
Additional courses (preparatory module) to the master course

To access  this Master, students must have a good command of certain subjects. If this is not the case, students must take supplementary classes chosen by the faculty to satisfy course prerequisites.

FR q1  25h+20h  4 credits      
Jacques Marquet

FR q1  30h+30h  5 credits      
Marie Delacre
, Marie Delacre (compensates Rainer von Sachs)

FR q2  30h  5 credits      
Joseph Amougou
, Joseph Amougou (compensates Benjamin Chemouni)

Optional LSPED1215  Gender and Societies
FR q2  30h  5 credits      
Ester Lucia Rizzi

FR q2  30h  5 credits      
Bruno Masquelier

FR q2  25h+20h  4 credits      
Nathalie Burnay

Optional LUCLA1000  MOOC Penser critique
FR     5 credits      
FR     5 credits      
Pierre Baudewyns

Optional LESPO1114  Political Science
EN q1 or q2  30h  5 credits      
Jehan Bottin (compensates Pierre Baudewyns)
, Min Reuchamps

Optional LCOPS1115  Economic Policy
FR q1  45h+15h  5 credits      
Tanguy Isaac
, Arastou Khatibi

FR q1 or q2  40h  5 credits      
Jean De Munck
, Hugues Draelants