
Access Requirements

Master course admission requirements are defined by the French Community of Belgium Decree of 7 November 2013 defining the hiher education landscape and the academic organisation of courses.

General and specific admission requirements for this programme must be satisfied at the time of enrolling at the university.

Unless explicitly mentioned, the bachelor's, master's and licentiate degrees listed in this table or on this page are to be understood as those issued by an institution of the French, Flemish or German-speaking Community, or by the Royal Military Academy.

In the event of the divergence between the different linguistic versions of the present conditions, the French version shall prevail.

Specific access requirements

Admission conditions

General and specific admission requirements for this Master’s programme must be satisfied at the time of enrolling at UCL:

1.     having acquired a Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent academic degree of minimum three years of undergraduate study corresponding to 180 ECTS credits;

2.     having followed courses in mathematics, statistics and economics at an introductory level is mandatory; having an additional introduction to agricultural, environmental or food sciences is recommended; and

3.     proofing English proficiency at the minimum level of B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ( see ).

Applicants not meeting these admission conditions need to follow additional supplementary courses. The modified study programme will be established with the Study Adviser of the Faculty.

The admission to the inter-university AFEPA programme is subject to specific conditions including English proficiency at the minimum level of a TOEFL score of 550 (paper version) or 80 (internet version) or an overall band IELTS score of 6.5 with no sectional score below 5.5 or with a signal deemed equivalent. Notwithstanding these admission criteria, individual partner institutions reserve their right to determine the final admission eligibility of each applicant.
Applicants are requested to respect deadlines for their application. Additional information is provides at

University Bachelors

Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
UCLouvain Bachelors
Bachelier en sciences géographiquesvoir www.uclouvain.be/afepa Access based on application
Bachelier en sciences économiquesvoir www.uclouvain.be/afepa Access based on application
BIR1BAvoir www.uclouvain.be/afepa Access based on application
Others Bachelors of the French speaking Community of Belgium
Bachelier en sciences géographiques et/ou environnementalesvoir www.uclouvain.be/afepa Access based on application
Bachelier en sciences sociales et/ou économiquesvoir www.uclouvain.be/afepa Access based on application
Bachelier en sciences de l'ingénieur, orientation bioingénieurvoir www.uclouvain.be/afepa Access based on application
Bachelors of the Dutch speaking Community of Belgium
Tout grade de bachelier en sciences sociales, économiques, agronomiques, géographiques et/ou environnementalesvoir www.uclouvain.be/afepa Access based on application
Foreign Bachelors
Tout grade de bachelier en sciences sociales, économiques, agronomiques, géographiques et/ou environnementalesvoir www.uclouvain.be/afepa Access based on application

Non university Bachelors

> Find out more about links to the university

Diploma Access Remarks
BA en agronomie, orientation agro-industries et biotechnologies - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 45
BA en agronomie, orientation agronomie des régions chaudes - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 45
BA en agronomie, orientation environnement - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 45
BA en agronomie, orientation forêt et nature - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 45
BA en agronomie, orientation techniques et gestion agricoles - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 45
BA en agronomie, orientation techniques et gestion horticoles - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 45
BA en agronomie, orientation technologie animalière - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 45
BA en chimie, orientation biochimie - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 45
BA en chimie, orientation biotechnologie - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 45
BA en chimie, orientation chimie appliquée - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 45
BA en chimie, orientation environnement - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 45
Les enseignements supplémentaires éventuels peuvent être consultés dans le module complémentaire. Type court

Holders of a 2nd cycle University degree

Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
Tout grade de master en sciences sociales, agronomiques, économiques, géographiques et/ou environnementalesvoir www.uclouvain.be/afepa Access based on application

Holders of a non-University 2nd cycle degree

Aucune passerelle dans le cas de ce master.

Access based on validation of professional experience

> It is possible, under certain conditions, to use one's personal and professional experience to enter a university course without having the required qualifications. However, validation of prior experience does not automatically apply to all courses. Find out more about Validation of priori experience.

Access based on application

Access based on application : access may be granted either directly or on the condition of completing additional courses of a maximum of 60 ECTS credits, or refused.

Admission and Enrolment Procedures for general registration

Tout étuidant postulant à ce master est invité à consulter les pages suivantes  pour connaitre les dates limites d'inscription à ce programme interuniversitaire.

Pour MISSOL : 

En complément à l’information générale reprise ci-dessus, vous devez remplir les conditions supplémentaires suivantes :

1. Ne pas avoir échoué plus d’une fois durant le parcours d’un programme au sein d’une même filière d’étude,

2. Ne pas avoir obtenu (toutes années confondues) une moyenne inférieure à 12/20.