
Access Requirements

Master course admission requirements are defined by the French Community of Belgium Decree of 7 November 2013 defining the hiher education landscape and the academic organisation of courses.

General and specific admission requirements for this programme must be satisfied at the time of enrolling at the university.

Unless explicitly mentioned, the bachelor's, master's and licentiate degrees listed in this table or on this page are to be understood as those issued by an institution of the French, Flemish or German-speaking Community, or by the Royal Military Academy.

In the event of the divergence between the different linguistic versions of the present conditions, the French version shall prevail.

Specific access requirements

In addition to fulfilling the specific conditions described here below, candidates must provide proof of sufficient command of the French language (level B2 of the ).
Given the organization of courses taught in English within the programme, a sufficient command of this language (level B1 of the ) is strongly recommended.



!!! As part of this Masters degree, the agreement between the student and the company must be signed before the student's enrollment in the program (no later than October 31st), or the enrollment will not be considered as valid (art. 11 of the decree of June 30, 2016 concerning work-linked-training). !!!

University Bachelors

Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
UCLouvain Bachelors
Bachelor in Management (Mons campus)
Bachelor : Business Engineering (Mons campus)
Bachelor in Economics and Management (Louvain-la-Neuve campus)
Bachelor : Business Engineering (Louvain-la-Neuve campus)
Direct access > Online enrolment (/fr/etudier/inscriptions/futurs-etudiants.html)
Other UCLouvain bachelor degreesMeet the . Access based on application If the general and specific requirements are met, application-based enrolment is possible with a maximum of 60 crédits supplementary classes  > Online enrolment (/fr/etudier/inscriptions/futurs-etudiants.html)
Others Bachelors of the French speaking Community of Belgium
Bachelor in Management
Bachelor in Economics and Management
Bachelor Business Engineering
Direct access > Online enrolment (/fr/etudier/inscriptions/futurs-etudiants.html)
Autre programme de bachelierMeet the . Access based on application If the general and specific requirements are met, application-based enrolment is possible with a maximum of 60 crédits supplementary classes  > Online enrolme (/fr/etudier/inscriptions/futurs-etudiants.html)
Bachelors of the Dutch speaking Community of Belgium
Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen
Bachelor handelsingenieur Bachelor in de handelswetenschappen
Direct access > Online enrolment (/fr/etudier/inscriptions/futurs-etudiants.html)
Other Bachelor degreesMeet the . Access based on application If the general and specific requirements are met, application-based enrolment is possible with a maximum of 60 crédits supplementary classes  > Online enrolment (/fr/etudier/inscriptions/futurs-etudiants.html)
Foreign Bachelors
Non-Belgian degrees in economics and management (or equivalent) issued by a recognized academic institution.Meet the . Access based on application If the general and specific requirements are met, application-based enrolment is possible with a maximum of 60 crédits supplementary classes  > Online enrolment (/fr/etudier/inscriptions/futurs-etudiants.html)

Non university Bachelors

> Find out more about links to the university

Holders of a bachelor's degree, from long type belgian non-university higher education, in commercial engineering or in business management may, after analysis of the file by the jury, have access to the Master 120 in Management with possible additional teaching unit(s) (EU) .

Holders of one of the short non-university bachelor's degrees listed below have access to the Master 60 in Management with the addition of a minimum of 45 credits and a maximum of 60 credits of additional teaching units (EU) (= complementary module) > List of additional teaching units of the complementary module .

Holders of a 2nd cycle University degree

Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
Belgian Licence in Economics
Belgian Licence in Management
Belgian Licence in Applied Economics
Belgian Licence in Business Engineering
Meet the . Access based on application Composition of the programme to be determined according to the student's background and specialization needs. Possibility of possible valuation of credits.
If general and specific requirements are met > possibility of access on file with the possible addition of a maximum of 60 additional credits into the master's programme > Submit a UCLouvain online access request (/fr/etudier/inscriptions/futurs-etudiants.html)
Belgian Master 60 credits in Management Direct access Possibility of valuation of max. 45 credits.
Belgian Master 60 credits in EconomicsMeet the Access based on application

Composition of the programme to be determined according to the student's background and specialization needs. Possibility of possible valuation of credits.

If general and specific requirements are met > possibility of access on file with the possible addition of a maximum of 60 additional credits into the master's programme > submit a UCLouvain online access request (/fr/etudier/inscriptions/futurs-etudiants.html)

Any other Belgian Master'sMeet the Access based on application If general and specific requirements are met > possibility of access on file with the possible addition of a maximum of 60 additional credits into the master's programme > submit a UCLouvain online access request
Non-Belgian Master's university degree issued by a recognized academic institutionMeet the Access based on application

Composition of the programme to be determined according to the student's background and specialization needs. Possibility of possible valuation of credits.

If general and specific requirements are met > submit a UCLouvain online access request (/fr/etudier/inscriptions/futurs-etudiants.html)

Holders of a non-University 2nd cycle degree

Degrees and titles corresponding to 2nd cyle non-university degrees do not allow access to the programme.

Access based on validation of professional experience

> It is possible, under certain conditions, to use one's personal and professional experience to enter a university course without having the required qualifications. However, validation of prior experience does not automatically apply to all courses. Find out more about Validation of priori experience.

(with the exception of specialized masters).

For professionals who wish to acquire basic training in management sciences, consult Master [60] in Management (shift schedule) (Mons site) or Master [60] in Management (shift schedule) (Charleroi site).

Access based on application

Access based on application : access may be granted either directly or on the condition of completing additional courses of a maximum of 60 ECTS credits, or refused.

In the event of access on file, and depending on the diploma you hold, please refer to the "general and specific conditions of access" which can be downloaded in PDF format by simply clicking on the hyperlinks given in the tables above.

Admission and Enrolment Procedures for general registration