
Teaching method

Moving from secondary school to university involves change, with new subjects, new demands, a new environment and meeting new people. To ease this transition to UCLouvain FUCaM Mons, the educational support team offers a range of measures for students before the start of the academic year, during the year and during the university holidays; individual support is also available.

Before the start of the academic year, students are invited to take part in preparatory courses to get to know the university, the teaching staff, the other students and all members of the university community. These courses are also a good way to practise note-taking, get to grips with the working method and update your subject knowledge (maths, Dutch, etc.).

During the year there are other collective activities available, such as tutorials, supervised exam revision and methodology seminars (e.g. time management) on offer. The educational advisers are also available to meet with students individually and assess their situation in order to offer them personalised assistance (e.g. methodological supervision, a listening ear and support).

In the summer, the educational support team continues to keep an eye on students and offers tutorials on subjects that students had difficulty with during the academic year… another little helping hand on your path to success!

For more information about all the support measures available at UCLouvain FUCaM Mons, visit our web page: /fr/sites/mons/accompagnement-pedagogique.html (/fr/sites/mons/accompagnement-pedagogique.html).