
Learning outcomes

Master in Biomedicine students must endeavour to become health sector professionals capable of conducting and interpreting scientific projects aimed at improving, diagnosing and treating human diseases. To this end, students will apply themselves to developing the necessary skills and knowledge for the acquisition and robust analysis of biomedical observations and the planning of original research projects in the field of human health.

Through their choice of focus and option, students pursuing the Master in Biomedicine programme will study in depth a specific area of expertise, such as: molecular and cellular psychopathology, cancerology, neuroscience, nutrition, toxicology or clinical research. In the Master’s programme, the emphasis is placed on practical training, through the completion of a research project in a health science laboratory and by means of a work placement in a professional environment, possibly abroad.

The objective of the School of Biomedical Sciences is to produce not only experts in the major areas of biomedical knowledge, but also medical research professionals who will help shape the diagnostic and therapeutic developments of the future.


On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :

1. Use their integrated and evolving knowledge in biomedicine

1.a Use the general methodologies and knowledge in experimental biomedicine: normal and pathological biochemistry and molecular biology, cellular biology, general and special histology, general anatomy, general and special physiology.
1.b Understand and review the experimental approaches and observation methods that resulted in this knowledge base
1.c Display command of modern knowledge sources and be able to identify from them new and specific information, and to review and consider them.

2. Develop an experimental strategy and conduct biomedical experiments

2.a Identify and formulate a biomedical research problem:
- formulate hypotheses and identify the implications;
- then deduce a structured experimental strategy.
2.b Plan and organise the successive steps of an experiment protocol:
- understand and describe point by point experiment protocols accurately and precisely, so that they may be reproduced by another scientist;
- plan the entire monitoring procedure (positive and negative checks).
2.c Manipulate biological and chemical equipment, demonstrating manual dexterity and a meticulous approach and observing laboratory best practices, including safety and waste management.
2.d Display command of measuring and imaging instruments, as well as the IT tools associated with them.
2.e Utilise the results of biological or clinical analyses stored in databases.

3. Analyse, review and draw conclusions from biomedical experiments

3.a Analyse the observations in a robust and critical manner:
- develop analogical and deductive reasonings;
- identify correlation and causality links;
- identify and correct errors of logic.
3.b Interpret and represent the results of experiments by means of mathematical modelling, graphical representations, reasoning and statistical tools:
- utilise the dispersion of continuous variables as a source of information.
3.c Demonstrate their openness and creativity by recognising failures and identifying the causes; recognising unexpected observations and identifying their usefulness; reformulating their original hypotheses and developing a counter-hypothesis.

4. Communicate and present an argument effectively, both verbally and in writing

4.a Improve their biomedical vocabulary and use it in a precise and balanced manner in French and scientific English.
4.b Write scientific reports in French and English in accordance with scientific publication standards in biomedicine:
- argue the pertinence of the experimental strategies selected and the conclusions put forward;
- compare these data with those of similar studies published in scientific literature;
- identify any differences, suggest possible causes and plan any necessary additional experiments.
4.c Deliver an oral presentation in accordance with scientific standards in biomedicine:
- outline in detail the experimental approach used and the results obtained, in order to discuss them with the other members of the team.

5. Conduct themselves as professional researchers, equipped to set out on a scientific career

5.a Work as part of a team of researchers.
5.b Practise scientific integrity:
- recognise their errors and correct them;
- quote their sources and avoid plagiarism;
- understand and apply the rules relating to experimentation.
5.c Develop their learning by cultivating scientific curiosity and participate in the dissemination of knowledge based on robust scientific thinking.
5.d Understand the rules of scientific publication.

6. If they choose the Research focus: display command of the specific knowledge base and conduct an original research project in a specialist field of biomedicine

6.a Have a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles and concepts of one of the following areas of biomedicine: molecular and cellular pathophysiology, cancerology or neuroscience; understand the diagnostic and therapeutic developments associated with the chosen field.
6.b Understand the constraints on the development of a scientific project, whether it concerns basic or applied research; structure and substantiate a funding application; identify the subject of a patent and be familiar with the submission procedure.
6.c Use the skills acquired during the Master's programme in a new professional environment, whether it is an institution or a company involved in biomedical research.

7. If they choose the Professional focus in nutrition, conduct themselves as experts in forging a link between nutrition and health, able to adopt a solid scientific and critical approach in the various professional environments concerned

7.a Have an in-depth understanding of the fundamental principles and concepts of basic and clinical nutrition and be able to use them to identify and test research hypotheses concerning mechanisms, prevention, diagnosis and treatment in the field of nutrition.
7.b Understand the constraints on the development of a scientific project, whether it concerns basic or applied research; structure and substantiate a funding application.
7.c Use the skills acquired during the Master's programme in a new professional environment, whether it is an institution or a company involved in nutrition in the broadest sense.

8. If they choose the Professional focus in toxicology: incorporate the multidisciplinary skills required to evaluate and prevent risks to human health caused by chemical

8.a Understand and use the fundamental principles and concepts of modern toxicology.
8.b Plan, conduct and interpret an experimental toxicological study.
8.c Critically analyse and summarise the available toxicological data for a chemical substance and incorporate this information in a regulatory context (in particular the European regulation REACh).

9. If they choose the Professional focus in clinical biomedicine: incorporate the knowledge and skills required to participate in large-scale clinical studies

9.a Incorporate the knowledge and skills enabling them to understand the purpose and pertinence of a new diagnostic or therapeutic tool in relation to a human pathology.
9.b Plan, conduct and interpret a large-scale clinical study, applying the appropriate IT and statistical analyses.