
Teaching method

The programme for the Master in Science and Management of the Environment and Sustainable Development includes a group of courses which are designed to provide students with basic knowledge of the different disciplines involved in the management of environmental problems and of sustainable development. A significant proportion of the courses are organized by different partner faculties. In this way, courses are given by specialists of each discipline.

The training programme focuses particularly on training students to use their knowledge and skills, through different kinds of individual and group works and also through a wide roleplay project (LENVI 2101, 6 credits),during which students hate to investigate and deal with the many different aspects of a real environmental problem; they have then to negociate  the technical, socio-economic and institutional solutions between all the involved parties (stake-holders.

The professional intership and its report are a final achievementr of the training, allowing students to put their knowledge and skills into practice to solve real environmental issues.