
Learning outcomes

The Masters in Environmental Sciences and Management is offered as a priority to students who have completed a Masters level course of study at one of the faculties in the science and technology sector, human sciences sector or health sciences sector, or at a college of further education. The admission requirements are those of an advanced Masters.
Teaching on environmental sciences and management offers both graduate students and professionals the opportunity to learn about the basic principles of environmental sciences and the management of environmental problems that are complex by nature and involve several disciplines.

The student programme is partially tailored to suit their initial training. Part of the programme is aimed at allowing them to acquire basic knowledge in the various disciplines involved in environmental issues, in science and technology (chemistry, biology, ecology, IT, mathematics, statistics, geography...) and in human sciences (sociology, law, economics, philosophy...). Part of the programme is intended to address environmental issues through various disciplines (economics, law, politics, toxicology, science and technology). Finally, part of the programme is designed to develop the ability to approach environmental issues across disciplines, integrating their respective contributions (multidisciplinary approach) and to identify and negotiate consensual solutions with the different stakeholders.

Upon completion of the programme, the Master of Environmental Sciences and Management will be able to take a mediating role, alone or within a team, to resolve environmental issues: to gain an understanding of the problem and to analyse it as a whole, to summarise the positions of the various stakeholders, including experts, to communicate these comprehensibly to all parties, to develop and propose consensual solutions, to argue and negotiate with stakeholders.

On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :

1. To analyse the scientific, technical and non-technical dimensions of an environmental problem.

1.1 To identify the stakeholders concerned by the environmental issue: the general public, scientific experts, non-governmental organisations, public authorities, companies, etc.
1.2 To gather information, in French and English, on the various dimensions of the environmental issue: scientific, technical/technological, human, etc.
1.3 To use basic theoretical concepts in science and technology in an appropriate manner: chemistry, biology, ecology, toxicology, IT, mathematics, statistics, geography, etc. related to the environmental issue.
1.4 To use basic theoretical concepts in the human sciences in an appropriate manner: sociology, philosophy, law, economics, etc. related to the environmental issue.
1.5 To communicate with different stakeholders and with independent experts, to identify the elements underlying their respective viewpoints and to incorporate these into the analysis.
1.6 To establish links between the basic concepts in science and technology and the humanities to explain the environmental issue as a whole.
1.7 To work with colleagues to interpret all the aspects and facets of the environmental issue.

2. To construct and develop one or more solutions to tackle the environmental issue, factoring in the technological and non-technological aspects.

2.1 To summarise different types of documents related to an environmental issue (scientific and technical / technological and humanities)
2.2 To summarise the views of stakeholders involved in the environmental issue.
2.3 To develop innovative proposals for solutions to the environmental issue with the support of stakeholders, by combining the data and scientific, technical / technological and non-technical methods available.
2.4 To select proposals for solutions in as substantiated way (self-evaluation) that best fulfil the different dimensions of the environmental issue (scientific, technical / technological and non-technical).
2.5 To identify with different stakeholders and, in relation to each of them, to decipher their views and positions with regard to the environmental issue and anticipate their reactions to new data and proposals.
2.6 To evaluate solutions against all criteria (feasibility, consistency, stakeholders, etc.) and dimensions (scientific, technical / technological and humanities).

3. To communicate the proposed environmental solutions to the stakeholders.

3.1 To present the analysis of the environmental problem and the proposed solutions verbally and in writing, in a substantiated manner using modern communication techniques.
3.2 To adapt their language and vocabulary specifically taking the cultural differences of the conversational partners into consideration: colleagues, general public, scientific experts, non-governmental organisations, public authorities, businesses, etc.

4. To negotiate a consensual solution between environmental stakeholders, based on the various solutions proposed.

4.1 To interpret the views of stakeholders on the environmental issue.
4.2 To arbitrate the views of stakeholders on the environmental solutions.
4.3 To convince stakeholders of a common solution to the environmental issue through argumentation.
4.4 To make choices, alone or within a team, taking account of all the dimensions and all the stakeholders, with a view to reaching a consensual solution.