

The evaluation methods comply with the regulations concerning studies and exams. More detailed explanation of the modalities specific to each learning unit are available on their description sheets under the heading “Learning outcomes evaluation method”.

The student will be evaluated mainly on the basis of his or her personal work (reading, consulting bibliographic databases and references, writing reports, presenting seminars, dissertation, internship, etc.).

The student will also be assessed on his capacity to assimilate the various courses. Where possible, evaluation will be continuous, including regular “open book” tests. The evaluation of the thesis will be done in two stages: during a progress report meeting and during the final presentation.

In order to obtain the average note, the grades obtained for the teaching units are weighted by their respective credit value.
If a student enrolled in a January examination has not been able to present the examination for duly justified reasons (“force majeure”), he may apply to the President of the Jury for permission to present the examination in June. The President of the Jury shall judge the relevance of the application and, if the course holder agrees, may authorize the student to present the examination in June.