
Mobility and/or Internationalisation outlook

Taking part in the Erasmus programme

It is enriching to pursue part of one’s programme at a foreign university. Immersed in a new environment, students develop their ability to be adaptable and self-reliant. Furthermore, they often deepen their knowledge of a language other than French and discover a different culture.

For these reasons, Saint-Louis - Bruxelles encourages participation in student exchanges, whether through . It is also possible to participate in an Erasmus Belgica exchange at a Flemish university. Students studying Germanic languages can take part in an Erasmus exchange during the first term of the third year. The exchange is equivalent to 30 credits.

Trips to Germanic-language countries

Each year, teachers organise a trip (focused on language and culture) to the United Kingdom, Austria, Flanders or the Netherlands. This trip is partly subsidised by the university. However, students will be asked to participate fully in its preparation.

Language study grants

Students who have submitted a motivated request can obtain a in a European country during the summer holidays. Possible destinations include the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Austria. The grant covers up to half the cost of the language course and accommodation.
