
Teaching method

Methods that promote multidisciplinarity

The Master’s degree programme in biomedical engineering is by nature interdisciplinary since it lies at the interface between engineering and biomedical sciences. It is grounded on a solid course programme that provides students with knowledge of the main areas in biomedical engineering as well as various majors in related disciplines.

Various teaching strategies

The teaching methods used in the Master’s degree programme in biomedical engineering are consistent with that of the Bachelor’s degree programme in engineering sciences: active learning, an equal mix of group work and individual work, and emphasis on the development of non-technical skills.
A major characteristic of the programme is the immersion of students in research laboratories (for class laboratories, case studies, projects, theses) exposing them to advanced methods and allowing them to learn by questioning. This process is very central for a research perspective.

Half of the student workload in the last year consists in the Master thesis fulfillment and offers students the possibility to deeply investigate. Given its size and context it provides a true initiation into the working life of an engineer or researcher.

Diverse learning situations

Learning is achieved by various pedagogical methods such as internships, case studies, classes, projects, exposure to cutting edge research and meetings with key industrial players in the field.
This variety of teaching techniques allows students to learn in an iterative and progressive way.

The business creation major is based on an interactive teaching method and is oriented toward problem-based learning. Throughout the program, students work in multidisciplinary teams to participate in group projects. The Master’s thesis is multidisciplinary in nature so that groups of three students, ideally from different academic departments, can work on a business creation project.