
Learning outcomes

By the end of their bachelor's degree in business engineering, students will have acquired:

I. The disciplinary and methodological foundations of economics and management

  • A practical command of the fundamental concepts and models of economics and management
  • The basic methodological tools needed for an academic approach to economics and management
    • The ability to model economic phenomena
    • A command of the foundational fields of management
      All economics and management CUs in years 1 and 2
  • The ability to analyse real economic and management issues
    Seminar courses in year 2 and year 3, advanced courses in economics and management in year 3
  • An in-depth understanding of the ethical and political dimensions of economic analysis
    In particular, the reflective and interdisciplinary dimensions of year 3 courses in economics
  • The ability to use mathematics and computer models to support analytical reasoning
  • The ability to apply mathematical modelling to economic and social issues
  • The ability to use mathematical and statistical tools to solve economic and management problems
    All CUs in mathematics and statistics
  • The ability to produce abstract reasoning using a formalised language and adopt a critical distance with respect to this process
    All CUs in quantitative methods; series of CUs in information technology

II. A grounding in areas which are complementary to economics and management

  • A practical command of core knowledge in the human, legal and social sciences which are essential for the analysis of economic and management issues
  • A knowledge of the major areas of thought underlying the social sciences and humanities
    List of CUs in philosophy, sociology, political science, etc. CUs in law
  • The ability to see the connections between the different disciplinary skills and identify their complementarities
    Introductory interdisciplinary CUs: Ethics and the economy, Economic history, Economics: interdisciplinary perspectives

III. A grounding in science

  • An understanding of the scientific underpinnings of technological processes and information management and their respective implications in a management perspective
    • An understanding of the fundamental concepts in chemistry and physics
    • Knowledge of basic technologies in the fields of chemistry and physics
    • Experience with the complexity of the processes of industrial chemistry and physics and the ability to discuss these with specialists in the field who are active in a business context
      CUs in chemistry and physics; CUs in technology
    • The ability to use computer software and model problems in algorithmic form
      Series of CUs in the area of information technology

IV. A grounding in the scientific method

  • The ability to demonstrate intellectual rigour in their academic work and analytical skills
  • The ability to critically compare theoretical insights with real situations
  • The ability to use the knowledge resources available at university, notably by acquiring expertise in the use of the methods and tools of documentary research
    • The ability to make use of the models presented in lectures to solve real problems
      LO of the practical work associated with CUs in economics, management and econometrics
    • The ability to manipulate and present quantitative data to illustrate economic and social phenomena
      LO of the practical work in statistics, LO of the practical work in Economics II
    • The ability to maintain a critical distance with respect to theory and to critically review and analyse academic texts

V. High-level written and oral communication skills

  • The ability to demonstrate written and oral communication skills in two languages in addition to French, while defending a scholarly argument or presenting a piece of research in accordance with academic ethics
    • The ability to produce intellectually rigorous personal reasoning, and to defend it both in written and oral forms
    • The ability to carry out university-level research work, notably through the use of statistical data
    • The ability to write a report in accordance with the standards of academic writing
      LO for the practical work for all economics and management courses; Company management simulation
    • Oral and written (passive and active) communication skills in English and Dutch, and more specifically, the ability to converse in both everyday and specialised language (in the social sciences and humanities) in these two languages
    • The ability to understand, examine and reproduce a theoretical concept learnt in class in these two languages
      All CUs in NL and EN in years 1, 2 and 3
    • A familiarisation with an environment in a language other than their own (stays abroad)
      ERASMUS exchanges in year 3