30 crédits
Content:Cours du 2e bloc annuel (14 credits)LCHM1311 Environmental chemistryLESPO2100 Political economyFR
q1 30h+15h 3 credits
LCHM1232 Mathematics applied to chemistryFR
q1 30h+30h 3 credits
Cours du 3e bloc annuel (16 credits)LCHM1391 ProjectFR
q1 45h+45h 6 creditsTeacher(s):
> Benjamin Elias
> Charles-André Fustin
> Raphaël Robiette
> Ludovic Troian-Gautier
> Alexandru Vlad
Benjamin Elias , Charles-André Fustin , Raphaël Robiette , Ludovic Troian-Gautier , Alexandru Vlad
LCHM1320 ChimiometryLCHM1352 Physical methods of chemistry