomedical disciplines.
5.6 Make a convincing oral presentation (in French or English) using modern communication techniques.

6.Demonstrate rigor, openness and critical and ethical awareness in your work: using the technological and scientific innovations at your disposal validate the socio-technical relevance of a hypothesis or a solution (Axis 6).

6.1 Rigorously apply the standards of biomedical engineering (terms, units of measure, quality standards and security).
6.2 Find solutions that go beyond strictly technical issues by considering sustainable development and the socio-economic ethics of a project, particularly concerning the consequences of a medical or therapeutic practice;
6.3 Demonstrate critical awareness of a technical solution in order to verify its robustness and minimize the risks that may occur during implementation.
6.4 Evaluate oneself and independently develop necessary skills for “lifelong learning” in the field.